Adventure Awaits!
Do you covet the untold riches of the ages? Do you have the fortitude and wit to best the most vicious jungle monsters? Do you scoff at ancient dangers unknown?
The lost continent of Xendrik was once the home of a vast Empire of Giants who wielded arcane artifacts of vast power. After centuries of isolation, this once forbidden land now lies open to those brave and strong enough to seize her treasures. Even now, hundreds of adventures make foray into the deep jungles. Will you boldly set forth to claim your own fortune and fame?
Book passage today on the Jewel of the Air Sea and visit the Lost Continent of Xendrik! Fulfill your destiny!
During the Adventure Awaits event, players may create brand new characters to explore the mysteries and dangers of Xendrik, the Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, and beyond. To participate, a character must be created during the Adventure Awaits event, begin at Level 1, and reach Level 30 before the end of the event. New Level 1 characters will receive an item into their inventories called the Journal of Adventures. This item must remain on the character at all times and may not be placed into a character bank or shared storage.
After creation, simply play the character and reach level 30 before the event ends. Upon reaching level 30, speak with Grover Waltmore in the Marketplace and exchange the Journal of Adventures for one of 30 special event rewards.
Can I participate in Adventure Awaits with an existing character? No. Only brand new, level 1 characters created during the Adventure Awaits! event will receive a Journal of Adventures.
What happens if I accidentally destroy my Journal of Adventures? If you accidentally destroy a Journal of Adventures you will need to start a new character and try again. Be very careful not to destroy a Journal of Adventures.
When can I use the Journal of Adventures? Upon reaching Level 30 with a character holding a Journal of Adventures, speak with Grover Waltmore in the Marketplace and trade it for one of the event rewards.
How come Grover Waltmore will not speak to me? Grover Waltmore will only speak to level 30 characters and will only accept a Journal of Adventures in trade.
Can I use Veteran Status I, II, and III characters? No. Only a brand new, level 1 character created during the Adventure Awaits event will receive a Journal of Adventures.
Do I have to advance my Adventure Awaits character to level 30 at a particular difficulty? No. You may play at any difficulty that suits you.
Can I use my Adventure Awaits character in groups? Yes! We hope you group with other players participating in the event!
Can I make more than one character for Adventure Awaits? Yes! You may make as many characters as you like. Each one reaching level 30 during the event may speak to Grover Waltmore and trade his or her Journal of Adventures for a reward.
Can I use an Otto's Box and Epic Otto's Box on my Adventure Awaits character? Yes! We appreciate your patronage!
Can I use Experience Point Potions on my Adventure Awaits Character? Yes! We appreciate your support!
Can I use my Daily Dice experience on my Adventure Awaits Character? Of course!
What happens if I create an Adventure Awaits character and he or she does not reach level 30 before the end of the event? Grover Waltmore will travel to Korvaire at the end of the event but will return when his schedule permits. Save the Journal of Adventures in the inventory of your character and wait for the next Adventure Awaits event.
Can I trade for multiple rewards from Grover Waltmore? Each eligible Adventure Awaits character reaching level 30 may trade his or her Journal of Adventures to Grover Waltmore. In this way you may acquire any or all of the rewards from the Adventure Awaits event.
How come I cannot use my existing characters to participate in the event? Adventure Awaits was designed to encourage all of our players, new and veteran alike, to play together. By limiting the rewards to brand new, level 1 characters, everyone can play at the same level of power and meaningfully contribute to groups. We understand that veteran players will utilize legacy equipment but feel that equipment will not keep newer players from helping.
What happens to my Adventure Awaits character after trading in his or her Journal of Adventures? You may use the character as you please.
Will Adventure Awaits come back? We plan on running Adventure Awaits approximately twice each year.
Adventure Awaits Rewards
The rewards from Adventure Awaits were designed to serve as useful mementos, not contribute to character power.
1) Level 30, White Tiger Gold Seal Hire
2) Cosmetic Robes of Adventure
3) Deep Jungle Voodoo Kobold Shaman Cosmetic Pet
4) ... (It is 3:23am and I am really tired.)
So. What do ya think of my solution to getting players with vastly different character power playing together again?