Could you tweak the numbers so that up to 10000 dragonshard fragments (of both kinds) are eaten up by each click? When one has tens of thousands of each kind it can take forever to crunch them all down to the sizes needed.
Could you tweak the numbers so that up to 10000 dragonshard fragments (of both kinds) are eaten up by each click? When one has tens of thousands of each kind it can take forever to crunch them all down to the sizes needed.
Last edited by ThrakThor; 06-05-2020 at 01:02 PM. Reason: typo
Here's a thread that could use some Lyn or Lomi:
Precision Lenses.
That's the correct store error when there is a payment problem. Clicking that link opens a page to the customer support where you can file a ticket etc.
However, if paying by a bank credit card multiple times on multiple accounts (like I did), eventually the store will pause the next transaction and ask you to input the small test deposit they placed. If you put in the WRONG amount (like I did), you will get an error banner like the one in the above picture, but instead it links to which is not where you want to go.
Some other in game store thoughts:
1. There's no forgiveness or second chances. If you put the wrong test amount in, you get that payment card locked out of the DDO store until you contact customer support and wait for them.
2. BUG: If you get to this verification (from using the same card too many times in a row) and you get the page PRESS CONTINUE to proceed, etc. PLEASE NOTE that the small charge has ALREADY been placed on your account. I hit the back button, thinking I had screwed up the card info, then proceeded again. When I checked my bank, I saw TWO charges, both different amounts because it makes the charge when you reach this page. NOT WHEN YOU THINK IT WOULD which is when you click continue. This is how I put the wrong one in. (picked the one I thought was most recent, roll 1d2)
3. Good thing. When you go to, I did livechat and they instantly told me to go back to the ddo store.
4. Not so good: The little icon in the bottom left of the store is where you can click to contact support. It's kinda not obvious (at least to me)
Last edited by Mindos; 06-06-2020 at 02:32 PM.
Doing von 3 with Bard buddy. Have fom from his song. See picture. Bard fom has TWO parts on the buff bar. But, fight a beholder? BOOM! There goes the one bard fom buff, but not the other. Cast grease and slip and slid around.
Left picture is what remains after beholder dispells. Right picture is the buff that gets dispelled.
increases should not be plural, increase is correct
The animated armors in Spies in the House are clearly a copy/paste of the skeletons there. They are not flagged as undead but are still healed by negative energy, as a Pale Master your Death auras heal them because they "aren't undead" and I assume the new warlock pact is going to have an issue with them as well. I believe I had a similar issue with the Vampire girl on the 2nd floor of Invitation to dinner, she was healing off my auras.
So I tried wraps Monk for the first time and I found out Master of Flowing Water Strike says it does additional fire damage? But it does actually do cold damage
And does Stunning Strike Feat actually hit an enemy? I've been trying several times to hit an enemy from all kinds of distances. Even so close to an enemy it says the enemy is behind me... It just never seems to connect to an enemy from close range?
Edit... The Stunning Strike seems to work fine today. Maybe it was just bugged out after character creation.
Last edited by ShifterThePirate; 06-09-2020 at 11:43 AM.
Hey, Lynnabel,
FvS (of certain faiths and not others, it would appear) have lost their level 20 DR feat since the last update. Not in the patch release notes... Could you make sure this is noticed and help restore pure FvS to former glory?
More detail in this thread:
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. ... People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true." Terry Goodkind
Got hit with Chaos Frenzy when my summoned Chaos Beholder timed out and unsummoned from the xoriat trinket. Was weird, but just for a split second.
The text description for ghostbane property on Etheral weapons from KOTB trader reads: "Passive:... chance to evade bane damage"
The word bane shouldn't be there.
If you enter this quest and then want to leave and return to the Cogs, you can turn around and click the exit. But this only works for one player, as the gate will go down, but the swirl symbol remains, but cannot be clicked so others will be forced to recall out.
In Litany of the Dead when you exit to destroy the control crystals for the path you choose, you get a DM Text in yellow that pops up for all paths except Mentau's. Is this WAI or a Bug? (Recently helped flag a lot of people so noticed it multiple times especially after 19 runs in a day)
My 2 mains are Mornyngstar and Seldissan on Thelanis but I also have toons on all servers with those names. Any toon that has Mornyngstar Clan as their last name is most likely me.
Greater Harper pin does not remove Succubi Change of heart.
"dispel any CC effect affecting you" yeah right
Except like 2/3 of CC effects are not removed...
Protection from Evil also does not block Change of heart (at least potion version does not)
Last edited by Drunkendex; 06-09-2020 at 02:11 PM.
Can you update the druid spell Shred so it matches the changes to the sunder feat.
I can take the teleporter from the hall of heros to the inspired quarter as a level one toon, but if I walk out the gate and try to come back in, I get the "You must be level 4 or greater to enter" message.
When u leave Temple of Elemental Evil by the entrance, it still says above gate "Return to Hall of Heroes", tough it correctly returns you to gatekeeper grove. Pretty difficult to notice.
I bug reported that I pulled a ML 5 helm from a reward list. It has protection from evil +0 on it.
I was mildly suprised to see ML 5 reward for a lvl 2 quest (ran on reaper). Guess the update affected chest loot, not end reward.
I can be found on Orien as Cilon
HC7: Typhoon, Dreaded Knight, and Wish. HC6: Naivety. HC5: Who Is Here. HC4: Cylon Centurian. HC3: Soulstone in Your Pack. HC2: Carnage
But only in certain places, the tooltip blocks out the item I'm trying to swap to, or swap back to. Now, I know I can increase the tooltip display time, which I have been doing. However I am enjoying the faster tooltip display default time and I would like this obstruction to not happen.
Note that sometimes I can click the item even with the tooltip on top of it and the cursor. But not for the one shown in the pictures below:
This is the far right of my screen, with 3 vertical hotbars in a row. The bottom left spot is occupied with the Echo of Ravenkind as you can see.
Now this next picture is showing how the tooltip covers not only the item I am trying to click, but the entire toolbar it is on, AND the entire toolbar just to the right of it.
Is there any way to make sure that hover over examine tooltips do NOT spawn overtop of the item?