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  1. #981
    Community Member
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    That one looks simple enough.

    There's several enhancements in Harper that don't follow the normal level limit for enhancements.

    Harper Leadership is a T2 enhancement that requires you to be level 3, while Strategic Combat 2 is a T3 that requires you to be level 2.

    Further up, Throat Dagger requires 20 points spent in the tree, but as a T4, I don't think it should be unlocked at level 1.

  2. #982
    Community Member
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    Default Plans for a new game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Internally, they are the same enhancement. Different tree, same button, two separate locations.
    really think it time DDO they take and get started with making a new game in DDO style same match style spells all that but with new graphics it is the hammer ugly and old to look at the manger.
    And that is also one of the things that I do not want to pay for the game more too many square things lacking innovation and a larger platform in the form of new graphics.
    And you can easily bring this style to new platforms

    there are many new games out and none of them have this spell and match style in are the only ones who have huge success with this and i do not follow up on it and it is so super honest that you are not working on follow up with time is great AD&D fan but there are so many other games now and this graphic it draws a lot more you do not have with 800 $ graphics card and play DDO in this graphics ..

    the hammering fat but i can't see me playing this really much anymore as you do not want to think in new courses when it comes to developing a new game and put the style into new graphics also the much money you pay for what you get your money compared to all these new games that offer you can play for free or buy for games.

    and DDO could be so much bigger if you just wanted to build something new you can clearly see on the server the players fall from quiet calm and it should also be able to see for yourself it is time to get started with creating a new platform in the same to with new graphics that are not so square ..

    i have lost all my friends in this game all feel the same.. any plans ?

  3. #983
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    Default icon: do not use

    I still see these once in a while and caught this one.

    Last edited by Mortas; 07-14-2019 at 10:38 PM.

  4. #984
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Warlock Cone. You're shooting it out of your hands straight ahead, why does it matter what happens to be targeted? Like that barrel I targeted but didn't manage to destroy as I was running past it to kill the mob, even though the barrel is now off to the side a bit I should still be able to shoot forward. Or that box on the other side of the wall, just because I somehow targeted that one I somehow can't blast the ones on *this* side of the wall?
    Trying to use my cone to blast vases, and I get this irksome notice:

    Quote Originally Posted by Mortas View Post
    I still see these once in a while and caught this one.

    This also appears on Mark of Law Champions; I believe it's for On-Hit: Force, but I'm not positive.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  5. #985
    Ultimate Completionist
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    The reaper trees
    Right group - tank tree
    Left two columns
    Second row from bottom and upward from there

    "Reaper Shielding"
    "Reaper's Fortitude"

    when you go to spend point into these two multiselctions, all options have a red outline around them
    (although spending functionality is working as intended, so its a visual error)

    Also, once you choose a multiselection in an earlier column, you are locked into that choice for the rest of the column as you move upward.

    An indication that this is not working as intended is the exception of "Reaper's Fortitude" top row which is not linked with a requirement of having lower rows added to it.

    Suggest considering removing all lower requirements for these two column as one would not gain any advantage from said requirement removal.

  6. #986
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Any chance of a UI option to disable the Inquisitive dual weild animations?

    1. They look very awkward when running
    2. The replace some great weapon artwork with two boring wooden appendages.

    I would much prefer to have the normal XBow animations and see the pretty named weapons in all their glory.

    Of course, if you can make the weapons appear like miniature copies and fix the animation (so that one hand rises while the other drops when running and not shooting), that would also be great but I imagine that may be a lot of work compared to turning something off.

  7. #987
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    Let's talk about Mass Frog spell pen. It doesn't inherit spell pen values correctly. To have the correct spell pen applied to Mass Frog, you have to first use a spell that uses spell pen to prime it and then immediately use Mass Frog.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  8. #988
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    Default Artificer Knowledge: Scrolls

    Copying and pasting the bug info from DDO wiki here, as this has been driving me nuts during racial TRs as an Inquisitive with 2 Artificer:

    Artificer Knowledge's UMD check bonus won't work correctly. "Chance to activate" on item description include this feat bonus, but feat bonus does not apply when you use scroll. So if you have this feat and description says 100%, then there is 10% chance to you will fail to activate. The chance to activate does actually increase as it's supposed to. What actually happens is the UMD requirement is lowered by 2. The feat then erroneously counts the knowledge feat for UMD bonus (creating a false bonus of 4) that shows up on the tooltip but doesn't actually happen when using the item. The best thing to do is keep track of your UMD and measure it against the item's stated UMD requirement.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  9. #989
    Community Member Razor_Wit's Avatar
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    Default Stuck issue in Deleras part II

    Please fix stuck spots in front of the Omaren guardian who has 10 coffins in front of him on a raised platform....if you walk between/ try to jump over these coffins you get stuck. This has been a problem since I started playing the game in '09. Posting this because I just ran the series and watched my self and 1 other get stuck. We both slash stuck- friend id free. i turn around and without moving im stuck again- except on 1 hr timer...frustrating for a vet who knows the idiosyncrasies. Imagining the experience of someone new.
    "You're a Jedi, Harry"

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  10. #990
    Community Member Cyanide_Death's Avatar
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    Default Baudry Cartamon Quest Chain

    Since I just started Tr'ing I have run this chain several times. When completing any quest the mini map has an arrow to go into the tavern, where Mr. Cartamon used to be. The first time it confused the heck outta me. Mini map shows a check mark where he now stands but the pointer marker points to his previous spot ( over 10 years ago? not sure when he was moved )

    Sarlona Main - Ilyushinovik Pure Paladin with TORC!!!! run # 75!!! mana battery complete 2nd Torc on 80th. TR'ed
    2nd life finally: Monk [] 3rd life: Fighter []4th life: Artificer

  11. #991
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    I *assume* this is a bug:

    Consecration healing option from Divine Crusader Tier 3 Sacred Ground does NOT heal hirelings.

  12. #992
    Community Member thunir's Avatar
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    Default I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned

    But Action Boost attack in LD only gives +10 to hit, it is listed as +25 at tier three .

    The Buff it gives in the buff bar lists +10 and my character sheet only adjusts for 10.

  13. #993
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Not sure if this is a Hey Lynnabel level issue or one that I need to file a bug report on. Noticed that when casting Death Pact that it sometimes rolls a concentration skill check. This is while I'm buffing up at the start of an instance so no damage or anything happening to me other than casting all my self buffs. It doesn't happen all the time and I've yet to notice a failed skill check to see what happens then.

  14. #994
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Artificer elemental weapons still do 0 damage often on r1. Definatelly saw it happen on acid and fire versions
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  15. #995
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
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    Default Reaper's Power Icon

    Reaper's Power uses the incorrect icon in the buff bar when activated.

  16. #996
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Abbot raid Unholy water damage over time will linger if player doesnt have enough jump skill to cleanly exit the water and directly onto the platform, in other words, if you leave the water, the debuff goes away as it should, but if you grab the ledge the debuff is applied and does not go away as you pull yourself up. You need someone to cast jump on you and cleanly and clearly re-enter the water, and fully jump on to the platform to remove debuff.

  17. #997
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Heard a rumor that having two items with stone of change saves boost causes the boom sound and purple shield graphic to cycle over and over. Supposedly unequiping one and re-equping makes it go away.

    Or maybe its one item with a pally aura nearby, idk

  18. #998
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default Just wondering...

    So...any chance that we'll ever get the "release (animal) charm" bug fixed? Sometime back, every PC was granted the "dismiss charm" feat, so we, in theory, no longer had to either wait for the charm to run its course or wait for the caster to release it.

    "In theory." (Honestly, can't remember if it ever worked properly from day one. Anyone remember? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?)

    Haven't tested in awhile, but right about this same time-frame, specifically Rangers were no longer able to (self) release charmed animals - you have to wait for the spell to wear-off. I've seen a few posts on the issue, but I've never seen any type of official comment, one way or the other.

    And before you ask if I filed a bug report, yes...yes, I did. Possibly more than one.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  19. #999
    Community Member rcmcneil's Avatar
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    Default This would probably be a beast to tackle, but.........

    Is there any chance someone could do a "consistency pass" on certain things? the ones that come to mind instantly for me are:
    -chalice icons on the map can remain yellow even when you've picked up the quest
    -NPCs that can have the green checkmark over their head (& in the map) can sometimes stay as a yellow chalice on the map
    -can someone run around & check all the "doors"? some of them you can "Q&E" to use, but quite a few require that you ditch your reticle & mouse click you use it, & it'll also never pop up in the focus orb (or just the name pops up, no visual)

  20. #1000
    Community Member Neo-Masamune's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Hey Lynnabel!

    Please! Make the birds from falcon tree disapear when we are underwater!?

    It is VERY LAME that the bird keeps the same flying animation underwater... make the bird disapear if you can! I now use the falcon tree every life on my archer toon! The Bird can apear as we are on water surface and disapear when we dive... would be much less awkward...

    Just that, please consider that an option.
    Woodyheart from Spellbinders on Cannith

    I'm from Brazil!

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