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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default How is DDO? A question from a lotro player

    Hello DDO players, i just made this account to see what resemblances DDO has to lotro, here's what lotro has to offer:

    Horrible raids and instance content in general
    Insanely buggy and laggy landscape
    Garbage pvp
    Pay 2 win lootboxes that award you the main currency needed to buy gear
    Horrendous loot system that forces players into buying keys

    Are any of these things in DDO?

  2. #2
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default In my opinion

    Quote Originally Posted by PoGGers View Post
    Hello DDO players, i just made this account to see what resemblances DDO has to lotro, here's what lotro has to offer:

    Horrible raids and instance content in general
    Insanely buggy and laggy landscape
    Garbage pvp
    Pay 2 win lootboxes that award you the main currency needed to buy gear
    Horrendous loot system that forces players into buying keys

    Are any of these things in DDO?
    There's too much nudity and gratuitous violence. Also there's a copious amount of alcohol consumption. I've also seen needles on the beaches. Better to stick with the pipeweed over there. The grass isin't always greener on the other side of the fence!

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoGGers View Post
    Hello DDO players, i just made this account to see what resemblances DDO has to lotro, here's what lotro has to offer:

    Horrible raids and instance content in general
    Insanely buggy and laggy landscape
    Garbage pvp
    Pay 2 win lootboxes that award you the main currency needed to buy gear
    Horrendous loot system that forces players into buying keys

    Are any of these things in DDO?
    Instanced content, check. Some of the raids are quite inventive, though.

    Lag was terrible, now it's just sporadically annoying - but this also is a case-by-case basis. Nearly every zone is instanced, and not free-roam.

    Garbage PvP is the same.

    So far as I know, no purchasable boxes give currency. They can give a lot of XP tho.

    No, the loot system doesn't require buying keys, except maybe from a certain outlook during Events.
    Last edited by Memnir; 10-13-2018 at 09:43 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Default Game similar to DDO’s Questing / Instance system out there we can try?

    Thanks for posting.

    I was going to post similar about LOTRO because SSG did a good job with DDO for my group’s Gaming needs we thought LOTRO could also be good.

    But from reading what you wrote and some videos I have seen about LOTRO this is not the case : (

    What we like about DDO and how we play….

    The Wiki is amazing. We can spend time out of game just planning characters and looking for quests to fit our story driven campaigns.

    We are all V.I.P. because we want to support more development in DDO. For us the perks are worth the monthly cost plus we tend to try to start each of our campaigns as a newer player may, without all the gear collected after years of playing, thus being able to change the difficulty of a Quest is nice for us. We do not do the TR thing and playing on normal in a group we found to be too easy : (
    Plus we try not to repeat Quests in the same campaign so the XP and Favor increases are also better playing on say Elite then Normal.
    < you can read more about V.I.P., Quest difficulty, Favor and TRing on the Wiki >
    < there are ways in DDO to farm for Favor and getting a character to level 20, I think three times, that will then unlock what is given in a V.I.P. package plus with farming you can earn points to buy what others spend real money on >

    We also do not feel that DDO is Pay-2-win at this time. As written above if one wanted to put the time into DDO you should be able to farm for / unlock nearly everything. I will say though that there are some expansions that you will need to shell out real money for. This is disappointing but SSG does need to make money. The loot in these few expansions is just too good to pass up. That being stated SSG does have some nice sales on these nearly every year and the content provided is worth that cash.

    We only PvP each other to test out builds and to see just what something does if not clear on the Wiki or the in-game tooltips.

    We like that each quest is an instance thus if short on game time we can just pick one that fits that time and finish it for our day. I hate games like Neverwinter Online that everything just respawns while you wait at a spot sometimes even on top of you. In games like that nothing ever feels like you completed it.

    We do not see or have issues with buggy and or laggy landscapes. We like the graphics in DDO and do not see the need to upgrade them as some are asking for. Maybe we are ‘old school’ but DDO graphics as they are now is all we need.

    We do not Raid because we do not like the Raid mechanics in most games. That said we do not feel the need to have to Raid to play the game. And again the instance Questing in DDO is the best we have ever played!

    We do not find DDO’s loot system to be that hard or frustrating. Normally, we will play with three people and find something named that someone can use from that Quest. If you needed / wanted a special piece of Loot you may need to farm for it. Depends on how luckily you are and the difficulty you entered the Quest at : )
    I think you can reenter a Quest 7 times before there is no longer a chance at named Loot dropping per week. And on Elite I think there is a 30% chance per player in the Quest of a named item showing.
    < look up Ransack on the Wiki >
    We do joke that some Quests are harder then others with their Loot tables though. Not proven... we just joke about the bad luck.
    Example… a friend wanted a Ring of Spell Storing and asked me to help him farm for it. I think we opened that chest 25 times and nothing so he gave up. On another character for another campaign I went solo and got this Ring on the first try. Sadly I did not even need it for that Toon.

    Hope this is / was of some help.

    We do find DDO to be the best Game out there for our play style and with luck you may also.
    We are going on 7 years and still can find new ways to play DDO that keep us coming back.

    That said and I hope does not highjack your post BUT does anyone know of a Game similar to DDO’s Questing / Instance system out there we can try?

    Sadly, we only have about one more year of DDO before we run out concepts to play. We will need to give DDO a break to add more content so we can come back refreshed looking forward to what they may add.

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoGGers View Post
    Garbage pvp...
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

    Garbage PvP is the same.


    Well, in LOTRO's defense, their PvP is better than here. You're playing the bad guys there so it makes at least a modicum of sense to exist.

    Overall, trying to compare the two games is kinda an Apples vs Oranges thing. They play different, character customization is WAY different... Etc.

    (THEY let us go FISHING over there, which apparently is frowned upon in this establishment!)
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  6. #6
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    I still think this is still the best game going. Ive tried numerous other games since Ive been playing DDO.
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  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    The character customization is entirely diff. VERY easy in DDO to build yourself right into FAIL, so stick w/ player-designed, recommended and approved builds (often w/ some latitude for variation) until you have a feel for it. But a real joy (and/or challenge) to have "your" character and know you're not (necessarily) on a conveyor belt.

    There is no "player housing" in DDO. (Yet?)

    There are guilds, and airships are accessible from almost anywhere in the game world (and then, in turn, lead back to almost anywhere you choose to go).

    Cosmetics are FAR less of a thing. In any way you want to measure it.

    Some quests are highly replayable. Rare loot is a known quantity, and you can farm for it if you want, or just push on and use whatever. The "best" loot def helps, but is not a dealbreaker - I've taken several toons to 20 w/ (mostly) just droploot, and 2 to 30.

    Crafting is as big if not bigger - really great results in some cases, but a diff system. Possibly more grindy if you want to master it.

    Less RP feel, often less clear exactly what sort of "character" you're running with, but you can find an RP guild if you want. Far fewer RP events - no music, no parades, no contests or races, few if any big gatherings or demonstrations. Festivals and special events tend to take the place of those, and there are a half-dozen or more around the year, where special quests are available for special rewards. "Mabar" aka "night revels" is on now - Halloween-themed.


    Long story short, I started w/ LOTRO, then tried DDO and never looked back.

  8. #8
    Community Member CaptainPurge's Avatar
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    obvious OP troll is obvious.

    The leading questions, all negative. I'm guessing he came from the LOTRO forum to pump his butthurt here. He's clearly not a member of Mensa, way to make it obvious.

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