Bard Songs are being improved!
- Bards no longer sing their songs individually, and will instead have their songs consolidated into a singular feat - Bardic Inspiration.
- Bardic Inspiration will include all Single-Target Bard Songs, and all area of effect Bard Songs will now constantly pulse from their location in an Ballad.
- Bardic Ballad becomes active at level 1, and contains Inspire Courage at the start. Bards gain Bardic Inspiration at Bard level 3, which contains Inspire Competence. Active Bard Songs that would be granted are instead changed to passive feats that display their effects and how they are applied.
- Inspire Courage now grants a Music bonus to Attack, Damage, saves versus Fear, and Universal Spell Power. These start at a base of +1 Attack, Damage, Saves vs Fear, and three Universal Spell Power.
- Inspire Competence now grants a +4 Music bonus to all Skills.
- Inspire Greatness now grants a Music bonus to Physical Resistance Rating and Healing Amplification, as well as 20 temporary hit points.
- Inspire Heroics will give a +4 Music bonus to all saves, +4 Music bonus to Armor Class, and +4% Music bonus to Dodge.
- Bards at level 8 are automatically granted Soothing Song, an active feat that heals all allies in a large area and costs one Bard Song.
- The Ballad
- At Bard level 1, with 3 ranks in Perform, all players in the [COLOR=#40e0d0][B]Ballad receive the benefits of Inspire Courage.
- At Bard level 9 with 12 ranks in Perform, all players in the Ballad receive the benefits of Inspire Greatness.
- Arcane Shield Chant is now part of the Ballad, providing 2/4/6 to Elemental Resistance.
- Ironskin Chant is now part of the Ballad, providing DR 2/4/6 and adds 2/4/6 to the Physical Resistance Rating granted from Inspire Greatness.
- Reckless Chant is now part of the Ballad, providing 2/4/6 Doublestrike, Doubleshot, and adds 2/4/6 to the Universal Spell Power of Inspire Courage.
- Expeditious Chant is now part of the Ballad, providing a 5/10/15% Action Boost bonus to Movement Speed.
- Chant of Power is now part of the Ballad, providing a 2/4/6% melee and ranged damage and spell critical chance for all spells.
- Inspire Excellence is now part of the Ballad, providing a +2 Music bonus to each ability score.
- All previously active feats that are now portions of the passive Ballad have octagonal icons instead of square icons.
- Inspire Excellence no longer is an active ability, benignly drops off active list. will remain in hotbars until dragged off, can no longer be dragged to hotbars.
- Bardic Inspiration
- After a brief animation and some music, this single Song will apply all of the previously available single target songs, and the shorter Spellsinger songs, to one ally (or yourself) at the same time. This costs one Bard Song.
- The duration is now one minute, plus 30 seconds per Bard level. Abilities that ride along with a Bard Song (such as Frolic from Song of Freedom), have its durations changed to match your Bard song. Effects and abilities that increase your Bard Song duration increase both the base Bard song effects in your Bardic Inspiration as well as anything else that comes with it.
- At Bard level 3, with 6 ranks of perform, this will include Inspire Competence.
- At Bard level 15, with 18 ranks in Perform, this will include Inspire Heroics.
- Spell Song Vigor is now part of this song, restoring spell points over time.
- Sustaining Song is now part of this song, restoring health.
- Music of the Dead adds to this, applying a negative energy heal to undead characters.
- Music of the Makers applies a Repair heal to Constructs and Living Constructs, and all scale with Positive, Negative, and Repair spell power.
- Spell Song Trance is now part of this song, granting a +1 Music bonus to all DCs, and a 10% Music bonus spell discount.
- Song of Arcane Might is now part of this song, granting +1 Music bonus to caster levels.
- The Song Fragments from Fatesinger now apply when you use your Bardic Inspiration, and are otherwise unchanged.
- There is now a general feat available to Bards level 12 and above with 15 trained ranks in Perform called Improved Bardic Music. This feat adds +1 to all Skills when Inspire Greatness is used, and grants an additional +1 to Armor Class, Dodge, and all saves when Inspire Heroics is used.
- Fatesinger
- Fatesinger will only prove the older activated Song version of Inspire Courage, not the Ballad or Bardic Inspiration. Fatesingers' ride-along buffs will trigger on both your Bardic Inspiration and the Fatesinger Inspire Courage. Some Fatesinger abilities will scale your Bard Songs in new ways:
- O Fortuna: +1/2/3 Physical Resistance Rating from Inspire Greatness, +1/2/3 personal Fortification and reflex saving throws.
- Allure: +3/6/9 Universal Spell Power from Inspire Courage, +2/4/6 to Perform, Haggle, and Bluff. +1 Song.
- Tailwind: +0/0/1 Damage from Inspire Courage, +1/2/3 competence to damage for missile weapons.
- Lucidity: +0/0/1 Attack from Inspire Courage, +2/4/6 Concentration/Diplomacy, +1/2/3 UMD, +1 Song.
- Warchanter
- Warchanter's 12th level Core Fighting Spirit now reads: +10 hit points, +1 Damage from Inspire Courage. Your Inspire Greatness now uses your Charisma score for its Temporary hit points, doubled in Epic levels.
- Warchanter's 18th level Core Victory Song now reads: The range of your Bardic Ballad is doubled. You have +20 hit points, and a Base Attack Bonus equal to your character level.
- The Warchanter Capstone now reads: You have +25 hit points, +2 Strength, and +2 Constitution. You can expend a Bard Song to scream the songs of your frozen ancestors, forcing enemies in an area to make a Fortitude saving throw versus Freeze, or be slowed significantly.