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  1. #1981
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    Quote Originally Posted by jetster11 View Post
    Strahd in Sunrise (final quest in Ravenloft) is the same CR 67 at R1, hits WAY harder due to the stat squash and massive loss of PRR/ MRR, uses ruin if you try to kite him at all. I believe he has lost absolutely NO power while we have lost large amounts in dealing with him. This is referring to the solo experience of a light armor (kiter type build). he must be hand coded and nothing has been done against him. This is true also of the Deva at end, but he can be dealt pretty easily with several relatively safe spots, but now takes longer to kill than before.

    Honestly, i am having way more difficulty with any quests that has a true RED name Boss. Just in some case strategy allows me to minmize the damage to me. But they all seem to have the same power so hit way harder and take longer to kill because i hit less hard. My character has 104 reaper points and quite a few past lives so should be capable of doing r1 soloing on Any quest IMO.

    Realistically I no longer can solo Trial of Archons part 1 and 2, Sunrise, and others i can not think of right now.
    It appears that base HP etc have been reduced but not necessarily special attacks - a number of players have noted that they can't do some of the content that they could before the stat squish. Myself I was totally destroyed by The Maw in Blown Deadline even though I had had no great difficulties prior to U50.

  2. #1982
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    The throwing speed bug is back since U50--glacial attack rate, back to what it was before U49 Patch 2 fixed it a few months ago. Nothing about this in the release notes, so assuming it's a bug. I DM'd a dev about three weeks ago but got no response, and first two patches haven't fixed it.

  3. #1983
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Ninjas can use some help.
    Please Fix all the ninja bugs we’ve submitted.
    Modernize the tree. Add +hit +damage +doublestrike +double shot with ninja weapons.
    AP is spendy. Ninjas not rich. No Mercy is half off with Falcons.
    Scale up the poison damage.
    Ki costs are very very high.
    Let the Flash Bang also use Dexterity for DC since it’s a thrown thingy and Ninja Training cores are Dexterity.
    Add some melee power.
    Increasing dodge cap would be thematically correct.
    Capstone is weak.
    Tier 5 is light. Crippling Strike???
    Turtle Shell ‘cloak’
    Colored eye masks

  4. #1984
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Darkstorm Helmet has a typo in its description window. Nothing serious, but looks ugly.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  5. #1985
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default typo in kind of big deal, light in feywild quest planes in hallway

    in kind of a big deal, mondo valley dm says that maybe should be than:

    In one of the feywild quests, the light from the windows in one of the hallways makes a plane in midair:

  6. #1986
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default legendary Brilliance guard typo

    attacker is has

  7. #1987

    Default First Time Bonus Weekly Resets

    Hey Lynnabel,

    For those of us that aren't on the hamster wheel and remain at cap. Can we have First Time Bonus' reset weekly with server restarts?

  8. #1988
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default tidus in danger at dunwater can be broken and quest uncompletable

    He can be confused, but then when he switches back to npc mode he is forever hostile and cannot be spoken to:

    Last edited by Mindos; 09-04-2021 at 11:41 AM.

  9. #1989
    Community Member Cybersquirt's Avatar
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    In case y' missed it, weapon weighting is still not fixed. Another sword o' mine dropped (W) - dropped 1.5(W) this time.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  10. #1990
    Community Member ShifterThePirate's Avatar
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    Shouldn't this be Cold?

  11. #1991
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default cladding of dead leaves and firefly garb spelling error

    contruction instead of construction in description:

  12. #1992
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default over level item tool tip pop up misspelling

    When wearing an item that is over level, you receive a warning on the buff bar, hovering over it provides text:

    mininum should be minimum.

    Also, gem of many facets (especially herioc ) does not immediately apply a minimum level restriction. It doesn't update until you put in bank and back or log out/in...

  13. #1993
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Requesting this thread become sticky.

    and request fix of

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    An appeal to the Devs resulted in a correction to a similar spell - Reincarnation.
    Both Reincarnation and Mass Heal had/have extraordinary long casting times.

    This resulted in a spellcaster being locked into finishing the spell regardless of current dangers.

    As a Druid, I died many times while locked into slow movement and inability to react while casting Reincarnation.
    My solution was to make sure I had high UMD with which to scroll cast Resurrection.
    Certain raids, such as Mark of Death, had an old school feel of a net loss of plat due to resources used.

    As a Cleric/Favored Soul, I tend to avoid Mass Heal for Mass Cure Moderate/Serious/Critical simply due to the shorter casting times.

    Persuing the Devs to revisit Mass Heal is a noble cause, and I will /sign up for thus.

    Some of the advantages of reducing the Casting Time more in line with Reincarnation (which suffered the same problem) are:

    Hirelings will be improved, particularly certain of the popular healing types.
    This is worthwhile for all player's experiences especially melee DPS lovers.

    Pure Clerics have five level nine spell slots which are easier filled with the five level nice cleric spells.
    There are no choices being made here. Not even the Dev favored difficult choices.
    In fact, with a Cleric 17/Splash 3 build, there are still two level nine spell slots open which can be filed with True Resurrection, Implosion, or Energy Drain.
    This is still a fairly easy choice for players to make.
    Improving Heal Mass to a viable casting spell would help make player's choices less automatic.

    Likewise, a Pure Favored Soul with three level nine spell slots has an easy choice between Heal Mass (not viable), Summon Monster nine (also not viable and easily replaced with SM 7 scrolls or cilickies), Implosion, True Resurrection (replaceable with Ressurection), and Energy Drain. There are no hard choices here. Compared to a pure Sorcerer class who also has three level nine spell slots and twelve choices for spells (of which only Mordenkainen's Disjunction could be considered an inferior but potentially useful choice).

    Heal Mass has a short cooldown of six seconds, so it would be more appropriate for such a spell to have a reasonable casting time.
    This gives more reliability to the game and helps newcomers not fall into an "oh look at this powerful spell - sigh that does not work well).

    Allowing more viable Healing options particularly for Raiding will allow groups to fill up quicker and smoother, making more players willing to lead raids. This will allow more players to feel wanted at level cap and more comfortable learning the game.

    Hopefully, when the Devs have time, someone can look into reducing the casting time by half or whatever the Druid Reincarnation spell casting time is.

    Thank you for reading.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 09-11-2021 at 12:57 PM.

  14. #1994
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default thunderholme misspellings

    if you run up to the entrance to either raid after killing the two wilderness flagging bosses, but before you exit and talk to the raid quest givers, you get text

    RECEVE should be RECEIVE

  15. #1995
    Community Member Deivonte's Avatar
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    Would it be possible to take a look at Battlefist (T3 Renegade Mastermaker Enhancement). Half the time, it feels like the ability shows the animation but no damage happens, and the knockdown when stunned doesn't occur. I was playing a Drow Artificer using Bastards Swords if it helps. This occurred with multiple rune arms.

  16. #1996
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    I was just using Lynnabel's Rat Hunter, that throwing knife.

    I'm not at all an expert on mechanics, but the level 5 item seems to behave differently for the Mire Rat (Rat !) and the Darkfang Hunter (Spider !).
    I'm not sure, but solely from the looks it seems tome as if it wasn't applying its damage to Rats in the same way as against Spiders, despite its (the item's) name.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  17. #1997
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    I was just using Lynnabel's Rat Hunter, that throwing knife.

    I'm not at all an expert on mechanics, but the level 5 item seems to behave differently for the Mire Rat (Rat !) and the Darkfang Hunter (Spider !).
    I'm not sure, but solely from the looks it seems tome as if it wasn't applying its damage to Rats in the same way as against Spiders, despite its (the item's) name.
    Probably because it's actual name is bug killer not rat hunter? (rat's aren't vermin )

  18. #1998
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    Probably because it's actual name is bug killer not rat hunter? (rat's aren't vermin )

    this is correct but he is not wrong. i mean, he is, but the description of vermin bane in the screenshot says: "ideal for clearing out rats and other annoying beasts". he's trusting a wrong description.
    Last edited by Valerianus; 09-18-2021 at 03:23 PM.
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  19. #1999
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    I checked, and the item's name is indeed "Bugkiller", whereas Crystal Cove has an itrem called "Ratkiller".

    Serious typo in the Monster Manual :

    Entry Draegloth : The text says "You and your party must exterminate many dretch to complete this deed."

    The Drow entry description text only tells the reader about Faerun Drow, not about Eberron Drow.
    Last edited by Alrik_Fassbauer; 09-25-2021 at 05:33 PM.
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  20. #2000
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    Default Hope for Victory still not WAI

    Just came back for another Fav. Soul life build as support healer. Massivly using the Hopes. And Hope of Victory is still not providing the melee/ranged power it should according to its description.

    Formula is
    3 + [Fav. Soul lvl] + [Epic lvls(from Capstone)]
    => 3 + 20 + 10 = 33
    But its only giving 18 instead of 33, so its only +1 per 2 lvls.
    The other part of it for spellpower is WAI.

    Edit: It may also be a typo: Wiki correctly says half your Fav-Soul-lvl, and states
    Bug: Grants scaling Melee and Ranged Power at a lesser value than listed, while spell power scales correctly.
    But ingame tooltip of that Enhancement doesnt mention half.

    Seems easy to fix, and please consider if its a typo or just not providing the intended amount of rp/mp. Also consider: its only lasting 20s and hard to keep up if under stress (lots of healing to do). Not seen many players before even using/ taking it.
    Last edited by Horst-of-the-Wood; 10-04-2021 at 02:00 AM.
    "Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

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