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This right here demonstrates more clearly than anything I've ever seen just how clueless the DDO developers are. There are only a few hundred people left playing DDO, all of which are the hardest of the hard core hamster wheel grinders. The people who just want to run the same circles the same way as fast as they can go with as little friction as possible. The people that rarely even stop at a shrine, let alone wait around for any kind of buff, yet for a bard to buff a raid it will take nearly an entire minute! A dungeon party 30 seconds. It truly makes one wonder if the devs have ever seen how this game is played? How their endless XP grind necessitates it to be played. Do they seriously believe people in a party are going to stand around for 30 seconds waiting on bard buffs?
I could understand a 10 second AoE song that applied a nice mix of sustained stacking bard buffs to each individual within the AoE, "Gather 'round everyone and I'll sing you a song!" Having to individually target and track down each party member and sing them their own 5 second song is madness. This is progress? Fred wasn't listening when I sang that same song to Larry 5 seconds ago even though they were standing next to each other? The one good thing about current bard buffs is they are useless and therefore you never need waste your time. Music is AoE! It's sound. Sound is AoE!
Above all else I just can't wrap my mind around how the devs can possibly see individually clicking on 12 different players and singing each one of them a 5 second song every time the duration expires is in any way fun or engaging. (Actually I probably have to give them a bit of a break on this one as there's rarely 12 people on a server at the same time so it won't come up very often.) There is nothing fun about repeatedly handing out buffs, especially the stand around and wait kind.
WoW had a ton of buffs. Nearly every class had a buff to pass around. Some classes had several, and it was brutal. Select, click, select, click, select, click... you don't even want to read anymore than that imagine having to actually do it... after every shrine! The worst thing you could do to a bard is give him buffs that are actually useful enough for people to want them and them make him stand around for a minute after every shrine select, click, wait, select, click, wait, select, click, wait, select, click, wait.... I can't imagine the horror.
Progress is moving forward, not back 10 years in MMORPG history. Innovate! Come up with something new... something fun!
How about situational songs like death metal that drives the melee into a frenzy hitting twice as hard and twice as fast, while simultaneously negatively affecting the spell casters... perhaps cutting their normal damage by 75% but tripling their crits. An operatic aria that has pretty much the reverse effect. A march song to retreat and regroup where everyone's run speed is tripled and as long as they aren't getting hit their health regens at rapid pace.
Fun songs, that the bard sings with purpose. It's a bard, that's what they do. Just imagine a bard in actual combat, and then ramp it up to fantasy levels.
A bard SHOULD NOT be a barbarian with buffs. Sure, given the backwards design of DDO someone could make a barbarian with enough bard levels to have a few nice buffs, but someone playing a bard with the bard symbol should be doing bard things.
How about channeled single target songs during battle that can significantly boost another player's abilities, not like Turbine/SSG 1% buff type non-sense, but an actual like 250% damage for a melee player, but the song can only inspire them for like 15 seconds before tapering off and then their musical influence weakens to nothing and they can not be affected by it again for like 10-20 minutes. Instead of increased damage a bard could sing a single target song to make a player virtually indestructible for 15 seconds. A bard could sing to a sorc and the sorc's spells would be free, couldn't be saved against, and double damage for 15 seconds... imagine that! That would be fun!!! For both the player and the bard. That would make players want a bard in the party. That would make players want to be a bard to do bardy things, not just stand around for a minute buffing everyone and then go stand in the back with a bow and plink away.... BOOOORING.
If a bard could actually significantly influence other players during battle then click and forget party buffs wouldn't even be needed. In fact, if you give bards click and forget buffs that can make 11 players perform like 12, while also allowing them to be a powerful melee force that is nearly as effective as an actual melee class, then bards pretty much become mandatory in every group because you get an extra player for free. Click and forget buffs and auras don't capture the sense of of a bard, they are the antithesis of a bard. A bard shouldn't just passively make everyone stronger while they fight along beside them... that's not a bard. A bard inspires players through their music, they are too busy playing to fight. The DDO bard is Conan the barbarian wearing one of those one man band outfits... it's ridiculous.