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  1. #1
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Lightbulb Radwolf - PDK - War Domain - Sylvanus - 15 Cleric / 3 Druid / 2 Monk

    I've been away from the game for a while, but sort of getting back in.

    My plan was to get somewhat more up to speed with the ridonkadonk end game crew by finally getting Epic Completionist, and as a secondary goal maybe getting the 9 divine PLs in full.

    With that in mind, the goal of the build is to crank out a few EPLs (and I might be way off base here in terms of survivability and/or possible dps off this build so would prefer a heads up asap):
    1) I'll be soloing a lot - R1 is the plan but might be unrealistic.
    2) Epics are the only relevant content
    3) I want to be melee

    My plan is:
    - Drow Maul of the Weapon Master with Prowess 5/5, Celerity 3/3 - [2 x non-sentient Epic Mournlode Maul with Silver/Cold Iron Augments for DR breaking as swap... or just 1 thunderforged maul which makes way more sense].
    - Wolf form (15% attack speed and 10% movement speed + survivability of Nature's Defense + Natural Fighting offense and defence x 3)
    - Dreadnaught Cleave fest
    - Improved Trip, Stunning Blow, and Takedown
    - Radiant Aura with some HAMP from PDK
    - Not centered, but Light Armor + Evasion from Monk
    - War Domain for +1 Crit Multi / Threat, another +2 Crit Threat from Sylvanus with the Maul (plus IC, OC and DC + Pulverizer in LD)
    - Displacement clickies via GS and Ghost Wolf for some Incorporeal
    - Quicken/Empower Heal for Heal Spells as needed, and just deal with the cooldown penalty
    - Legendary Dreadnaught / Divine Crusader

    PDK War Domain 15 Cleric of Sylvanus / 3 Druid / 2 Monk - order not a big deal beyond Druid at 1 for the skill points and taking of a metamagic.
    Lawful Neutral

    1 - Druid 1 - Empower Healing, Human Bonus - Stunning Blow
    3 - Quicken Spell
    6 - Cleave, M1 Bonus - Power Attack
    9 - Great Cleave
    12 - IC: Bludgeoning
    15 - Natural Fighting, M2 Bonus - Improved Trip (don't hate)
    18 - Natural Fighting
    21 - OC
    24 - Natural Fighting
    26 - Tactician
    27 - Epic Reflexes
    28 - Holy Strike
    29 - Dire Charge
    30 - Completionist
    30 - Scion of Arborea

    Radiant Servant - 34 (Aura, Reactive Heal)
    Nature's Warrior - 16 (+3 base damage, Ghost wolf, 15% helpless dam)
    Nature's Protector - 13 (Enchanted Defence 3/3, Nature's defense - 20 PRR/23 MRR)
    Warpriest - 8 (Divine Might, 10 PRR)
    Divine Disciple - 6 (+2 all saves, 9 USP)
    Shintao - 1 - 10 Positive Spell Power / 10 HAMP
    PDK - 2 (+11 - 40% HAMP, 3 STR & 3 CHA in Action Boost, Damage Boost from Core 1, 1 STR from Core 2) <-- I have the racial points but they're not super necessary - you could easily poach from Divine Disciple to get at least the 20% hamp, and the rest are just gravy.

    Starting stats:
    18 STR (level ups here)
    15 CON
    14 CHA (Divine Might into Str)
    14 DEX

    The only relevant super skill is Heal. Yay UMD obvs. Will probably grab Search for White Plume Mountain specifically.

    Twists I'll play by ear - probably Cocoon and Sense Weakness; then Meld or a Reflex Save boost. Need that epic completionist.

    I'm annoyed I can't do Blessed Blades to help break DR since Druid / Monk means Lawful Neutral is set in stone. I suppose I could go 2 Fighter if people think Evasion will be unworkable, but I'll otherwise just deal.

    Gearing is a pain that will involve multiple Excel spreadsheets I won't subject the forums to, but assume:
    - max-ish Strength and Tactics for stunning and vertigo,
    - decent PRR (light armor, cloak of the mimic 20/24 + insightful item),
    - some focus on Devotion and HAMP (thinking Light Dragontouched HAMP/HAMP/84 Devotion armor at 20, with Epic Claw Set because it's 2010 again),
    - deadly 10 item as a minimum,
    - okay Charisma,
    - some focus on Dex and saves.

    My main worries are:
    - Defenses aren't enough and I'll be shredded
    - Tactics won't work
    - No real melee power means damage will be anemic

    I will flag that I have been informed, "Radiant Aura is a trap, and, Empower Healing is a trap." But this was by a higher reaper eating powerhouse. I'm hoping it's untrue in baby reaper (I triple checked this sentence for typos).

    If anyone has experience with a similar bastion of melee mediocrity I'm particularly interested, but all thoughts are welcome.
    Last edited by Deathdefy; 11-21-2018 at 07:05 AM.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

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