Level 18
Ok been making pretty good time. Doing nothing but melee. Considering the force point has a casting buff of +5 to melee if you cast 5 spells. But really, this has just been a melee build. Have almost 1000 hp reaper. And the reconstruct is really sweet. 600 elite and like 250 reaper? But good enough to always keep me alive.
Ya I don't have much to say about the casting side of this build, as I've found it completely unneceassary. I mean I cast lightning bolt or ball lightning or one other aoe, chain lightning? It does decent damage, but not like tempest attack. That's a 1500 hp damage aoe blast, every 30 seconds. But it kills lotta stuff, take out whole mobs. So the khopesh is tearing it up, and I've got a whelm too. The melee is just op so far. And then you get bookoo spells.
I plan on taking it into epics, so it'll be a further test of what this build can do. Problem is I have no khopeshes to sentient. But I can craft thunder forged and LGS. Maybe get a khopesh from the platinum quest? I would have to farm it. Don't know what Ed ill run... Maybe sd, maybe ld, maybe magister. Since I really need arcane epic pl.
I looked I have docent and a reconstruct belt from ravenloft. May turn this into a farm build. Since I don't think I have an epic bolt sphere. Epic flame, but not electric. Would like an acid one too. But I'll prob? Craft some stuff. Again I haven't a 30 set, but have gear from previous runs. Will have to piece stuff together.
But the build has been gravy train to 18 so far. Evasion ftw. Has kinda low AC and low prr mrr, but displacement. And spells. After I get to 20 I'll reconsider my choices. Found a few scroll spells, but mostly just been choosing two each level.
Now I just got another level to juke, then into epics. Haven't been epics for a couple months, so it'll be a fresh experience. May try to get some raids in. If I can find a raid run group. I've had offers. Don't know how this build will perform. And still have 8 ap left. Got 40 into ek, and 17? Into wf, and 20 into Harper. Harper looks pretty good. Max int. and sp and skills. So at 20 I'll give an ap breakdown and prob post some stats.
But this is sweet build. Melee dps with self heals. And trapping. I've really enjoyed running it.