What happened? I thought Sustaining was being granted as a class feat at L8? Because "all bards should be able to heal"?
Soothing Song is cr-p, to put it bluntly. Its a tiny heal, with a super long animation, that consumes a song. Anytime I need the heal, odds are I'm taking damage (or my tank is), and will likely take more damage during the animation than it actually heals when it finishes. It doesnt seem to benefit from Positive SP. At L8 bards will have access to CSW, which will likely give way more healing, with an instant cast. Even though Soothing is AOE, I can probably heal up everyone faster just with Cure Wounds spells.
Soothing needs to be instant cast, right off the bat. And it needs to be more than a trivial amount of HP (it was around 100 hp on my 12 Bard dojo char with ~400 Pos SP). Even Sustaining Song isnt that impressive ticking for ~30-40 HP every few seconds, but at least its long-term.
I'd suggest that Soothing Song go back to the original design intent, and be a HOT rider on Inspire. Then the Sustaining Song enhancement could improve that with something like "applies your Positive SP to Soothing Song", or maybe let it scale the healing by (Perform * 10)%, or maybe have it tick for a % of your max health in addition to the flat rate - I really wonder if it will be one of those things that's useless in endgame reaper because it doesnt scale, so its not OP in heroic hard. But I dont know how to scale it so its useful but not god mode from L8-30.
Honestly the temp HP from Inspire is more useful than Soothing, its like Warlock Lite. I suspect that Swash Auralocks are going to be enjoying the combo of Inspire and Brilliance ticking for temp HP, at least in Heroic.