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  1. #1
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    Default U40 - R.I.P. Heroic Monks

    They're whacking monks again, hard, because one build of an EPIC 29-30 fully raid-geared monk in one ED using action boosts, EIGHT feats, one stance, epic fate twist,
    and a boost filigree set, are doing too much damage. They're basing test numbers off that one EPIC build layout, so instead of changing one L29 piece of gear, they're just
    trading 2.5(w) damage, for a +5 to hit bonus in HEROIC. Apparently, dropping damage across the board on heroic monks, is supposed to fix one epic level LD focus build.

    Monks aren't top DPS in SSG's own parsing, even with that setup, so we're sort of at a loss at the reasoning behind this Heroic > Epic > Derp.


    Text edited for PG-13 audiences.
    Last edited by Nubom70; 09-20-2018 at 01:00 PM.

  2. #2
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    It's been a while since I played a monk, but on my brief test character even I could tell that a flat 1d6 damage at level 20 was el crapola.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubom70 View Post
    They're whacking monks again, hard, because one build of an EPIC 29-30 fully raid-geared monk in one ED using action boosts, SEVEN feats, one stance, epic fate twist,
    and a boost filigree set, are doing too much damage. They're basing test numbers off that one EPIC build layout, so instead of changing one L29 piece of gear, they're just
    trading 2.5(w) damage, for a +5 to hit bonus in HEROIC. Apparently, dropping damage across the board on heroic monks, is supposed to fix one epic level LD focus build.

    Monks aren't top DPS in SSG's own parsing, even with that setup, so we're sort of at a loss at the reasoning behind this Heroic > Epic > Derp.


    Text edited for PG-13 audiences.
    first they came for warlocks in heroic and no one spoke up so
    now they have come for monks also in heroics, what a shock.

    while one sits here writing one wonders after monk what class will
    be next to be nerfed in heroics hmmm.

    your friend sil

  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    first they came for warlocks in heroic and no one spoke up so
    now they have come for monks also in heroics, what a shock.

    while one sits here writing one wonders after monk what class will
    be next to be nerfed in heroics hmmm.

    your friend sil
    Couple lock friends were talking about it when they hit that class, so I did
    playtest it to see what was going on. Same issue, they targeted one build,
    but it effected everyone.

  6. #6
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    Well, seems like feedback handling not improving at all.

    Devs: We are going to do this
    Players: We dont kind of like that this way
    Players: Oh hey how about instead this?
    Devs: We do it this way because internal data
    Players: But but, look [insert otherwise completely logical reasons] ( and unfortunately some other derails )

    4d6 days later

    Devs:.... We are doing the thing, you can preview it here.
    Players: But nothing changed since we last talked*!!!
    Devs: <<< porting to the plane of eternal silence

  7. #7
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Com'on guys. We all knew it was coming. It's like Warlock, who ruled them all.
    Now Warlocks are still good and after changes Monks will be good as well.

    (But I understand how you feel about this nerf - I felt the same when they hit Warlock)
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Player remembers. Player never forgets.
    I'm not native speaker

  8. #8
    Community Member noobodyfool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    Com'on guys. We all knew it was coming. It's like Warlock, who ruled them all.
    Now Warlocks are still good and after changes Monks will be good as well.

    (But I understand how you feel about this nerf - I felt the same when they hit Warlock)
    Yep me too I'll felt the same way about both................... GREAT

    I'm geting kind of addicted to this felling who's next?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    first they came for warlocks in heroic and no one spoke up so
    now they have come for monks also in heroics, what a shock.

    while one sits here writing one wonders after monk what class will
    be next to be nerfed in heroics hmmm.

    your friend sil
    Barbs are next. Guess I’ll just jump on the barn bandwagon. As a matter of fact I think the originated of the build in question is off monks at the moment and doing R10s on his OS Pure Barbarian.

    Nerfing a premium class only wants me to go F2P more.

  10. #10
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    what class will be next to be nerfed in heroics hmmm.
    What class are you playing now?

  11. #11
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    The direction SSG wants to take with DDO is simple. They want it to feel like you are playing room temperature vanilla oatmeal. If you play DDO and think "This is sort of different and fun" it will be nerfed. If you are playing DDO and think "this feels as simple as a Diable clone" then you are playing a class nerfed and working as intended.

    Seriously, I have been playing since U-10 and I can't believe how all the caster classes sort of play the same, arcane and divine... They both sort of feel like a version of warlock don't they? I remember there used to be different play styles just within wizards. Seriously, this game had more playstyle variance in just the wizard class than it does all caster classes combined now. And if you are a melee and you don't have the cleave, g cleave, etc so forth rotation going on you just aint trying, have some kool aid... Drink the kool aid.

    Rangers been nerfed recently but still are a bit tastier than room temperature oatmeal, I bet they have a another nerf coming.

  12. #12
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    Default Yup

    Quote Originally Posted by Teargiver View Post
    The direction SSG wants to take with DDO is simple. They want it to feel like you are playing room temperature vanilla oatmeal. If you play DDO and think "This is sort of different and fun" it will be nerfed. If you are playing DDO and think "this feels as simple as a Diable clone" then you are playing a class nerfed and working as intended.

    Seriously, I have been playing since U-10 and I can't believe how all the caster classes sort of play the same, arcane and divine... They both sort of feel like a version of warlock don't they? I remember there used to be different play styles just within wizards. Seriously, this game had more playstyle variance in just the wizard class than it does all caster classes combined now. And if you are a melee and you don't have the cleave, g cleave, etc so forth rotation going on you just aint trying, have some kool aid... Drink the kool aid.

    Rangers been nerfed recently but still are a bit tastier than room temperature oatmeal, I bet they have a another nerf coming.

    ^ THIS, is why half the people I know are already gone, and no longer supporting DDO. SSG literally can't comprehend they're tanking DDO out of sheer stupidity.

  13. #13
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    Jeez, what else will they nerf for monks. This is very disheartening. I know a bunch of folks that worked very hard on their toons and spent hundreds of hours perfecting them (me included), and every time I think, hey, I can keep up with the elites, BAM, how about another 10% reduction on DPS, but here ya go, a nice bonus to hit (which means nothing in DDO from my point of view). Stop messing with our toons! And btw, who has 20k DPS? Not I for sure! I hover around 10k on a stunned enemy. Red names I am at 5k. who are they punishing anyway? Honestly, after thye duality nerf, I was peeved, but everything wasn't as bad as it ended up. After the henshin nerf, I found a way, but so many stick builds were utterly destroyed. It is becoming harder and harder to support SSG. Who's next???

  14. #14
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
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    Thank Gods they finally did something. Warlocks next please. Getting a little tired of every group being made up of Monks and Warlocks.

  15. #15
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    Heroic monks are fine.

    First you soundburst, then cleave and great cleave with a quarterstaff, then hit WWA with handwraps, finishing stragglers and bosses with the handwraps.

    This gives you the option of divine might, grace or will from the soundburst splash, and can make use of any dps tree that boosts handwraps and staff damage or adds helpless damage or cleaves or sneak damage like NiS, falconry, kensai, KotC, acrobat or assassin, as well as racial trees like HOrc or WF.

    And I think you are confused, the +5 to hit bonus was always there. It is the monks full heoic BaB while fighting unarmed and centered bonus. It's not a trade.

    I just need me a good macro program.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 09-20-2018 at 01:28 AM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Heroic monks are fine.

    First you soundburst, then cleave and great cleave with a quarterstaff, then hit WWA with handwraps, finishing stragglers and bosses with the handwraps.

    This gives you the option of divine might, grace or will from the soundburst splash, and can make use of any dps tree that boosts handwraps and staff damage or adds helpless damage or cleaves or sneak damage like NiS, falconry, kensai, KotC, acrobat or assassin, as well as racial trees like HOrc or WF.

    And I think you are confused, the +5 to hit bonus was always there. It is the monks full heoic BaB while fighting unarmed and centered bonus. It's not a trade.

    I just need me a good macro program.
    It is a trade. The new +5 is on top of flurry of blows.

    What happened to soundburst>blast rod combo?

    Setting up a macro is exactly why a longer cooldown was put on weapon swapping. Don't do it, you will just penalize everyone else.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyfiel View Post
    It is a trade. The new +5 is on top of flurry of blows.

    What happened to soundburst>blast rod combo?

    Setting up a macro is exactly why a longer cooldown was put on weapon swapping. Don't do it, you will just penalize everyone else.
    Ahh, it's confusing when there already is a +5 to hit based on monk levels. I guess now there are 2 of them.

    I took soundburst > blast rod + runearm as far as I could see to go. Time to explore other things.

    How is it going to penalize everyone else? I feel like macros combined with epic defensive stance are key to a real breakthrough in melee enjoyable build design.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 09-20-2018 at 01:38 AM.

  18. #18
    Community Member noobodyfool's Avatar
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    Ok Monks are you truly Monks or just Meta, as I've claimed since the beginning, you don't have an attachment to a class or fantasy type because you are a fair weather fan!!!

    I want you to prove me wrong but you won't this is why true balance doesn't appeal to you, you should have never defied the temple of such a humble and balanced class as monk, go play Tempest,Assassin or CC/Instakill Warlock this is closer to your truth!

    If you really are a Monk lover than why don't you demand balance after all it's your very nature.

  19. #19
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Henshin dead
    Ninja dead
    Shintao dying

    I will finish my racials on warlock
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  20. #20
    Community Member Kalapurka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silinteresting View Post
    first they came for warlocks in heroic and no one spoke up so
    now they have come for monks also in heroics, what a shock.

    while one sits here writing one wonders after monk what class will
    be next to be nerfed in heroics hmmm.

    your friend sil
    That's not very friendly sil :c

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