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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Looks like open season on developers, so...

    Now I know you young people are super smart and have lots of experience in designing and implementing games.

    I remember back in 1960, when I wrote my first programs in assembly language, I thought I had INVENTED logic.

    But some advice about new gamers from The Old Man:

    To tempt and keep new players, you should double the number of level 2, 3, and 4 f2p dungeons. I have listened to the 'general' chat in the harbor, and after rolling 3 or 4 characters, they are bored with the same old quests. They need more examples before they settle down to the actual game: building superheros.


    A rough cavern, with danger of falling, like Brood of Flame
    A mostly underwater like Two Toed
    Something where 'sneak' is the only way to win.
    A level 3 raid.
    A boss with healers that have to be killed first.

    Your new quest have gotten better and better, but for the lowbies, you need to update your bait.


    I've been VIP for years, so I didn't realize that the Catacombs was not free to play. This is not a particularly fun chain, but making it free would add 8 quests for newbies.

    And as far as BAIT, after suitable advertising make Three Barrel Cove free for a week. Do this four times a year. Show them what they are missing.
    Last edited by Sonoma; 08-16-2018 at 06:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonoma View Post
    you need to update your bait.
    That colloquialism is a wonderfully succinct way to express the point.

    A new starter area with a fun story and interesting, diverse quests would be great. Make sure to set the difficulty for new players, not super characters.
    Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
    Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!

  3. #3
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    Years back I was thinking about an epic version of Korthos where the giant water troll that's frozen in ice breaks out. At first I was thinking shadow of the colossus style where you had to climb the troll while it walked around and kill its head while trying to stay on its shoulders, but that's pretty silly. The hard part of a low level raid that is trying to instill a superhero dialogue with the player is very difficult when the gear choices are so terrible at that level. Such a raid would have to install the character with the most powerful armor of all. PLOT ARMOR! Case in point, Celimas giving you an immortality buff in the grotto(and the buff then used elsewhere via glitch). No matter how many times you drowned while polishing that key, you always came back to life. A really low level raid like that just doesn't sound appealing if you dont have any swag that can help you through it, it would most likely resemble 3 or 4 harbor quests connected end to end with a red named troll at the end. Raids have memorable characters too, and run of the mill level 3 fodder isn't memorable. Killing a freshly hatched dragon would feel bad even if it did want to destroy stormreach one shack at a time, as an example. If this low level raid is about one of Arraetrikos' lieutenants from before the shroud began, like the moment Kasquik or any of the other lieutenants acquired their fiend power and made a pact then that would be neat. It would just feel like an ordinary quest though.

    But this is would be free content so don't count on that happening. Facebook likes don't pay the bills.

  4. #4
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    all packs below level 12 or so should be free.

  5. #5
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaboom2112 View Post
    all packs below level 12 or so should be free.
    Don't be Sally, some stuff should tantalize people to hunt favor. Which unlocks packs, which makes getting favor easier. I had VIP for 1 Year in 2011? and I didn't like the price point, and many new F2P people that might sustain the game with purchases are disinclines very quickly when the repetitiveness of Korthos and the Harbor eat away at your sanity.

    For vets, they cruise thru another life in what, 3 days? You have to imagine being Level 1, First Life, No Companions or Guild and just sloooooowly murdering Kobolds in Sewers on Normal. Tis not good.

    Especially with the amazingly tedious "Be reaper ready" espoused by people with all their PLs in a row and 40+ reaper points... it helps to throw a bone to new players in the form of a refurbished starting area.

    I've posited many F2P packs (I think I'm up to 5 or 6), and I think that the starting area of Korthos needs a MASSIVE overhaul. Harbor and Market too (I've been waiting for a Market Public Zone Revamp for years).

    So with regard to the OP, YES. More F2P shiz

  6. #6
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    Bump the edit

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