The traps in the art room in the quest Repossession are REALLY nasty, and if you're not a trapper and can't hit all of the stat checks, you're going to have to eat the trap explosion to claim the art pieces and open the door. This wouldn't be that big of a deal if it didn't hit you 10 times with trap damage. A few hits, you can deal with, but even on Normal difficulty with a decent-hitpoint (not awesome, just decent, mind you), the large number of trap hits are going to kill you. And several of the traps are poison damage, which is very difficult to resist.
So, my suggestion is to add a resurrection shrine to the previous room so that you don't have to release from the quest (no raise dead at level 4, hon!) and come back in if you happen to be trapper-less.
Alternately, make it so that you can beat the door down with a sufficiently high strength, or use a fireball or similar blast spell to blow it down, or unlock it. Those options would add some variety to the quest and give options other than "blow yourself to bits and die".