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  1. #21
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    I don't think Pale Masters need much help.

    Decent Pale Master Tree SLA's would be nice. As it stands now necro warlocks have much better necro SLA's. This just shouldn't be, IMO.

    Add negative healing amp to the Pale Master Tree.

    Thats about all I would like to change.

    Other than that a well built wizzy is one of the best characters out there, for many reasons.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    Nov 2006


    I would love to see something done about my enhancement tree. I don't want to be a pale master, and I definitely struggle some as an archmage. When my CCs hit, it's gold. When they can't bust through spell pen or lock things down, I'm a Meteor Swarm bot.

  3. #23
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kurgen View Post
    Please don't post in all bold, it's very difficult for me to read and kinda hurts my eyes.

    I think you're putting way too much expectation on brand new players to understand how to play a wizard well; casters are generally more complicated in balancing the right metamagics for content and using a selection of spells that benefit each other and work with their playstyle. For example, are these players debuffing enemies with stuff like Mind Fog, Crushing Despair, Enervation? Are they going full spell pen to make stuff land in harder content, or are they just trying to nuke as a wizard (which is way harder than it is on a Sorc)? I'd say go for Enchantment bonuses and spell pen and do CC on a first life toon. As someone else said, doing TRs teaches you tons about the class itself and increases understanding. Expecting a first life toon, new player, with no gear to solo EE/LE content is honestly ridiculous; they could definitely have a place support with buffs and debuffs and maybe some CC depending on the gear they've managed to get. Nobody's toon is naked so don't expect a naked one to do nearly as well as someone with gear.

    My first wizard didn't have much in the way of past lives, it was an Archmage (about 2 years ago), and I went full evoker as a warforged; I solo'd elite content just fine all the way until cap and could self-heal easily. All the various types of magic missile SLAs may not seem like much, but use those with the normal spells in Shiradi with double rainbow and it's an explosion of color and death. I don't see this being much of an issue even now.

    Eldritch Knight WAS just completely retooled and it's currently way better than it was, have you played it? I haven't gotten to epics yet but I've got two different builds (one pure, one multiclass) that are soloing reaper content in heroics; I'm expecting soloing EE will be easy enough as well. PRR/MRR is indeed quite useful and you get some great benefits from Medium, but you can also take Heavy Armor with the proficiency and with a single ASF augment drop the ASF to very low or nothing. Additionally, you're a wizard! Hit yourself with Stoneskin, Haste, Rage, Displacement and all on Extend and those will help tremendously. Stack on ghostly from an item and anything else you can get. Use stuff like a Heightened Web to help control mobs.

    PM might need some work though when I had that I also had a bunch of PLs by that point, which included 3x Druid (which made my Skele an absolute beast, who honestly never died or even got close). However I haven't played PM in a long while so I'll keep my comments there to a minimum.

    I'm not saying Wizards couldn't use some attention but they aren't useless.
    Officer and Webmaster for Fallen Immortals, a guild of Thelanis.

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  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    Been playing around with wizard and really it just needs the SLA's retooled to be more relevant. Sorc is a way better nuker but Wizard has more versatility and they should focus on that point. Give them an AP discount on the meta-magic tree's (1AP instead of 2 per upgrade) and give them several toggles or AP's that increase multiple DC's instead of just "school +1". Have like one toggle do Evo/Conj +4, and another Enchantment/Transmutation +4, stuff like that. Possibly have some sort of enhancement that makes persistent effects last longer so that you get more bang for the SP. Also knock down the DC inflation cause Shiradi missile boat should not be the only viable magic build at the high end.

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