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  1. #21
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Default Thanks

    Thanks for letting me join you last Monday. We did 4 quests, Proof in Poison and 3 of the Heart crypts in Necropolis. Although I can't say it was a zerg it certainly was quicker than my regular group. Of course, we talk and joke and argue about stuff as we play.

    I plan to be there on Monday. See you then.

  2. #22
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Hi all.

    I have a few comments I'd like to make. First, and foremost - I love this group, and all the players in it. I'm in several static groups, and can honestly say this is the one I most look forward to each week. You guys are the best.

    Second - in case anyone didn't already know, I'm only the "guild leader" by default. When our original leader (Meta/Fishcatch) left, he promoted me to leader - I can only assume because I was the one who showed up most often, therefore, presumably, the one most likely to keep the group going after he was gone. I don't take the position as any sort of endorsement of my playstyle or preferences, only a wish to keep things going, because we have a rare and wonderful thing - a static group that's managed to survive more than a year.

    All that said, I've noticed since Meta left, we've kind of kept going on momentum alone - we like playing together (at least, I like you guys, can't speak for anyone else), rather than any kind of overall theme for what kind of group we're in. We started out as "light RP", and I like that, but it's kind of faded over time (also ok, since I enjoy the company), but other than having a reliable time to play together, we don't seem to have either developed a new focus or confirmed the original. I'd like to get some input from the rest (and, yes, that includes the newer members, not just the 2nd- and 3rd-lifers) as to what (if any) direction you'd all like to pursue for the future. All I can really say is we've got a cool group of players, and if we can find a focus that suits all of us, we could have many fun sessions in our future.

    As for me, I like the "light rp" angle, but have trouble initiating it - I'm much better at building on what others put forward than inventing a whole storyline from scratch (though I could make an effort at doing that too, if that's what the rest would like). I'm also ok with just running quests in order and trying to string them together with whatever storyline occurs along the way (ultralite RP? lol) If nothing else, that provides plenty of opportunity for improvisation

    There is one thing I've always wanted to try, but been hesitant to suggest, as I've always felt it wouldn't appeal to most, but I'll throw it out there anyway, just in case. That's a playstyle I can only call "let the new guy lead". Basically, it involves refraining from spoilers as much as possible, and letting whoever has the least experience with any given quest call all the shots (with allowances made for other players fulfilling their roles, like the rogue searching for traps, the tank blocking doorways, etc.) I don't know if the rest of you would go for it, but if you want to give it a try, I would be happy to. Sure, things would go slower, and we might occasionally fail and have to try again, but, to me, it's an intriguing way to keep things fresh, new, and unpredictable.

    Anyway, please chime in with your own preferences - we're early yet in this life, and have the opportunity to set things up however we like.


  3. #23
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    Default Sorry

    First of all an apology. My phone ran out of juice and didnt wake me for our last playing session this monday.

    Secondly im off to vacation in a few hours so i wont be able to join you for the next 2 weeks.

    Goals. Hmm. I originaly joined this and a few other static groups because i missed having some1 to play with with and 2. to play some character idears that were ill suited for solo play and needed a group to shine. My current goal with Ahcarn is to develop him over a couple of pastlives both from a game mechanical point and hopefully from a roleplaying point aswell.

    Im all for some light roleplaying but sadly im better at writing backstorys than ingame roleplaying but i will do my best to play along And i still need to finish Ahcarns backstory.

    Basicly im just happy i have found some fellow souls who loves DDO as much as i do.


    The dwarfs are coming. The dwarfs have axes!!

  4. #24
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    Amazing that our group has been going over 4 years now. As far as goals, I don't know, I just enjoy being a little more social and actual RPG-like than a normal solo MMO experience and like really playing with you guys. also nice to be able to try out some builds that would be hard to solo with but are fun in a group. I'm open to participating in some RP, but like Tirana am not big on initiating it. We could try the "let the new guy lead" idea if you want. Maybe that could be a catalyst for some amusing RP? I don't know if any of us are actually new though, I pretty much only play in the group so I tend to forget a lot of stuff about the dungeons even though I have played most of them before, maybe that would work?

    Another suggestion would be to schedule a seperate and optional RP time some other time during the week and meet in game in a tavern or somewhere. I think it would be easier to work on our character concepts in that setting than when we were struggling to kill things and get through a dungeon, I'd be down to do that but am not sure how many people are interested.


    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Hi all.

    I have a few comments I'd like to make. First, and foremost - I love this group, and all the players in it. I'm in several static groups, and can honestly say this is the one I most look forward to each week. You guys are the best.
    Last edited by Twilightsong; 02-19-2019 at 02:42 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Sorry I missed last night - work work work

    What was accomplished?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrowsworD View Post
    Sorry I missed last night - work work work

    What was accomplished?
    Sorry you couldn't join us. We ran the all the Three Barrel Cove level 5s yesterday and are taking level 8 before next session.

  7. #27
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Just in case Ahcarn sees this - the US switched to Daylight Savings time, so we're on now...hope to see you

  8. #28
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    Sorry the game is currently taking ages to patch. Hope I can get on by 8:25 or so.

  9. #29
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Just updating for Uber, who wasn't able to make it this week - we ran Tear of Dhakaan & Gwylan's Stand (decided to move on to 7s instead of trying to finish the last few 6s, since we're level 9 now)

  10. #30
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Not certain I will make it tonight. working late...

  11. #31
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrowsworD View Post
    Not certain I will make it tonight. working late...
    We missed you, sorry you couldn't make it.

    We decided to level up to 10, and ran some 3BC quests (left the last Sentinels quest till we can all run it together) - Garl's Tomb, Old Gray Garl, Scoundrel's Run, and Stormcleave

  12. #32
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Default Not available tonight

    Sorry but I will not be able to play tonight.

  13. #33
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrowsworD View Post
    Sorry but I will not be able to play tonight.
    We missed you, as always - ran Xorian Cipher, Stromvauld's Mine & Caverns of Korromar. Hope to see you Monday

  14. #34
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Missed Roshon again - we ran Faithful Departed, Haunted Library and Into The Mists (to get Barovian weapons), and leveled up to 11. For next week, we talked about continuing some of the chains we've started (like VON) or starting Slavers. Hope to see you there.

  15. #35
    Community Member DrowsworD's Avatar
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    Sorry ... again. We were late getting back from the mountains and I was exhausted after the drive. I will have to catch up some of these quests but I think I can level with you.

    See you Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Missed Roshon again - we ran Faithful Departed, Haunted Library and Into The Mists (to get Barovian weapons), and leveled up to 11. For next week, we talked about continuing some of the chains we've started (like VON) or starting Slavers. Hope to see you there.

  16. #36
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    Default Hi guys, still recruiting?

    I'll be happy to join.
    I'll work on a toon if needed.
    You can leave a message on my main (Brazzi).


  17. #37
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    Sorry all, I'm not going to be able to join tonight. Let me know what you run and I'll try and keep up. Thanks all????

  18. #38
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yonpaul View Post
    Sorry all, I'm not going to be able to join tonight. Let me know what you run and I'll try and keep up. Thanks all????
    Sorry you couldn't make it. Since we were down 2 people, we just ran a couple of one-shots - Hiding in Plain Sight & Spawn of Whisperdoom. Hope to see everyone next week

  19. #39
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Hi all -

    Been thinking about Cyrilath's crashing issue, trying to come up with any suggestions that might help. Unfortunately, I'm no computer expert, but based on the fact that the freezing/crashing seems to only happen in public areas, not instanced quests, I'm wondering if it might be some sort of memory issue, like maybe there's too much going on in public areas and it's more than ... what, the RAM? the video card memory? virtual arrays? ...something to handle. Like i said, not an expert :/ Still, might be something to explore. Maybe try a disc scan, check for bad sectors?

  20. #40
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    Default Vacation

    Hi all.

    Im on vacation from wednsday 28/8 to tuesday 2/9 both days included.

    I hope you all have a lot of fun and some god loot while im gone.


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