There are various things that help in game with avoiding physical damage, AC, PRR, dodge, incorporeality, etc. I feel like I have a reasonable sense of how much difference these make at different levels in the game, and the relative importance of each, which of course partly depends on light vs heavy builds. The ability to cope with, or not, incoming blows gives pretty instant feedback on how well physical defenses are doing.
There are in game various things that help with defense against mob spells: SR, MRR, increasing saves etc. I feel much less clear on what is important here, and how much difference it makes. I am not even sure how spell saves stack or not (e.g. illusion saves vs spell saves vs will saves), but that is a detail really. What I feel really unsure of is how it fits together, and what matters. Because mob spells are less frequent and more varied than physical blows, its harder to get a sense of what is or isn’t working.
To be clear, it is not that I find mob spells problematic, they rarely are (at least in elite where I mostly play), it is more that I don’t have a feel for what defenses are really helping, and what are just ‘nice to have’ and what are largely worthless. Better understanding would help me gear up more intelligently / effectively, and probably to survive better when in reaper.
Also, this is not a question in relation to any particular build, though I appreciate that the answers may be somewhat build type dependent, as they are for physical defences.