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I deconstructed at least 2 bags full of lootgen last night and almost half of the items didn't give any platinum from deconstruction. I ended up getting around something like 8-9k plat from all the decon's, when vendoring wouldv'e made around 40-50k plat for the lot.
I can't imagine this is working as intended? Surely all lootgen should give plat? I've also two other things, 1, some epic level lootgen items (definitely the ones with single effect names, but providing 2-3 effects in examine window) only gave like 60 plat, which also sounds like poor coding where the payout is based on the name and not the actual power of the lootgen- I cant imagine this is WAI either.
I'm not posting from home so cannot upload the screenshots I took of the deconstructions.
I'll file a bug report for both mentioned issues. Meanwhile it seems like its better to give crafting a miss, at least to avoid losing additional currency due to bugs?