I am fairly sure that there is no way to get the Vampire Hunter’s Outfit without paying $130 dollars, which is ridiculous. Why is it this way tho? I have seen other games provide high quality unique cosmetics and make a tidy profit doing so. And what is the thinking in limiting the Barovian or Vampire hunters gear to pre-orders? Does anyone really think that they make more profit from pre-orders based purely on those compared to possible profit of 3 dollar cosmetics? If Standing Stone were on the ball, they would a person, or two, doing nothing but making high quality themed cosmetics. Things that players would grab for a few dollars as an impulse purchase. I am all for Standing Stone making extra profit on cosmetic outifts, hats, and pets. But for the immense cost of pre-orders, they need way more time saving items, stuff that limits the hamster wheel. I dont think people care about random junk anymore, not really.
I bet your DDO store sales would increase if more reasonable impulse buy cosmetics were available and sales/deals on items that realistically reduce the hamster wheel grind.