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  1. #1
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    Default "Disciples Of Rain" Monday Orien static group reincarnating & looking for two more

    Hi. Our static group is planning to reincarnate to start on our 3rd life and we need 2 more players. Our group has been going steadily since 2014. We meet weekly Mondays at 8 PM Eastern time on the Orien server and play for 2 hours a session. We are easy-going in our approach to the game but do try to run all quests on elite when possible. All experience levels with the game are welcome as well as first-lifers [a couple of us will only be going into 2nd life]. Any class is also welcome as we have not yet decided what classes we will be playing in our next lives. In the past, we have done some light RP and, generally, limit our use of the AH and gear from alt-toons to desperately needed items preferring to use found gear (or gear traded within the group) for a more true RPG experience. We also mainly use voice chat to communicate so the ability to at least listen to that is a definite asset. We are a week or two away from reincarnating so should be starting at lvl 1 on the 19th or perhaps 26th of November (if you have a spare lvl 18-21 character though you are more than welcome to join us next Monday the 12th at 8PM).

    If you would like to join or have questions please preferably msg me on here or contact Cyrilath in game on Monday evenings.

  2. #2
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    Just to update we could still use one more player in our group. We reincarnated tonight and ran through Korthos getting to level 2. If you want to join us drop me a note on here or come on to Orien server Monday at 8pm eastern with a level 1-3 character and whisper Cyrilath or Tirana. All classes welcome.


    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightsong View Post
    Hi. Our static group is planning to reincarnate to start on our 3rd life and we need 2 more players. Our group has been going steadily since 2014. We meet weekly Mondays at 8 PM Eastern time on the Orien server and play for 2 hours a session. We are easy-going in our approach to the game but do try to run all quests on elite when possible. All experience levels with the game are welcome as well as first-lifers [a couple of us will only be going into 2nd life]. Any class is also welcome as we have not yet decided what classes we will be playing in our next lives. In the past, we have done some light RP and, generally, limit our use of the AH and gear from alt-toons to desperately needed items preferring to use found gear (or gear traded within the group) for a more true RPG experience. We also mainly use voice chat to communicate so the ability to at least listen to that is a definite asset. We are a week or two away from reincarnating so should be starting at lvl 1 on the 19th or perhaps 26th of November (if you have a spare lvl 18-21 character though you are more than welcome to join us next Monday the 12th at 8PM).

    If you would like to join or have questions please preferably msg me on here or contact Cyrilath in game on Monday evenings.

  3. #3
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    Hey, I'd be interested if you still need one more. I've played the game on and off since it went f2p and have quite a few builds I'd be interested in trying out, so I could fill pretty much any role the party needs and be quite happy with it. I have access to voice chat, could run a level 1 character through the quests you've already done pretty easily to catch up (mostly for the favor) or create a vet (or iconic) and stay at the groups level till it all equalizes properly.

    (I've never played on Orien, but I see that not being able to gear from alts won't be a problem, so I suppose that doesn't matter too much.)

  4. #4
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Hi all

    OK, first the obligatory apology, and welcome to new members -

    I'm not the "recruiting" type, so a big thank you to Cyrilath for taking over that job, because I'm loving our new members and really glad he brought them on board

    Second, got some administrative business to deal with -

    1) Got the airship upgraded, and looking for input with regard to new hold rooms/stateroom. We have room for one new stateroom and 3 new hold rooms, and I would like (even prefer) to add whatever the rest of you would like. For Staterooms, our current choices seem to be Bath House, Collegium, or Proving Ground. In the absence of any other input I'm likely to pick the Proving Ground, as that seems to provide the most benefit to our current group makeup. If anyone prefers something else, post here, or just buy the stateroom you want. Otherwise, I'll probably buy the Proving Ground by Monday.

    As for Hold Rooms, my (totally selfish) preferences are for Old Sully, Paradoxical Puzzle Box & Arcane Sanctum. Again, if anyone has different preferences, either post here or buy the upgrade you want and place it. I would prefer to place whatever the most people want, but would rather put my own thing in than leave a slot empty So, speak up by Monday, or be prepared to donate after

    2) What quests/chains/sagas to to/skip: Believe it or not, this is the first time I've ever played a third-life character, so I have no idea how much we can skip and still have enough XP to level. My personal preference is to play every quest in order of level, but I realize a) we might not need them all, and b) not all our members may have them all. So count this as your (first) chance to sound off on what you would like to do, and what you'd prefer to skip. For myself, I have vague notions that I'd like to complete some sagas this life, and also that I'd like to save some of the chains that give tokens for epic levels so we can run those for tokens to reincarnate without feeling like we're farming (hate farming), but not really sure how practical that sort of idea will turn out to be. Basically, let me know which chains you would like to run, which ones you would prefer to skip, and which ones you don't have and might not want to buy if they don't happen to be on sale (BTW, I think I have them all now, so not a concern for me). Also, I recognize some factions of favor are more valuable than others, so skipping both VON & Red Fens may just be not in the cards

    3) I know this isn't a priority for everyone, but when I joined this group it was billed as "light RP" and I do enjoy indulging in a little story here and there when it doesn't interfere to much with the gaming. so, here's a brief bit of background behind our guild name, and, following, a modest continuation of Tirana's backstory (btw: do, PLEASE, feel free to include any stories you may have for your own characters - I love reading this stuff ) As to the guild name: Way back in the depths of time, when we were beginning our first lives, we cast about for a name that would evoke an essence of working against the powers of evil, without displaying excessive pretentiousness ourselves. We noted that one of the groups most set against the way of life we wished to preserve were the Lord of Dust, and, as our guildleader at the time was a monk, Disciples of Rain seemed a suitable name to array ourselves against those forces of evil. That is where the name was born, and it still seems a reasonable reminder, even as some of us embark on our third lives as heroes of Stormreach, that a little humility may not be out of the question

    As for Tirana, while humility may not really be her strongest point, she does at least make an effort to do what's best for the group. Here's the latest chapter in her personal saga:

    Tirana woke slowly, feeling the autumn breeze stirring the fallen leaves in the grove. There was something...something she was supposed to remember? About a metal dog, and orcs setting a farm ablaze? Or was it a wolf, cold nose nudging her awake, work yet to be done? No, that was definitely no wolf. She opened her eyes and pushed, annoyed, at the skeletal fingers shaking her awake. "Who are you? And what is this place?" The skeleton paused. "Ah, good, you're awake. Took you long enough. Enjoyed your side trips in the human realms, I trust?"

    Tirana blinked, and sat up, slowly. "Side trips? What are you talking about? And, again, who are you?"

    The skeleton made an expression that could almost be called a smirk, except for the lack of any flesh to give it shape. "Nice to see you again, too, Tirana. Of course, reverence for your elders was never one of your strong points." It sighed (if something like wind through dead branches could really be described as a "sigh"), and continued "Allow me to (re)introduce myself. I am Tirkano, paused - Great-uncle? The relationships get hard to define after a few generations. At any rate, I have been" paused again, and Tirana got an eerie sense it was biting back distaste at the words - "I have been tasked with watching over you in this life, aiding you, as it were, to guide our family back from" it made a curious noise Tirana could only interpret as a discreet cough "dark times."

    Tirana gave a smirk of her own "Dark times? Family? Do tell. I'm afraid my memory is... sketchy"

    The skeleton, Tirkano, sighed again, a mournful sound well-suited to the autumn grove swirling with faded leaves. "I see a great deal of your memory has degraded over time. You have returned to us, O Scion of the House of Lithuin (sufficiently minor branch of the House of Vol to avoid the purges following the unfortunate actions of the leadership some 2-3 milennia ago), at a time of great significance. I have been chosen to help you to wend the narrow path back from our family's current regrettable political obscurity to regain some of the splendor of the past. It is true, our family was never part of the 'inner circle' of House Vol, but one could argue that that alone was what saved us, and opened the way to future possibilities when House Vol suffered its spectacular fall. True, few of our scions ever manifested the Mark of Death, but we all knew our way around the graveyard, so to speak. We bided our time, tending the resting places of more politically blessed contemporaries, waiting for our time to come. Now, at last, times have become sufficiently unsettled in Aerenal that those who once gave their allegiance to House Vol might at last find the way open to regain some measure of power. The opening is small, but those with sufficient skill and daring might find it adequate. This is why I have been awakened. It seems, unlikely as it may be, that one of our crypt-sweepers has managed to be reborn in the person of one with the potential for ...surprises. Somehow (don't ask me how, I'm a soldier, not a prognosticator), the essence of a scion of Lithuin has been mingled with the essence of... a hero? an adventurer? Hard to say. Nonetheless, someone with greater ambitions and talents than maintaining the City of the Dead, and the family has recognized an opportunity. Therefore, I have been designated to watch over and advise you as you begin this new existence in the service of... what, 'the Disciples of Rain"? Sounds a bit underwhelming to me, but I'll do what I can."

    Tirana paused, unhurried, for a long moment to give all of this some time to sink in. "So...I'm an elf now? with a skeleton sidekick? Cool. I doubt you'll be any more usful than the wolf or the metal dog were, but maybe you'll at least have the sense to stay the heck out of it when all **** breaks loose? Do try to keep up, uncle"

  5. #5
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    I am fine doing whatever quests. I own almoost everything now aside from the very newest stuff [and I can buy those if you want to do them] . I don't know which sagas we need to do to farm the tokens but feel free to point them out when we're at the right level. One thing, I really prefer that the first lifers in our group are able to level up when they are xp capped even if that results in slightly less xp for the group as a whole on some quests. Just my opinion, everyone should always get some xp for questing with us and as we have a mixture of people with first lifers with reincarnated people it seems this will be a bit more of an issue that it was before. I'm not sure how Tirana and other group members feel about it.

    By the way I added the Dex and Int puzzle box buff Tirana wanted to the ship last night. I wasn't sure how to put the platinum in the guild bank so I just added the buff. Hope that is ok. Also, thank you for writing your RP background Tirana. It was well done and I enjoyed reading it

    It's nice to have a couple of new people in the group...I always enjoy playing with you guys.


  6. #6
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    As one of the new players, I don't at all mind just sitting at xp cap and waiting for everyone to be capable of leveling. Realistically speaking if we don't do that, eventually us first lifers are going to significantly outstrip the rest of the group just by virtue of only needing half as much experience. Better to keep everyone at the same level, honestly I feel like a group of the same level sticking together is one of the main appeals of a static anyway.

  7. #7
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    I was really hoping I could fix it in time, but it's looking like it's a lost cause. My sleep cycle is a -little- off at the moment and by the time we're supposed to be running I'm going to be literally incapable of keeping my eyes open. It'll -definitely- be better next week but today just isn't going to happen for me, sorry. ;.;

    That said, I'd greatly appreciate if someone could keep track of what everyone else runs today so I can catch up before next week. Either that or someone can screenshot their quest list, we're early enough that it'd still be easy for me to figure out what I'm missing.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by halestone48 View Post
    I was really hoping I could fix it in time, but it's looking like it's a lost cause. My sleep cycle is a -little- off at the moment and by the time we're supposed to be running I'm going to be literally incapable of keeping my eyes open. It'll -definitely- be better next week but today just isn't going to happen for me, sorry. ;.;

    That said, I'd greatly appreciate if someone could keep track of what everyone else runs today so I can catch up before next week. Either that or someone can screenshot their quest list, we're early enough that it'd still be easy for me to figure out what I'm missing.
    Missed you tonight. We ran Marketplace 3's [Redfang and Swiped Signet], Sacred Helm and a couple of the Depths quests in Deneith (Despair and Darkness]. Hope you are feeling better next week.
    Last edited by Twilightsong; 12-11-2018 at 04:20 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightsong View Post
    Missed you tonight. We ran Marketplace 3's [Redfang and Swiped Signet], Sacred Helm and a couple of the Depths quests in Deneith (Despair and Darkness]. Hope you are feeling better next week.
    Alright neat, my sleep cycle is just about normalish again and I'll be awake this coming monday, and I ran through all five of those quests solo, so I'm all caught up now. See you guys in a few days.

  10. #10
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    Default Sorry

    Really sorry >.< yesterday was an extremely busy day for me and I flat out forgot and was exhausted by the time we were supposed to be running anyway.

    Sigh. What did I miss this time, I'll catch up again.

  11. #11
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by halestone48 View Post
    Really sorry >.< yesterday was an extremely busy day for me and I flat out forgot and was exhausted by the time we were supposed to be running anyway.

    Sigh. What did I miss this time, I'll catch up again.
    No worries. We missed you, would have liked to see you again, but in the end all we did was run the Waterworks chain (+ some slayers/rares in the WW "wilderness"). We decided to take level 5, and are undecided about whether to play next Monday (Christmas eve) or the Monday after (New Year's Eve). I suspect we'll end up waiting till after the new year to play again, but if folks are available and want to play, I don't have conflicting plans.


  12. #12
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    I won't be available on Christmas Eve, but New year's Eve I'll be good.

  13. #13
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    Won't be available tonight. Kind of hoping we're just meeting up again next week when the holidays are well and truly over.

  14. #14
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Update - we ended up playing both weeks during the holidays, ran Shan-to Kor & Catacombs, so mostly done with level 3s now. Tirana's 5th level, could level to 6, but holding off till one or more of the 1st-lifers gets capped & needs to level, in case Evanae's able to rejoin us. Speaking of which, if you'd like some company to catch up some time, just let us know, I can probably make time during the week, some others might as well.

  15. #15
    Community Member halestone48's Avatar
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    Default Apologies

    Sorry, I'm going to have to drop out. Life has just been busier than I expected of late. If it allows, I would love to rejoin you guys at some point, but for now it's just not working out.

  16. #16
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by halestone48 View Post
    Sorry, I'm going to have to drop out. Life has just been busier than I expected of late. If it allows, I would love to rejoin you guys at some point, but for now it's just not working out.
    I understand, RL gets in the way of many gaming plans. Thanks for letting us know

    Wishing you the best, and hope you'll think of us if scheduling makes it an option again

  17. #17
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    I am interested. What is the group roster and where do you to fill in a gap in class?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Update - we ended up playing both weeks during the holidays, ran Shan-to Kor & Catacombs, so mostly done with level 3s now. Tirana's 5th level, could level to 6, but holding off till one or more of the 1st-lifers gets capped & needs to level, in case Evanae's able to rejoin us. Speaking of which, if you'd like some company to catch up some time, just let us know, I can probably make time during the week, some others might as well.

  18. #18
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrowsworD View Post
    I am interested. What is the group roster and where do you to fill in a gap in class?
    Pretty sure we're all ready to level to 6 atm, we are:

    Tirana - wiz w/rogue splash (trapper, general utility - whatever spellcasting the group seems to need to fill in gaps)
    Cyrilath - bard/warlock
    Ubermensch - FvS (primary healer)
    Shartyrr - Paladin (main tank)
    Ahcarn - barbarian (melee dps)

    Pretty solid group, so anything you're interested in playing would fit in. I wouldn't say no to more arcane/elemental/ranged DPS, more/backup healing, or real crowd control, but really, anything would be welcome. Most important thing is to get along with the group and have fun

  19. #19
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Sorry I missed you - had company. I have a 6th lvl Ranger Roshon, which will be ready on Monday. What quests did you do on Monday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Pretty sure we're all ready to level to 6 atm, we are:

    Tirana - wiz w/rogue splash (trapper, general utility - whatever spellcasting the group seems to need to fill in gaps)
    Cyrilath - bard/warlock
    Ubermensch - FvS (primary healer)
    Shartyrr - Paladin (main tank)
    Ahcarn - barbarian (melee dps)

    Pretty solid group, so anything you're interested in playing would fit in. I wouldn't say no to more arcane/elemental/ranged DPS, more/backup healing, or real crowd control, but really, anything would be welcome. Most important thing is to get along with the group and have fun

  20. #20
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrowsworD View Post
    Sorry I missed you - had company. I have a 6th lvl Ranger Roshon, which will be ready on Monday. What quests did you do on Monday.
    We ran the Sharn Syndicate & a few other level 4s - only have Proof is in the Poison left to finish of the 4s now.

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