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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Update all old loot?

    Im a returning player. Been inactive for 4 years.

    Just wondering, similar to what they did in Crystal Cove. Do they also update, or should there be a trade-in interface or NPC that you can update your old Raid items or special items?

    Because i have a lot of Raid and special items sitting in my bank and TR caches that I don't know if i should just throw away or wait. But considering how much even Cannith crafting items are powerful now, shouldn't raid and special items also be buffed? Or have they been already, and i just don't know about this?

  2. #2
    Community Member Satyriasys's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by supot2 View Post
    Im a returning player. Been inactive for 4 years.

    Just wondering, similar to what they did in Crystal Cove. Do they also update, or should there be a trade-in interface or NPC that you can update your old Raid items or special items?

    Because i have a lot of Raid and special items sitting in my bank and TR caches that I don't know if i should just throw away or wait. But considering how much even Cannith crafting items are powerful now, shouldn't raid and special items also be buffed? Or have they been already, and i just don't know about this?
    Feed your obsolete items to a sentient gem. Very rarely they revise old loot but you will have to reacquire it.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2017



    It would be nice if they continue revamping old loot. At least one old pack every update...

    You don't need to keep your old items. When they update old loot, they don't offer a trade in of old items for the new ones like they did for Crystal Cove loot. You need to grind a new item again.

    But you can keep them until you get a sentient gem so you can feed them to it. It is better than selling them or throwing them away.

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