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  1. #1
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Default Add a resurrection shrine to Repossession

    The traps in the art room in the quest Repossession are REALLY nasty, and if you're not a trapper and can't hit all of the stat checks, you're going to have to eat the trap explosion to claim the art pieces and open the door. This wouldn't be that big of a deal if it didn't hit you 10 times with trap damage. A few hits, you can deal with, but even on Normal difficulty with a decent-hitpoint (not awesome, just decent, mind you), the large number of trap hits are going to kill you. And several of the traps are poison damage, which is very difficult to resist.

    So, my suggestion is to add a resurrection shrine to the previous room so that you don't have to release from the quest (no raise dead at level 4, hon!) and come back in if you happen to be trapper-less.

    Alternately, make it so that you can beat the door down with a sufficiently high strength, or use a fireball or similar blast spell to blow it down, or unlock it. Those options would add some variety to the quest and give options other than "blow yourself to bits and die".
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  2. #2
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    My first idea here was to use Find Traps scroll and Search to locate the trap boxes. Unfortunately, correct art piece also has a trap box on its pillar

    So your only chance is to do the stat checks, STR, DEX, INT, WIS. Wiki says that only scores around 14-16 are needed.
    Which should be easily within reach for veteran player. (8 + 2 ship, +3 tome, +4 potion).

    What would be a giant QoL improvement if a trapped pillar where someone successfully sensed a trap was somehow visually identified. Would be very useful in a group.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Just a note this quest can be done avoiding the traps and pulling the correct item by examination

    The attributes that need to be 14 to 16 are STR, DEX, INT, or WIS

    You may not discover the correct one with one of those attributes and may with another. IE checking with INT does not discover it is correct but using Wisdom does.

    As a note if your character lacks gear to boost these attributes there are alternatives

    1. Potions - You would only need one of each of these attribute potions as the attributes will last 5 minutes and the rage lasts 1.5 minutes so you may need a few
    a. Bulls and Rage for Strength can be up to +6
    b. Fox's Cunning up to +4
    c. Owl's Wisdom up to +4
    d. Cat's Grace up to +4
    e. House Dennieth Trader for Alchemical Potions - Trade in for collectables they come in +1 to +3 versions and should stack with any effect your character currently has at that level.

    2. Wands/Scrolls of the above - if you have UMD or these spells are on you list you can get wand/scroll versions
    The problem I think a raise shrine in this quest will completely trivialize "This Puzzle". However, I could see an argument for the raise shrine behind the closed door accessible after you solved the puzzle.

  4. #4
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    So your only chance is to do the stat checks, STR, DEX, INT, WIS. Wiki says that only scores around 14-16 are needed.
    Which should be easily within reach for veteran player. (8 + 2 ship, +3 tome, +4 potion).
    Yeah, that's the point--it's NOT easily within reach for non-veteran players who have no tomes and don't carry around a stack of stat potions for every stat. You can also just re-enter and try all of the pedestals until you luck out. So what?
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  5. #5
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    The problem I think a raise shrine in this quest will completely trivialize "This Puzzle". However, I could see an argument for the raise shrine behind the closed door accessible after you solved the puzzle.
    It's not a puzzle. It's a pass/fail stat check. A puzzle would be a riddle whereby you could actually *figure out* which one was the correct one using your player brain instead of a mechanical threshhold.
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    It's not a puzzle. It's a pass/fail stat check. A puzzle would be a riddle whereby you could actually *figure out* which one was the correct one using your player brain instead of a mechanical threshhold.
    Ummm, it is a puzzle you have to figure out . Read the dialog. Such as the scroll at the start, and the examination of each pedestal.

    Of course you have to have some preparedness and it does not favor the Min/Max'er. But by level 4 to 6 (with level 6 being more likely for the non-vet) people do tend to figure out things like this. If not before this quest, usually after they have completed it once (or a few more times depending on how the lesson sinks in).

    Please tell me I'm not the only player that after failing a quest actually sat back and asked the questions
    "Why did I fail?"
    "What did I miss, or feel could help reduce/eliminate that failure?"

    without first thinking the devs are out to get me.

  7. #7
    Community Member hp1055cm's Avatar
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    It is unusual to have a quest without any shrine and it adds a level of difficulty in conjunction with the traps.
    I think adding a shrine to the quest makes sense since shining is such an ensconced feature of the game mechanics.

    It would allow non-trapping players with sub-optimal saves to complete the quest (chain) even when soloing.
    Personally I don't consider dropping difficulty level below Elite a viable option.

    That said, I usually run that on R1 at level (if there isn't a trapper) and have no problem surviving the traps. I grab all items for the optional bonus.
    I never had much trouble with BookBinder Rescue before the changes either (Another quest w/o a shrine).
    Last edited by hp1055cm; 10-23-2018 at 03:33 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hp1055cm View Post
    It is unusual to have a quest without any shrine and it adds a level of difficulty in conjunction with the traps.
    I think adding a shrine to the quest makes sense since shining is such an ensconced feature of the game mechanics.

    It would allow non-trapping players with sub-optimal saves to complete the quest (chain) even when soloing.
    Personally I don't consider dropping difficulty level below Elite a viable option.

    That said, I usually run that on R1 at level (if there isn't a trapper) and have no problem surviving the traps. I grab all items for the optional bonus.
    I never had much trouble with BookBinder Rescue before the changes either (Another quest w/o a shrine).

    Adding a shrine in reach would completely eliminate the entire point of the puzzle. You could just repeatedly randomly lift items and rez after.
    The quest is absolutely fine as is. Not everyone on every build can solo every single quest in the game. And that's fine.

    The constant cries for dumbing down this game to the lowest common denominator is ridiculous.

  9. #9
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    There are possibilities to finish this succesfully without a trapper or shrine at lvl. You just have to get creative or research or invest in some brainpower. And I dont think that would reduce the fun.
    It is the same with Stealthy Repossession or Boookbinder (before Reaper). With the right pots or scrolls or some help (from a hire) you can do it.
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  10. #10
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Ummm, it is a puzzle you have to figure out . Read the dialog. Such as the scroll at the start, and the examination of each pedestal.
    You don't GET the dialog to figure out UNLESS you can pass the stat check. Hence why it's a pass/fail stat check. There is no "puzzle" for you to figure out. Either you pass the check and it outright TELLS you whether there's a trap, or you don't and it doesn't. There's no THINKING involved. Either you're tall enough to ride the ride, or you aren't.
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  11. #11
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitusOvid View Post
    There are possibilities to finish this succesfully without a trapper or shrine at lvl. You just have to get creative or research or invest in some brainpower. And I dont think that would reduce the fun.
    It is the same with Stealthy Repossession or Boookbinder (before Reaper). With the right pots or scrolls or some help (from a hire) you can do it.
    It's also "possible" to lag out and fall through the floor. That doesn't mean that it's good design to REQUIRE it.
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  12. #12
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    It's also "possible" to lag out and fall through the floor. That doesn't mean that it's good design to REQUIRE it.
    Thank you for this thought-terminating cliché.
    Putting a shrine in there would defeat all purpose of this obstacle. Why not deactivate the traps alltogether then. Go ahead, suck the fun out of it.
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  13. #13
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    The quest is so short and basically one big room taking about 2 min tops to complete. If you die, res out, buy pots and reenter. There's also no shrine in the tavern quest in the same quest chain, and bookbinder rescue. But again, those quests are so short that they're easy to rerun.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    You don't GET the dialog to figure out UNLESS you can pass the stat check. Hence why it's a pass/fail stat check. There is no "puzzle" for you to figure out. Either you pass the check and it outright TELLS you whether there's a trap, or you don't and it doesn't. There's no THINKING involved. Either you're tall enough to ride the ride, or you aren't.
    We seem to disagree here. I'm sorry you don't see this as a puzzle, or see the "thinking" that is involved here to understand how to do an examine. I personally like this quest for this aspect because it is a shout out to the "lets check out everything before we leave the room" type of players.

    And yes if you read the dialog it does give you clues. Also the fact there are 4 Stats checks means more people have a chance to solve. I could see your argument if it was just one.

    Again, I concede this quest is not favorable to a Min/Max build. But then again I don't think every quest should be.

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