Please preview the melee survivability changes on Lamannia, and get us your feedback based on your actual on-Lamannia experience if you can. Thanks!
Please preview the melee survivability changes on Lamannia, and get us your feedback based on your actual on-Lamannia experience if you can. Thanks!
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after activating the epic defensive stance, it puts everything on cooldown.. I can't even talk to a quest giver until the cooldown expires. Is this WAI?
Thelanis - Proud Officer of DWAT
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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now that Barbarian DR has been changed, will the rest of the non-barbarian DR system get changed also?
Thelanis - Proud Officer of DWAT
Merkury - McKormic - Nykole - Merkormic - Mckorc - Gemineye - Magisterr - Metaphysics
Is the intent for the new melee stance to work with Warlock melee abilities (Eldritch aura, burst, and spirit blast)? I am not sure if those abilities count as "touch range" already or if the aura toggle is too close to the blast stances and gets roped in with their mutual exclusivity. I am definitely actively being "touched" before I can use them effectively![]()
Formerly Rathic of harvestgain
So its a giant screw you to S&B tanks who could actually use the HP?
So when I toggle the epic defensive fighting stance on, I get like 130 HP (Should be 5% since I have no extra feats) on my tank, even though I allready have a +20% competence bonus stance from Paladin.
It Seems to stack.
Renowned: Morkass, Ethiene, Eldried, Tenedoss, Tergos, Fergoss, Terendel
Tanks are already at 6000+ HP. They don't have problems surviving in the content in question.
However, I agree with you about the stacking. Especially at 25%. If you aren't going to do that then all you are doing is buffing Monks, Rangers, Barbs, and Rogues and damaging class balance.
Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber
I wont apologize if my replies on this subject are strong*.
You all up there are putting the screws to fighters. To be fair, as Thrudh said, this % should stack with both stances.
It pains me that this was not included up front.
Another 2 steps forward, one back, the 2 comes from the debacle of power surge, it's fair fix for an issue that should have been left alone.
tested out the feat it does nothing for my lvl 30 pure fighter sword and board tank build so much for it being a melee boost should be called selective melee boost. rather frustrated with this first step of the "melee boost". tanks are melee builds give them the love too. id say shelf this rubbish till all melee builds that don't cast any spells such as tank get benefits too. this was meant to help melees fight toe to toe and what builds fight more toe to toe then tank builds? tank build should always have the highest hp as the suffer a good bit on dps. dps builds shouldn't get free hp that rivals a tank build that time and dps sacrifices were made to get that hp if this is just to help melee non-tank builds survive in reaper trash it as it was said the game wont be balanced around reaper which this feat clearly is.
Alright it's down to 25%, that's halfway to the proper number which should be zero.
Melees do not need any extra HP, they're already the dominant class in the hardest endgame content.
All the restrictions to make ranged/casters not use the new stance also messes up hybrid builds (VKF ranged power scaling? NOPE, paladin throwing spot heals NOPE).
It not stacking with defender stances screws fighters and paladins over hard, they now have a USELESS enhancement that does nothing in epics.
Also this screws up class balance, The current rough Melee tier list is Tempests, (wraps) Monks, and Kensais at the top and Paladins being near the bottom with everything else being somewhere in the middle.
This change buffs Barbarians up significantly, but buffs tempests and Monks from their already top tier positions into insanity, meanwhile it screws over one of the weakest classes Paladins because it doesn't stack with their enhancement trees and has anti-synergy with their spells.
I say this as a lifelong melee player, please just shelve these changes, we all know if this goes live every monster in future content is going to be hitting 25% harder to make up for it so anyone pretending using this awful clunky stance is optional is fooling themselves.
please throw away these changes and stop further killing Paladins.
Needs to work with Vanguard. I get not wanting this to work with tanks, but Vanguard is not a tank.
Also a general buff like this should benefit new players more than it benefits veterans.
also definitely 100% not seeing why Monk needs yet another buff. this is lol territory.