While researching metallurgy recently I stumbled across Professor Veena Sahajwalla of the University of New South Wales. She is developing a process of using waste plastic, (derived from oil) as a carbon source and adding it to iron to make steel.
Here's a little of what she said.
"Many waste plastics, from shopping bags to dishwashing liquid containers and drink bottles, contain high enough levels of carbon to be useful in steelmaking."
Carbon is used to add strength to steel. The higher the carbon content, the stronger but less ductile it is.
"The carbon component that's present inside plastic is what we're after and, at those high temperatures, we're able to react it in a way that we're able to use that carbon that's locked in the plastics. Typically you would add coal and coke."
That is pretty cool. It means that our landfills in the world may become potential mines. Lots of precious metals in electronics and everyday stuff too that could be recovered.
Here is one article I read on ABCScience
Have a great day/night!
*Makin People Mad* on Sarlona