Try it with a different browser.
I can say, for example, that I can't work with the web site when I'm using the Internet Explorer 11, so for DDO's web site I always switch over to Vivaldi (which appears to be partly made of chrome).
Try it with a different browser.
I can say, for example, that I can't work with the web site when I'm using the Internet Explorer 11, so for DDO's web site I always switch over to Vivaldi (which appears to be partly made of chrome).
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
I use Chrome as my default browser. I tried in IE, but that didn't work either.
Edit: I finally managed to create a new account! The difference was that I now had a capital letter both at the start of, and in the middle of, my username. And numbers. I've had capital letter and numbers in before, but not capital letter in the middle of it. I also made a username so unique that the chance of anyone else having it is close to zero.
Last edited by Autumnleaf; 10-13-2019 at 05:07 AM.
Just make up an email address, you can change it later at
So, 1. Make an email address up, or anything at all as long as it has a @ symbol and the .com or so
3. Go to and sign in with whatever username and password you just made and then change the email address in there to whatever you want.
My friend and brother still cant make a new account and also when they tried to recover old accounts they had to change passwords but after changing the password they keep getting the wrong password errors. They have submitted a ticket over 24 hours ago and still haven't heard a thing back... both are about to give up even trying and it took a lot from me to convince them to come back to the game.
It's not looking good that you can't fix a bug from years ago that deals with people making new accounts or resetting passwords on old ones.
I have been having the same problem for almost a month now. I tried different browsers, different usernames (also tried to add caps and numbers to username), different email adresses, submitted from different IP adresses, etc. etc., but to no avail. I have submitted a ticket on July 30th (#137177), but still haven't heard back from SSG.
I know SSG is having to deal with heavy data center problems, but can anyone **please** come back to us regarding this annoying problem before the special offers end on Aug. 31st?
@Cordovan? Anyone??
Just stopped by to say that this is still a problem at the end of 2021 and the solution is still to just make a username and a password that have 1 capital letter and at least 1 number (eg. ****website99). The registration page doesnt tell you that, but hey.
Hey everyone,
when creating a new account for ddo via the play free website works flawless.
As soon, as you try to log into your account or launcher, the login fails.
Using an alphabetic username and a pwd with 19 capital and non-capital letters and numbers and # and ! works.
It seems the pwd-rules got an error over the years.
+ the pwd-reset doesn't work, this was confirmed 14 days ago by prolly and it is still broken.
@support and @devs
Please, fix the problems above and let people experience your masterpiece.
A friend of mine meanwhile burned 5 hours with reinstalling his client and creat accounts, because he couldn't login after creating an account.
This is pure money you loose, because there are so many ppl interested in your game but leave desperately, after hours of try and error.
could you please tell us an estimate, when at least the password recovery function works again?
and, BTW, there is now "account successfully created" email or something like that. Please make it more convenient, to create an account successfully, let us log into the launcher and spend money on your masterpiece.
I'm still waiting for my account recovery - and missed your great black friday discounts. I'm ready to spend money, as soon as I have acces to my 2009 ex-vip-account.
Stay safe and take care!
I have a simple solution :
I tried to create several accounts that had nothing except letters. They failed.
Then I entered an underscore in the middle... Accepted!
Instead of "xy", do "x_y" on account registration.
Perhaps other characters can do this, but I find it an easy solution.
Just saying there is something preventing normal names to be accepted without special chars in name.
Last edited by Boogafreak; 02-10-2022 at 12:26 AM.
Glad you think it's funny. I just made a new account no problem.
Possible user-related hiccups:
- Account name is possibly prohibited?
- Password needs letters and numbers? (or letters and meta-characters)?
- Email blocked or otherwise not registering as "valid"?
- Firewall or virus software blocking DDO?
Just guessing here - but if it worked for me, no reason it shouldn't work for you.![]()