So yesterday, I finished a crystal cove wallpaper and posted it on the ddo unlimited twitter account.
I got reported and blocked, locked out. Someone from one of these accounts or followers? reported my wallpaper as sexually explicit? REALLY? Are people that messed up in the head to this kind of thing? I've heard how repulsive and mean some people are on social media, but this takes the cake.
I had terrible experience with an ex GF that had my passwords. "the keys to the castle", and wreaked havoc with the few people I interacted with on twitter & instagram.
I got blocked, quarantined, shut down etc....
After a lengthy legal battle I won, yippee, I created a new account yesterday, followed all the main SSG & DDO, ddocast, players etc accounts that I could find that I know of.
I have zero clue about using twitter, I tried it to give myself a different platform of information and interaction w/ DDO'ers. And someone plays a schoolyard game of reporting me for whatever prepubescent mentality they subscribe to.
I deleted all ddo stuff. It's one thing to have a loony ex-gf raise hell, the law took care of that, but to have fellow gamers pull off this is "nuts".
Im out, social media ha its place, and whatever place that is, you can have it.
This old hippie is signing that **** off.