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  1. #961
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    Not sure where to put this, if isn’t in this thread plz tell me ^^

    Some CC spells have problems with doors.
    For example:
    Otto’s Sphere of Dancing casted in the doors in Quarantine (Disciples of Rage Pack) doesn’t work. If I casted inside of a room must stay there, if I move to the previous room the spell stop working. And if I cast it IN the door… is like that spell doesn’t exists. (Same problem with Evard’s Black Tentacles).
    The same problem happens in other quest but can’t remember which ones atm. (ill start to take notes from it)

  2. #962
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    1. Spells that have weird targeting parameters and therefore just yell at you when you try to use them and have a target even though they're self only, **** it, why does it matter if my enemies are out of range, it's centered on me, stop yelling at me and just cast the spell DDO cmon

    Warlock Cone. You're shooting it out of your hands straight ahead, why does it matter what happens to be targeted? Like that barrel I targeted but didn't manage to destroy as I was running past it to kill the mob, even though the barrel is now off to the side a bit I should still be able to shoot forward. Or that box on the other side of the wall, just because I somehow targeted that one I somehow can't blast the ones on *this* side of the wall?
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
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  3. #963
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    Favoured Soul - War Soul tree: Divine Presence and Divine Will both have the divine might icon in the enhancement tree, but when activated, have a know the angles icon on the status icons bar

    Dethek runestone - it's a raid item but the icon has a blue border instead of the orange border

    Thank you very much for all the fixes

  4. #964
    Community Member Ballrus's Avatar
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    Don't know if its a bug:
    Shield Charge (Vanguard - tier 4) need target selected to activate.

    Is possible change it to work with no need target select? (like Dire Charge).

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  5. #965
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    Quote Originally Posted by EmGreen View Post
    Favoured Soul - War Soul tree: Divine Presence and Divine Will both have the divine might icon in the enhancement tree, but when activated, have a know the angles icon on the status icons bar
    I fixed Might's Reward as well from Beacon of Hope, hope you don't mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by EmGreen View Post
    Dethek runestone - it's a raid item but the icon has a blue border instead of the orange border
    Argh, thought I did this years ago. Fixed now.

    Quote Originally Posted by aoeusnth View Post
    The Druid Nature's Warrior tier 3 enhancement "Ghost Wolf Pack" stops movement for no reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by aoeusnth View Post
    The Barbarian Occult Slayer tier 1 enhancement "Ear Smash" stops movement for no reason.
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  6. #966
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ballrus View Post
    Don't know if its a bug:
    Shield Charge (Vanguard - tier 4) need target selected to activate.

    Is possible change it to work with no need target select? (like Dire Charge).

    That would certainly make it more usable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  7. #967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ballrus View Post
    Don't know if its a bug:
    Shield Charge (Vanguard - tier 4) need target selected to activate.

    Is possible change it to work with no need target select? (like Dire Charge).

    This is entirely WAI.
    Shield Charge is single-target rushing attack.
    If you want one that needs no target, look higher up the tree, there's Shield Rush, which doesn't need any target to work!

    This puts it in line with other such abilities, that either need a high level in a single class (Druid, FvS, Monk), or a T5 enhancement (Sorcerer)

  8. #968
    Community Member Ballrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    This is entirely WAI.
    Shield Charge is single-target rushing attack.
    If you want one that needs no target, look higher up the tree, there's Shield Rush, which doesn't need any target to work!

    This puts it in line with other such abilities, that either need a high level in a single class (Druid, FvS, Monk), or a T5 enhancement (Sorcerer)
    Shield Charge:
    While shield equipped, Activate: Rush forward up to 30 feet to your selected opponent and deliver [+1/+2/+3] (W) shield attack that hits enemies around you. [36/24/12] seconds cooldown.
    No fun, no $$$

  9. #969
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ballrus View Post
    Shield Charge:
    While shield equipped, Activate: Rush forward up to 30 feet to your selected opponent and deliver [+1/+2/+3] (W) shield attack that hits enemies around you. [36/24/12] seconds cooldown.
    Triple All

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  10. #970
    Community Member Iyllelia's Avatar
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    Default re: Arcanum Spell Penetration...and Spell Penetration, in general

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Correct. This ability grants a total of 3 Spell Penetration at its third tier, 1/rank. You are welcome to try it out right now yourself, but I'll save you the trouble of rolling up an Aasimar and show you that, at its third rank, it's granting exactly 3.

    I don't know what to tell you. I don't have a nifty admin console to investigate. Just what I see in my rolls when I cast.

    When I tested this, I went into the same quest and cast the same spell on the same target, and I did this after having allotted points to each rank of Arcanum in the Aasimar tree.

    When I had the third tier, it said I had the same SP as when I had no tiers.

    I guess that means there is a bug somewhere else that is interfering with Arcanum.

    To add to this: I get various values when I'm playing -- without having changed enhancements, feats, or gear. It's ranging between 28 and 34 when I roll. Either I don't understand the math of Spell Penetration or it's buggy AF.

    EDIT: I just noticed that your example is an Aasimar Scourge. I'm not.
    Last edited by Iyllelia; 07-13-2019 at 03:22 AM.

  11. #971
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Shield rush(vanguard 5) doesn't allow usage if you're targeting an enemy that isn't in front of you, but targeting doesn't modify its behavior in any beneficial way, such as tracking. Makes it annoying to use in combat, when you're trying to shield rush through a group of enemies, but the one you have targeted is slightly to the side, so you just sit there getting an error saying you're not facing them. Should allow free usage no matter what you're targeting.

  12. #972
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    Frenzy (Frenzied Berserker core 3, barbarian)

    when i have logged out of my character it shows as gray (like if i didn't have the enhancement) when i log back in, this persisted through TR. does that qualify for your list of stuff ?

    Sidenote, i saw you handled some of the other stuff i brought, thank you a lot, i really appreciate that this small stuff gets fixed. You didn't say anything about Intimidate when you listed things that was done, is it because it doesn't qualify or ?

    Best regards

  13. #973
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
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    Hey Lynnabel,

    The temp hp from "Bliss" (rad serv enhancement) doesn't trigger from Confront Any Foe.

  14. #974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iyllelia View Post
    I don't know what to tell you. I don't have a nifty admin console to investigate. Just what I see in my rolls when I cast.

    When I tested this, I went into the same quest and cast the same spell on the same target, and I did this after having allotted points to each rank of Arcanum in the Aasimar tree.

    When I had the third tier, it said I had the same SP as when I had no tiers.

    I guess that means there is a bug somewhere else that is interfering with Arcanum.

    To add to this: I get various values when I'm playing -- without having changed enhancements, feats, or gear. It's ranging between 28 and 34 when I roll. Either I don't understand the math of Spell Penetration or it's buggy AF.

    EDIT: I just noticed that your example is an Aasimar Scourge. I'm not.
    actually it is giving the correct increases to spell pen on normal Aaasimar. i presume Lynn rolled a scourge up so she would not need to level one up by hand to be able to spend those points.
    i tested this out by resetting my enhancements on my clonk, spending 0 points in arcanum and running into kings forest to find a drow and cast destruction on him then recall, add a point then reset the instance and cast again. first time was +38 to spell pen with 0 points in arcanum and spell points was 2157. with 1 point in arcanum the spell pen was +39, spell points were 2182 , 2 points the spell pen was +40 and spell points of 2207. 3rd point spent and the spell pen was +41 and spell points were 2257. so, it works fine on my Aasimar.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  15. #975
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    clerics radiant servant positive energy aura turns off when moving thru the portals in sealed in amber. haven't really noticed it turning off when porting from place to place anywhere else.
    also, why does healing spells heal constructs, i.e. arti dogs, scarecrow hireling, and the shield guardian but those constructs are immune to positive energy aura?
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  16. #976
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    clerics radiant servant positive energy burst, when someone or something is hard targeted and out of spell casting range will return an error of failed action, target is out of range despite the fact that the burst is centered on the cleric.
    Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared

  17. #977
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    i lose blitz sometimes in the portal opens

    it is not consistent, the one i see most is going west. to the high priestess i see nothing and occassionaly only on the east side. but on the west its high. i tested in 5 runs - 3 of them it disappeared on go through

  18. #978
    Community Member Iyllelia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don1966 View Post
    actually it is giving the correct increases to spell pen on normal Aaasimar. i presume Lynn rolled a scourge up so she would not need to level one up by hand to be able to spend those points.
    i tested this out by resetting my enhancements on my clonk, spending 0 points in arcanum and running into kings forest to find a drow and cast destruction on him then recall, add a point then reset the instance and cast again. first time was +38 to spell pen with 0 points in arcanum and spell points was 2157. with 1 point in arcanum the spell pen was +39, spell points were 2182 , 2 points the spell pen was +40 and spell points of 2207. 3rd point spent and the spell pen was +41 and spell points were 2257. so, it works fine on my Aasimar.
    It works on your build and isn't working on mine. Then what I said about something else interfering with the math is likely to be correct. Whether it's something with FvS (my class), some piece of gear, an enhancement, or feat.

    I can give more details about how my FvS is set up, if helpful. I can also submit a bug report, as long as it doesn't just disappear into the void.

  19. #979
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iyllelia View Post
    I just noticed that your example is an Aasimar Scourge. I'm not.
    Internally, they are the same enhancement. Different tree, same button, two separate locations.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  20. #980
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    RL favor reward Blessings of The Feather uses a square icon even though it is a Passive

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