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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default I would like to quest with someone on Sarlona using these build rules

    I do not know how you would master such a build, but I will gladly help you get the appropriate gear for it, I do not enjoy multiclassing myself but would love to see this build in action.

    Warforged/Artificer 12/Bard 8

    Mastermaker-Top tier for regeneration construct, Swashbuckler, and Harper for int to hit and damage if desired.

    Focus=Build as tanky as possible, focus on self-heals, focus on support skills

    As for epic destinies and twists, do whatever you want.

    I will run quests with you and pass you loot, whatever you ask for so long as you can define the use in the build.... this would include raid loot.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    My dude,
    Build it and test it yourself
    That's how everyone else does it
    Then they know
    Have you ever been experienced?
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Swashbuckling on a Warforged is annoying due to Mithral Body's shortcomings (mostly the MDB 5 cap). And some of the higher-tier RMM bonuses would depend on Adamantine Body anyway, which is an anti-requisite to Swashbuckling. Arty / ftr probably makes more sense, especially since Stalwart HP / CON bonuses stack with RMM's, IIUC.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. 07-18-2018, 02:03 PM

  5. 07-18-2018, 05:08 PM

  6. 07-18-2018, 06:14 PM

  7. #4
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    I might have taken you up on that offer (on a temporary basis of course); but... the build really doesn't match any of my characters theme or goal, and the possible pastlives I could get from warforged or artificer aren't too attractive. Not to mention that I'm disinclined to run warforged in general.

    So how about I make a counter proposal?

    I've briefly theorycrafted a vampire enchantress build (drow 14 bard, 6 wizard, vampire form with heavy focus on enchantment DC's, charisma based swashbuckler with orbs). I'm fairly sure it's going to be pretty weak :P But if you want to create a character so that we can quest/level together I'd TR one of my characters into it and play a supportive playstyle.

    *Some conditions apply. Negotiations can be made
    Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
    Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
    Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress

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