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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Unhappy Archers are very bugged

    Doubleshots on incorporeal creatures do not bypass the incorp. miss chance even when wearing a ghostly item. In other words, the secondary arrow still gives the incorporeal combat feedback.
    While firing and moving, active abilities will frequently go on cooldown but do nothing other than show an animation. They don't "miss", as there is no attack roll, they just don't actually fire at all. The same thing can happen when simply auto-attacking, sometimes even when stationary.
    Firing active shots often stops the character from moving and lags it out so that damage accumulates and causes insta-death when it springs back into motion, even when the aforementioned attack doesn't actually take place.
    Attack speed does not appear to properly affect the speed of a bow firing. While wielding the Ember Shortbow (starter gear), with base +1 Conjured Arrows, Equipping an Epic Quiver of Alacrity (15%) and being otherwise naked did not significantly increase the number of attacks made in a minute over several rounds of testing. The largest difference was 71 vs. 73 shots/min against training dummies.

    I can be fairly certain these problems aren't due to my connection as I have 100M cable internet service on a dedicated modem and everything else runs smoothly.

    Any clues as to if Archers will ever get some good lovin', development-wise?

  2. #2
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AscendantMadness View Post
    Doubleshots on incorporeal creatures do not bypass the incorp. miss chance even when wearing a ghostly item. In other words, the secondary arrow still gives the incorporeal combat feedback.
    While firing and moving, active abilities will frequently go on cooldown but do nothing other than show an animation. They don't "miss", as there is no attack roll, they just don't actually fire at all. The same thing can happen when simply auto-attacking, sometimes even when stationary.
    Firing active shots often stops the character from moving and lags it out so that damage accumulates and causes insta-death when it springs back into motion, even when the aforementioned attack doesn't actually take place.
    Attack speed does not appear to properly affect the speed of a bow firing. While wielding the Ember Shortbow (starter gear), with base +1 Conjured Arrows, Equipping an Epic Quiver of Alacrity (15%) and being otherwise naked did not significantly increase the number of attacks made in a minute over several rounds of testing. The largest difference was 71 vs. 73 shots/min against training dummies.

    I can be fairly certain these problems aren't due to my connection as I have 100M cable internet service on a dedicated modem and everything else runs smoothly.

    Any clues as to if Archers will ever get some good lovin', development-wise?

    I have given up complaining about all of the items you list above. I can remember the "dry fire" issue being explained away as 'terrain' based line of sight and then devs never commented afterwards despite folks saying it happens on flat ground, while jumping, vs flying mobs like bats, etc... I believe my first comment came way back for module 3 and the DQ pack. So, like 12 years ago. So, they are not fixing it. Any of it. Also, it maybe helpful to remember that the devs have hated ranged bow combat since Beta when they changed manyshot from stance to action. So, any real improvements you can pretty much bank on not happening ever.

  3. #3
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AscendantMadness View Post
    Doubleshots on incorporeal creatures do not bypass the incorp. miss chance even when wearing a ghostly item. In other words, the secondary arrow still gives the incorporeal combat feedback.
    While firing and moving, active abilities will frequently go on cooldown but do nothing other than show an animation. They don't "miss", as there is no attack roll, they just don't actually fire at all. The same thing can happen when simply auto-attacking, sometimes even when stationary.
    Firing active shots often stops the character from moving and lags it out so that damage accumulates and causes insta-death when it springs back into motion, even when the aforementioned attack doesn't actually take place.
    Attack speed does not appear to properly affect the speed of a bow firing. While wielding the Ember Shortbow (starter gear), with base +1 Conjured Arrows, Equipping an Epic Quiver of Alacrity (15%) and being otherwise naked did not significantly increase the number of attacks made in a minute over several rounds of testing. The largest difference was 71 vs. 73 shots/min against training dummies.

    I can be fairly certain these problems aren't due to my connection as I have 100M cable internet service on a dedicated modem and everything else runs smoothly.

    Any clues as to if Archers will ever get some good lovin', development-wise?
    I don't have experience with bows, but I've seen most of the same issues with crossbows.

    Long, long ago, in Update 11, the devs made changes to the physics engine and also to the way crossbows shots were animated and calculated. I don't know if the cause is one/both or neither of these changes, but overnight and ever since that update the targeting of ranged attacks has been 'wonky.' I and many others have seen and bug reported the same missing shots with no attack rolls and active ranged abilities not proc'ing but going on cooldown. The only dev response I've ever seen addressing this was a comment dismissing it as being all related to latency/lag.

    Like barecm said, I've long since given up any hope that the devs will address these issues and instead learned to play around them.

  4. #4
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Do archers still get rooted to the ground when they use the slaying arrow or whatever its called still?
    They fixed the arti's not to stop moving but not the archers...

  5. #5
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Do archers still get rooted to the ground when they use the slaying arrow or whatever its called still?
    They fixed the arti's not to stop moving but not the archers...
    yes unless you jump while using it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

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