Been trying out a build that i thought of sharing, feedback would be appreciated. Still levelling up to 30 (currently at 22 so will update shortly)
The main setup is to go as a int based rogue taking advantage of the deep gnome SLA color spray as it is INT based and has no SR also the DC is based on character lv not caster . This gives the rogue a very nice crowd control which i find is very useful tool for repositioning or taking down enemies fast (more discussed below)
Here is the rough build template
Race:deep gnome
Class:1 wizard/1 monk/ 18 rogue Lawful Good
Lv1 insightful reflex
Lv1 wizard extra quicken
Lv2 monk extra two weapon fighting
Lv3 power attack (precision is also fine)
Lv6 regular monk stance
Lv9 completionist if you have (filler feat due to BaB, i take precision for those high fort mob situations)
Lv12 improved crit piercing
Lv12 rogue extra improved evasion
Lv15 improved two weapon fighting
Lv15 rogue extra opportunist
Lv18 greater two weapon fighting
Lv18 rogue extra defensive roll
Lv21 overwhelming crit
Lv24 greater monk stance
Lv26 perfect two weapon fighting
Lv27 blinding speed
Lv28 elusive target
Lv29 dire charge
Lv30 improved sneak attack and scion of the Astral plane
12 Harper (INT to hit/dmg and know the angles)
37 Assassin ( lethality core +T5 measure the foe/assassinate/knife specilization)
25 Vistani (knife specialist core + T4 double daggers/celerity/knife training)
6 Deep gnome ( color spray SLA)
Max out umd/disable/search/concentration/hide/move silently (rest up to you)
Epic destiny:
Fury of the wild T4 - Sense weakness
Grandmaster of flowers T1 - Dance of flowers
Primal avatar T1 - Cocoon
Primal avatar T3 - Balanced Attacks
INT is your main stat for both doing damage as well as assassinate/color spray also you will have trapping covered. Note that assassinate is a fort save while color spray is a will. What this means is that it is really important to learn what mobs have weak will/fort saves AND immune type mobs. Being a rogue takes extra skills you cant just zerg n cleave like a barb. I have found that in general caster type mobs have high will and low fort (hence use assassinate) while fighter type mobs have low will (hence colorspray)
General gameplay info
While daggers are generally weaker then the other weapon types, the combination of vistani and assassin overcomes this issue
Dagger are orignally 19-20 x2, with lethality+knife spec it becomes 15-20 x4. Add in the twists/enhancments and if you can get a set of pain+agony you end up with +5W (improved power attack 0.5, vistani 1, dance of flowers 1.5, set 2) which really boosts your dps. Doublestrike should be easily 80%+ while offhand doublestrike should be 20% with 100% offhand chance.
Depending on difficulty and group size the play style may change but for me i generally try to land a assisnate then followed by color spray to clean up mobs quickly. In groups its much easier and forgiving so just CC'em and dps it.
I use monk fire stance for the extra +1 crit on 19-20 when playing aggresive but i will switch to water stance if i need to go more defensive. Measure the foe stacks with water stance giving a near 50% dodge/ dodge cap at end game.
Remeber to switch to precision/use Assassin trick for high fort mobs.
While the vistani "rapid attack" and assassin "killer" are both same morale type and hence dont stack, i take both because i find it good to start with rapid attack to get that big jump in DS which then lets you rack on kills for which killer will last quite a while. It just means you dont need to be finding a target to rapid attack every 10s to keep your DS up.
Color spray has three invidual throws and mobs normally immune to illusion can still be blinded(this also means you get sneak attacks even if you have aggro!).
Your DC should be around the 75+ with 76 int and some illusion focus item which is quite easily do-able
Your assassinate can double kill if the mobs are closely grouped together.
As a second CC you have dire charge which will also have a good 105+ dc when know the angles is on.
Coming soon
End gear