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  1. #1
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default LWoG is recruiting new members during Mabar/Night Revels

    The Legendary Warriors of Ghallanda (on the Ghallanda server) are at it once again.

    For the month of October we will be celebrating the Night Revels in many ways. Normally we only recruit new members during specific times of the year, and this is one of them! Yes, our doors are open to new hopefuls. Whether you're brand spanking new to the game and want a home, or are a long time vet who wants a change of pace, we accept all styles and levels of experience. We do have some basic rules that all must follow though:

    1) Be Respectful. (No Trolling/Harassment)
    2) No Politics, Religion, or battle of the sexes discussions in guild chat.
    3) Help others when you can.
    4) Log in to the website once a month. (we are trying to build up our website to become a hub for information, about the game and about upcoming events, both general game events and guild specific ones like raids, etc)

    Not sure if we're a good match for you? No problem! One of the things we're doing during Mabar/Night Revels is activities that are open to all who are curious about us. Join us and run with us, test the waters before you jump in and see if we are right for you. Some things we plan on doing are include things such as:

    ~ Night Revels candy hunt (wilderness, quests, and the return of the Spectral Dragon)
    ~ Zombie Apocalypse pvp survival mode (several of us are making characters to utilize the often ignored Zombie Form and will be mindlessly meandering about various tavern brawling pits, ravenous and hungry for living brains. Enter if you dare!) (may or may not spill out into the other areas from time to time)

    Contact Ghouldrool and Nofaec in game for more information, or reply here and I will try to answer as best as I can.

    Our website is:

    Have fun and happy gaming!

  2. #2
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Night Revels is upon us!

    As such, the doors to the Legendary Warriors of Ghallanda are now open.

    LWoG is a level 200 guild.

    If you're interested in joining, please contact Uppsy, Ghouldrool, or Vryxnr in game, or reply to this thread, or PM me.

    If you want to test the waters first, come join us as we adventure and celebrate the manifestation of Mabar. We will be doing some raiding, lots of Night Revels, generic questing... and later this month we will be doing some zombie apocalypse style pvp (a small hoard of pale masters in zombie form vs everyone else).
    Last edited by vryxnr; 10-04-2018 at 11:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Returning player looking for guild, available to play between 7pm and 11pm ADT a few nights a week.

    The ideal guild will be helpful, friendly, and keen on including me in groups as I will need some guidance and assistance navigating all the content I've missed. I get a sense that PUGS aren't the way to go in this game, and to that end whether I stay in this game or not will boil down to whether or not I have people to play with.

    I'm a 27 year old Canadian man, I work at a garage. Work and my girlfriend take up the bulk of my time, and I recently retired from League of Legends due to the games toxicity and overall lack of in game rewards. I enjoy drinking on the weekends and I am 420 friendly (legal in Canada). People have always said of me, "He's too city to be country and too country to be city", and I feel like that sums me up quite well.

    My ideal guild mates would be adults and people not easily offended, I'm by no means crass, but I do swear and enjoy a good laugh. This in mind, I have zero problems respecting the rules and my guild mates, but cursing in moderation is entwined with my speech.

    Let me know! I'll be eagerly checking back. :3

  4. #4
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Awesome, welcome back!

    You can either contact Uppsy, Ghouldrool, or Vryxnr in game (via /tell if we're online at the same time, or via in game mail if we're not), or reply here, or PM me. Please let us know your character name so we can actually invite you.

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