Halloween is approaching thus I thought it would be a fun time to share a ghost tale. Perhaps it is real, perhaps I am making it up
Ghost Tale 1 - The Mysterious Mystery
It happened about 2 years ago and it isn't a long or scary tale at all, but ghostly it was. I woke up at about 2 or 3 in the morning and found myself talking in some weird gibberish language I don't speak at all to some thing on the other side of the wall coming up the stairs to my room. I recall understanding the meaning of the words, even though they sounded odd to my ears. I was telling whoever to leave me along and I didn't want to be bothered, but whoever didn't listen.
Next thing I know I was sitting wide awake in my room, feeling an intense presence there, and demanding it to leave immediately. There was silence and all was in question, but my nerves felt it there and so I continued and announced it as a coward for hiding and warned it since it was a coward I most certainly am the powerful one and won't hesitate to use that power. I did not seem myself at that time, but like someone else. It ignored my warnings and played on pretending it wasn't there.
I gave final warning it had til the count of 3 to leave and counted 1...
Before I could utter 3 I snapped and was no longer a physical thing, but a white light that expanded and contracted in a snapping flash, there was a feeling of snatching up a fly or such, and then just as quick I was back in my bed sitting there observing myself, back to normal and peering about to check my nerves only to find the room no longer had any presence so intense.
Did it happen to me? All I can say is I did experience it and in DnD terms I'd compare that unwanted guest to a ghost or some incorpereal entity. I've had many very questionable experiences, but that was one of the most recent. And like many of the others, it makes no sense in so many ways to me that it is simply easier to take it for granted then get caught up trying to solve (for example, did it really happen, if so who was that visitor and why was it there, what language did I speak, what happened to me, am I something I don't know, could it be a dream spilling over into wakeful life... I can honestly keep tacking questions to this that will never get answered so its probably best I take the whole thing for granted.)
All just a very life like dream? Or was I awake the whole time as I never really did wake up from that... instead I went back to sleep... makes me wonder...
Ghost Tale 2 - The Visitor
A few fast ones... once me and a friend saw a ball of light hovering outside the window of the 2nd floor of an apartment building, moving as if it was intelligent and aware we were looking at it. I felt like a mouse, and when it came to the windom I become paralyzed, unable to move or think it total shock then my instincts took over and I ran like a mouse into the halls, my friend next to me. We both verified we saw it. It dissappeared when we slowly went back into the room were we saw it.
Willow-the-wisp or Friendly Archon???
Ghost Tale 3 - 1 Night of 3 Mean Spirits
I was once in my room and 3 times in the same night I began hearing mantras in my mind but as if something was trying to get in, and it felt like a presence was upon me. Each mantra was different then the other, but all of them freaked me out somehow. I was a young man then, 16. I remember the last mantra sounded like "getagun getagun Getagun Getagun GETUGUN GETUGUN". They got louder until it seemed like something was shouting in my ear or out of it, and I felt I might be going crazy. I have decided it is best to identify for myself, that those were evil spirits that were actually trying to possess me.
Oh... that gets me thinking... shouldn't the ghosts be possessing our toons from time to time, the powerful one's at least, so suddenly the head of our toon has an icon that lights up indicating it is no longer our toon, but we get to watch it kill our friendsOk, its evil, but evil spirits are evil, so doesn't it make sense?
-Did Demons try to possess me, or was it just a head ache?
Ghost Tale 4 - Can't be Named
Best one for last... Summer Solstice, 2006 I have a time map and it is nearly done. I decide to get playful and drink wine and be merry and play the guitar in the forest all alone at 3 A.M. in a supposed haunted war bunker from WW2 were each year, a few residents of Papenburg, Neidersachsen, Germany... go to Erste Wiek Strasse and to the forest and bunker to hang themselves to death. The usual count is between 3 to 6 people a year.
I decided to go on my own real life ghost adventure, drinking wine all alone there and playing guitar with drunken bravado.
I never got to the freaking site, even though I have been there plenty of times in the day. Its about a 2 mile hike along a dirt road that gradually becomes a hiking trail. For the first mile or so on the left there is thick woods and to the right of the dirt road is a briar bush row seperated farmland from the road. After 1 mile it goes into nothing but forest as the farm to the right ends.
I got to that point, so half way. It was about 12:30 or around that time, and I began to hear some creature jumping from tree to tree like a big monkey, but I could not see because it was very dark. It seemed to be jumping to the trees closer to me and I felt very very uncomfortable suddenly being there all by myself with some big foot thing that can move like it did closing in on my so fast.
I kept playing the guitar, breathing a bit deeper and walking on down the path, pushing myself past the chills as I could hear it was in the tree closest to me but couldn't see anything but shadows and branches when I looked. It did break a few branches, and I heard them snap. As I stepped forward I began to hear music coming from the briar bushed --- it was fairy music!!!
I was blown away, moving my ears up to the bushes trying to hear it better. There must of been a fairy ring or something going on in there. At least 20 or 30 instruments playing together... little tiny mandalins and those tiny fingers could go a billion miles a second... they were like freaking humming birds jimmy hendrixes from beyond, no human no human at all could ever move fingers like that. These were clearly very tiny little folks I was listening to, and the music was incredible, I wanted to hear more and listen for a long time. It was totally magic.
I almost forget about that thing behind me, but then a branch snapped right behind me and reminded me and the chills hit hardest yet. I stopped, I did not turn around, I stood back up, and I began to play my guitar, not perfectly because the wine tinted my playing, but wildly and freely nonetheless. I began walking backwards while playing on, the wine was almost gone, it was just 1 bottle I had, and I've had far more throughout my life with no such odd things happening. This was a strange time. I walked most of the trip back to Erste Wiek Strasse backwards playing, and everything seemed to go back to normal as I did.
I finally turned around and walked normal to the house, went to sleep when I got there and the next morning is when the really intense part happened. Something that made the first part occurring which I described a modest typical tale and not nearly such an unusual sort as what experience followed next morning. I'm not much into discussing the last part these days and have developed the ability to not think about it directly, like I am doing now.
Now this last one I told, involved fairies, a evil spirit that tree walks, some bizarre why am I doing this stuff, oh the next morning which I won't discuss other then to say made the previous night boring in comparison (and no, it was not fun, nor a party..)...
Fairies, tree hopping evil spirits, a haunted ww2 bunker next to a swamp in a forest... I just don't know where to begin??
Bonus Ghost Tale 5 - The Ghostly Black Dog
Oh as a bonus Ill toss in how my fiance saw a mysterious black dog appear in her fathers house while we were on the phone and mysteriously disappear just as easily. She was pregnant with my son at that time, and being a hardcore DnD old player who read all the earlier books with intense interest, I thought of Monster Manual 1 and the Black Dog that is an omen of bad things. I checked it out and then researched it more on Google, only to find out these black dogs are reported in all Cultures in folklore, always bringing omens of bad luck, some consistency that is curious to me. If you google it you will see.
I took this to be a serious thing to consider, and later had to make a call for natural birth or not. After many sounds tests, we wanted to have a natural birth, but I decided more then 1 wrap of the umbelica cord around the neck it too risky. The last sound test showed it was still 2... I made the firm decision for the safest choice, surely misspelling it off the top of my head, Sisera or so, and was there when my son was cut out of his mother (thank god with Surgical Precision). The doctor called me over to show me as he pulled my son out that the cord was around the neck 3 Fkking times!!!
It would have killed my Son for sure. Thus my skill of Mythology due to my study of the game DnD leaned heavily on my choice and my child was not lost. This all makes me wonder sometimes, how far can we take the adventure as I use DnD in strange ways to sort my perception of reality (along with many other things). For example, while I do not think the DnD cosmology is how all reality is, I think there is a real cosmology that is extremely hard to fathom let along map out. Scientist talk about dark matter, virtual space is becoming increasingly sophisticated. we might see virtual DnD in the future. (imagine BEING your character and fighting the dragon.. that might be too intense.. who knows), and then personal experiences of my own running an approximate parallel to that of experiences I've heard others share.
Was it a the black ghostly dog from mythology she saw, or did she know the mythology and make it up to mess with my head? She isn't the sort to make things up so it does force me to wonder.?.
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So these are my Happy Halloween Ghost Tales!!!
Real? Not real? Am I telling tales as witness or as writer?
It isn't nearly as important as wishing you all a Happy Halloween and happy hunting!
If you want to share any ghost stories, please by all means I'd love to hear them. If you have any experiences that made you question reality a bit more, I am all ears. If you want to compare me to Durk has a Secret, I'll laugh in good spirits, light and easy too.
Happy Halloween Ya'll!