Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for listening to feedback about the Wood Elf ear size. Live versions are so much better looking than the test and they no longer look like Dumbo trying to fly
I also see that the hair palette has been altered to a smaller range of colours and give an autumnal feel to the wood elf a bit more in line with the manual decsriptions - nice.
Not sure about the change of the original elf to 'Elf.Khorvaire' though as I don't know of anything that says High Elves only come from Khorvaire or that Wood Elves don't exist in Khorvaire. A better choice would have been to go with a familiar racial oriented name rather than a place name - Wood/Sylvan, High, Grey, Sun, Avariel - and make the originals High Elves. Its a better way of describing them and a great deal more familiar and less restrictive than linking them to a single continent of Eberron.