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I did a human 2H paladin for first life and ended up being quite tanky, but DPS was definately sub par. At level 18, it took me 15 minutes to solo a level 18 night revels graveyard...this is when I was specced heavily into knight of the chalice and I had no further DPS enhancements to take. Mob HP just seems to scale WAY more than a paladin can scale damage. Note that I had no access to the pay2win level 10 ravenloft weapons that make level 20 free weapons look like garbage, so your mileage will vary if you do have access to those.
Paladins only seemed to deal high damage in one situation : when using exalted smite on a target that was NOT immune to crits...so basically...non-undead...I saw crits of 700+, but exalted smite only did about 120 on undead at level 18, which was less than impressive for a single target ability reserved for bosses (since you dont get infinite charges). Otherwise, I was surprised by how lack luster their melee damage was...hitting the level 18 night revels mobs would easily take 3+ seconds to kill ONE...and this was with spamming both cleaves...
And yes, I was using divine might + divine favor+ zeal + holysword, had high str, etc, etc. Practically everything short of having pay2win weapons.
Another problem was that the threat generation in this game works really weird...enemies run past the frontliners to chase after a guy with a bow or spellcaster while getting stabbed in the back and they just do not seem to care at all. From what I saw, spellcasters and other "squishy" classes did not seem to need, or even care, about tanks at all...they just kept bunnyhopping backwards while spamming spells in mid air and seemed to do just fine. While being tanky was nice...it only seemed relevant when soloing, and the problem with soloing was that you just dont seem to have sufficient DPS for elite/reaper.
One huge attraction with Paladins was always that you had good melee + some divine spells for buffs...but the paladin spell list in DDO really sucks, especially when compared to the ones in NWN 1 and 2. For example, divine favor maxes out at +3 hit/damage which is still good in pnp...but when stats are so inflated that even trash mobs at level 18 have 500+ hp, and when you have +50 attack rolls and only miss enemies on a nat 1, that +3 hit/damage doesnt do much really. Off the top of my head, i was averaging 60+ slashing damage, not counting weapon effects or divine damage from slayer of evil, etc.
OK, but paladins still get self healing which is useful right? Thats great when the game pop is low and you need to solo a lot...but...
- You can easily bring a cleric hireling anyway
- You dont get enough lay on hands charges for primary healing, so they are reserved for in combat emergencies,
- Most importantly, self healing is gimped in reaper mode so you NEED to have someone else healing you anyway...
So there goes the biggest strength of paladins, their ability to melee with heals. That basically leaves their high saves I guess?
I TRed into a paladin again, and even with the 34 point buy and twink gear...im still finding it really frustrating how low their DPS is. I had LFGs up for more than 6 hours today, and only two people joined for one quest, then left after....despite it being NA peak time on cannith...so I tried soloing reaper 1 because everyone was telling me the xp bonus was totally worth it...and it just felt so tedious....
I was easily taking 15-20 minutes per quest for 4-5k xp rewards at level 4 simply because killing stuff was so slow. With a few exceptions, I could easily tank the mobs, but sitting there for ages for every encounter because the mobs were super tanky was getting old, fast. Meanwhile I hear that people are soloing reaper mode while at the same base level with warlocks in half the time or something?
I mean, its bad enough that paladin self heals are worthless in reaper mode (sorry but when you only heal 1/3rd of your hp with 5 charges available, you arent going to last till you reach the next shrine in reaper), but their DPS output seems pretty bad. Everytime I party with a warlock or sorc, i find myself wondering what my paladin is good for when i see them bunny hopping and clearing packs of mobs while i slowly smack a single mob to death and try to catch up. And the only good thing on the paladin spell list seems to be holy sword...which doesnt even work against undead lol...
Just wondering if there are better options for the melee + spellcasting category. Most cleric/favoured souls that I have seen were specced for healing or turning....the only ones that I saw that tried to melee seriously kept dying. I saw a druid in wolf form that did insane amounts of damage...easily way more than what my paladin could do...but he didnt seem to use any spellls at all so i'm not sure how that works out.
It's just that despite leveling all the way to 20 and TRing, the one character type that I ALWAYS see perform extremely well in parties is the bunny hopping caster, which is typically a warlock or sorc. No other class even comes close to what they can do. Enemies cant seem to touch them and they can easily take out entire packs in the time it takes a paladin to smack a single mob to death. And they never seem to run out of spell points, ever. Are they just the meta class or what? Even when a guildie made a fresh warlock with no past lives or gear to party with me, he seemed to be way more effective than my paladin was. Way more damage and enemies just couldnt touch him at all.