I have a heroic blackrazor.
When i hit mobs they get message immune against the entropic damage?
I thought untyped damage would work against all mobs?
trolls, undeads, spiders and more or less all mobs get "immune"?
Only mobs i get it to give damage against is elves? (in von 3 trolls immune, drows get damage.
Is it bugged or can any plz explain to me what mobs it works against?
thanks in advance!
The sword:
Echo of Blackrazor Great Sword
Minimum Level: 9/29
Damage Dice: [2d6]/7[2d6+4] (because of Keen)
Critical Profile: 17-20/x2 (because of Keen)
Stealer of Souls Blackrazor hungers for the Souls of those you have defeated. On a Vorpal hit with this weapon, Blackrazor will absorb some of its Soul, draining one level from the target. When you strike the killing blow on an enemy, Blackrazor retains one Defeated Soul, up to a maximum of 5/20. Each Defeated Soul grants you +1 Profane bonus to Melee Power and +1 Profane bonus to Damage. If you block or unequip Blackrazor, the Defeated Souls will be released. Defeated Souls last for 30 seconds.
Keen I/V
Entropic 3d6/9d6
Psychic Ward This item wards you against mind-altering effects and spells, such as Charm and Domination.
Orange Augment Slot
Red Augment Slot