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  1. #1
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Default Warforged Favored Soul with the new Tree

    EDIT: I just realized I should mention that these original posts came out BEFORE U39 droppped, So I am missing some official information how stuff will work.

    I am not a very good builder, I generally pick a build on the forums and then tweak it to do what I want.

    But want to try something different.

    I am a really big Warforged fan and back in the day of 20 Cap and ToD was THE END GAME, I ran a "Soul Survivor" and Sirgog and I use to talk about strengths and weaknesses and stuff.

    It really was a really fun build back then.

    Anyway, I want to try my hand at this again.

    I think with Beacon of Hope, I can overcome the Warforged Self healing penalty and play a build that I made and that I really like.

    So here is my thinking, or back story of you prefer...

    My most recent life, I played a variation of the Maverick Hunter Artificer by StrimTom and Ungbongwah I really have enjoyed having a character with high (to me) Armor Class and PRR/MRR. I made mine more Renegade Mastermaker, Warforged Tree and Haper with almost no Battle Engineer, with more focus on tanking, self-repair and healing others with maxed and empowered heal for those potion tosses since I took T5 of Renegade Mastermaker.

    So this led to me wanting to get a Favored Soul life or two in a similar manner. I can tank in quests (not a raid tank though), and I can support my friends who ARE really good DPSers. And with the name, "Hireling". I generally get a lot of leeway in quests if I do something stupid and die.

    I like being able to solo (Epic Hard and the "easier" Epic Elites and low reaper) and I really enjoy team play. So buffing and healing are a priority to me, and enough DPS to be able to do "stuff" on my own without it taking forever.

    So here is the build: BTW I know this build has similar concepts to Axel's Battle Cleric, and his is better than this.

    (btw I am posting the build, I am just going to keep posting and editing so my internet doesn't time out and I love my progress)

    I can never get the builder lite program to work, so I am "eyeballing this"

    Pros to this Build: +20% HP and +6 CON and really strong Saves and good Armor Class

    Weaknesses: Limited Spell selection, and your DPS won't be top tier.

    16 Favored Soul/4 Paladin

    STR 16
    DEX 8
    CON 16-18
    INT 10-12
    WIS 8
    CHR 14-16

    My stats are probably off, but basically I want good STR, CON, CHR and enough INT to get skill points. I also have some ability tomes running.

    I am unsure if I should put level ups into STR or CHR. I plan on trying to keep Divine Might running 100% of the time.


    Concentration, Heal, Intimidate and some into Jump (but not maxed...don't need it maxed with Morah's Belt and DM running), and maybe some Diplomacy and Spellcraft though I don't think this build will leverage Spellcraft that much.

    Level set up...
    1-3 Favored Soul
    4 Paladin (catch up Intimidate here)
    5-13 Favored Soul (Get Heal Spell at level 13)
    14 Paladin (Catch up Intimidate as much as you can)
    15-18 Favored Soul
    19-20 Paladin (Intimidate here)

    1 Power Attack
    3 Cleave
    6 Adamantine Armor (The Excutioner's Docent gets really strong with Addy body)
    9 Great Cleave
    12 Improved Critical Slashing
    15 Empower Heal or Quicken
    18 Quicken or Empowered Heal
    21 Overwhelming Critical
    All Others beyond here, I am really bad at Epic Feats. Pick stuff appropriate for the content you are running and the role you play.


    24 to 27 into Sacred Defender

    Basically max all the Sacred Defenses you can.
    At Tier 4:
    Reinforced Armor III
    Swift Defense
    Greater Sacred Defense III (I would pick HP and CON personally, but maybe STR would be better for some play-styles you could also skip this to get Ameliorating Strike in WarPriest)

    32-4 at least into Beacon of Hope (Unsure how much the Heal SLA and Wall of Healing SLA will cost...these might cost 1 AP each or 2AP?)
    Get all the Cores up to level 12 for the Healing Amp and Positive Spell Power
    Get the Positive Spell Power stuff and and Positive Spell Power Crit Stuff
    At Tier 5, get the Heal SLA and Wall of Healing SLA (which I picture as Wall of Fire, but it will Heal you. I am curious if Extend Spell works with Wall of Healing)

    That is 59 to 61 AP. That leaves us 17 to 22 to put into other places.

    22 War Soul
    Divine Might 3
    Get some Wall of Steel
    Inflame looks useful/good now
    Tier 2 looks to have a Haste Boost now
    Amerliorating Strike is the big thing to get here.
    If the AP is too tight because of Beacon of Hope, I would not use much of War Priest and I would put more into the Warforged Tree.

    Pick Heal and Mass Cures (you probably want 2 mass cures, I haven't run hard raids in a long time)
    Also pick buffs and cast them on yourself and others.
    Last edited by Bacab; 07-17-2018 at 12:00 AM.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Default This is a pure Warforged Favored Soul

    This version is pure and I am trying to leverage the new Core 5, which is level 18 and it gives +1 Competence to Critical Threat Range

    Level 20 Favored Soul...Pure

    Pros of this Build: You get to leverage an Improved War Soul Tree (Crit multiplier if you go T5 and range if you hit Core 5) and use Beacon of Hope as well. Plus you will have some AP leftover to put into Warforged Tree. More Spells to choose from. DR/ of at least 13 Adamantium.

    Weaknesses of this Build: You won't have as much Hit Points as the other build and your Saves will not be nearly as good either. The level 8 and 9 spells other than Mass Deathward (convenience) and Death Pact...they really aren't great for a non-caster or non DC Favored Soul anyway. That DR/ of Adamantium is lessened at level 28 when you can possibly equip Shadowscale Docent with the /DR on it.


    STR 16
    DEX 8
    CON 16-18
    INT 10
    WIS 8
    CHR 14-16

    My stats are probably off, but basically I want good STR, CON, CHR and enough INT to get skill points. I also have some ability tomes running.

    I am unsure if I should put level ups into STR or CHR. I plan on trying to keep Divine Might running 100% of the time.

    ON this build, you basically need to pick either higher damage or better at healing and support.

    Feats are like they were for the other build...

    1 Power Attack
    3 Cleave
    6 Adamantine Armor (The Excutioner's Docent gets really strong with Addy body)
    9 Great Cleave
    12 Improved Critical Slashing
    15 Empower Heal or Quicken
    18 Quicken or Empowered Heal
    21 Overwhelming Critical
    All Others beyond here, I am really bad at Epic Feats. Pick stuff appropriate for the content you are running and the role you play.

    The Beacon of Hope Tree gives a lot of nice Healing Amp, especially if you go all out and get CORE 6 (which would also give +60 Healing Amp and +30 Positive Spell Power)

    War Soul can now give you bonus to Crit Multiplier and Crit Range if you use your God's weapons, which would be Great Sword here.

    From the Preview I saw this ability:
    Tier 5
    NEW: Divine Champion: While wearing Medium armor, you gain +5% Doublestrike, +5% Doubleshot, +5 to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers)
    Divine Power remains at 2AP. It now also grants a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Multiplier with weapons.

    I am curious if Warforged in Addy Body get that 5% Double Strike and the +5 Crit damage etc since Warforged do not actually get Medium Armor.

    Action Points:

    Decide on what you want. More Damage (Core 6 and T5 War Priest) or more Support (T5 Beacon of Hope, I am unsure if the Core 5-6 are that good on this other than the Healing Amp and Positive Spelll Power)

    You might be looking at 41/39 Split or a 41/3x/leftover into racial for Healing Amp

    If you have racial AP, put them into Warforged Healer's Friend.
    Last edited by Bacab; 07-16-2018 at 11:16 PM.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  3. #3
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Just kidding, I don't think these sub-optimal builds will take off and this thread will have dozens of pages talking about how great they are.

    But I think these will be viable builds and maybe some people who hate playing Arcanes and need a few Warforged Racial lives might consider these.

    I as always appreciate all feedback.

    Like I said earlier, I am not a great character builder, but this game has some really creative and competent people who can probably take a look at these and immediately know if they would work or not.

    Anyway, thanks for reading!
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    So I've been trying to think of ways to combine Warsoul with Falconry: WIS-based for melee DPS, Falcon attack DCs, maybe some caster DPS / CC on the side (feats are obviously an issue tho). I wasn't specifically thinking of Warforged, but I wasn't not thinking of them either. Obviously, someone who either doesn't have Falconry or wanted more of a healer spec could go Beacon of Hope instead.

    Separately, I made a couple of Bladeforged FvS alts during the 10th Anniversary, gave them a free SoS, and parked them, waiting for the day that melee FvS finally got buffed. It took a bit longer than I hoped, but here we are now. So time to figure out what to do with them.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Community Member simo0208's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post

    Just kidding, I don't think these sub-optimal builds will take off and this thread will have dozens of pages talking about how great they are.

    But I think these will be viable builds and maybe some people who hate playing Arcanes and need a few Warforged Racial lives might consider these.

    I as always appreciate all feedback.

    Like I said earlier, I am not a great character builder, but this game has some really creative and competent people who can probably take a look at these and immediately know if they would work or not.

    Anyway, thanks for reading!
    Why put so much into str? You get greatsword as a weapon and wis or cha hit/dam. You just need a 13 to get power attack.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simo0208 View Post
    Why put so much into str? You get greatsword as a weapon and wis or cha hit/dam. You just need a 13 to get power attack.
    Because I don't know what I am doing!

    Yeah, I just kept thinking, "Abuse Divine Might and add your CHR to you STR bonus".

    I think with Grace of Battle and Divine Might, I can: "Add my CHR to my CHR bonus!"

    Also after some higher reaper, I have realized that i am not quite ready to be a "tank".

    So I will probably stay pure and have AP for more Warforged Tree and less Split between War Soul and Beacon of Hope.

    Maybe with more past lives stuff, I could make a tank version.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Just in time for Blackrazor: a Warforged Warsoul / Falconer using greatswords.
    WF Warsoul Falconer
    Favored Soul 20
    True Neutral Warforged
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        12       +6       4: WIS
    Dexterity        8       +6       8: WIS
    Constitution    20       +6      12: WIS
    Intelligence     8       +6      16: WIS
    Wisdom          16       +6      20: WIS
    Charisma         6       +6      24: WIS
                                     28: WIS
     1        : Adamantine Body
     3        : Power Attack
     6        : Cleave
     9        : Great Cleave
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    12 Swap   : Mithral Body replaces Adamantine Body
    15        : Quicken Spell
    18        : Two Handed Fighting
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction OR Empower Healing Spell
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge
    30 Epic   : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Mechanus
     2 FavSoul: Knowledge of Battle
     7 FavSoul: Stout of Heart
     5 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Electricity
    10 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Fire
    15 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Cold
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Lord of Blades
     6 Deity  : Bladesworn Transformation
    20 Deity  : Damage Reduction: Adamantine
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    War Soul (41 AP)
    • Smite Foe: Melee, Resilience of Battle, Sanctuary, Blur, Haste, Implacable Foe: Wisdom
      1. Divine Will III, Righteous Weapons
      2. Smite Weakness, Wall of Steel III, Righteous Weapons, Haste Boost III
      3. Radiant Flourish: Melee I, Righteous Weapons
      4. Ameliorating Strike, Silence the Wicked: Melee I, Righteous Weapons, Holy Striker: Doublestrike III
      5. Divine Power, Divine Vessel: Cleave, Wrathful Weapons, Divine Champion, Divine Intervention
    Falconry (27 AP)
    • Falcon, Wisdom, Well Rounded, Wisdom
      1. Hunter's Knowledge, Out in Nature III
      2. Watch the Center III, Diving Strike III, Sprint Boost I
      3. Strike for the Eyes: Strike III, Conditioning
      4. No Mercy III, Coordinated Strike, Expose Weakness
    Warforged (12 AP)
    • Improved Fortification, Warforged Constitution, Improved Fortification II
      1. Healer's Friend III
      2. Warforged Tactics III
      3. Improved Power Attack I, +15 Melee and Range Power
    Destiny (24 AP) Legendary Dreadnought
    1. Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III
    2. Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack, Damage Boost III
    3. Lay Waste, Critical Damage II
    4. (none)
    5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
    6. Master's Blitz
    Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
    1. Sense Weakness OR Wild Weapons (Tier 4 Fury)
    2. Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
    3. Hail of Blows (Tier 2 Flowers)
    4. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    5. Stealthy (Tier 1 Shadowdancer)
    This might be the only WF build I've ever posted which starts with Adamantine Body (for extra AC & PRR) then "upgrades" to Mithral Body for Divine Champion bonuses ("+5% Doublestrike . . . +5 to confirm Critical Hits and Critical Hit Damage"). You can stick with Adamantine Body for extra survivability and drop Divine Champion instead.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Just in time for Blackrazor: a Warforged Warsoul / Falconer using greatswords.
    WF Warsoul Falconer
    Favored Soul 20
    True Neutral Warforged
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        12       +6       4: WIS
    Dexterity        8       +6       8: WIS
    Constitution    20       +6      12: WIS
    Intelligence     8       +6      16: WIS
    Wisdom          16       +6      20: WIS
    Charisma         6       +6      24: WIS
                                     28: WIS
     1        : Adamantine Body
     3        : Power Attack
     6        : Cleave
     9        : Great Cleave
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    12 Swap   : Mithral Body replaces Adamantine Body
    15        : Quicken Spell
    18        : Two Handed Fighting
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction OR Empower Healing Spell
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge
    30 Epic   : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Mechanus
     2 FavSoul: Knowledge of Battle
     7 FavSoul: Stout of Heart
     5 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Electricity
    10 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Fire
    15 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Cold
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Lord of Blades
     6 Deity  : Bladesworn Transformation
    20 Deity  : Damage Reduction: Adamantine
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    War Soul (41 AP)
    • Smite Foe: Melee, Resilience of Battle, Sanctuary, Blur, Haste, Implacable Foe: Wisdom
      1. Divine Will III, Righteous Weapons
      2. Smite Weakness, Wall of Steel III, Righteous Weapons, Haste Boost III
      3. Radiant Flourish: Melee I, Righteous Weapons
      4. Ameliorating Strike, Silence the Wicked: Melee I, Righteous Weapons, Holy Striker: Doublestrike III
      5. Divine Power, Divine Vessel: Cleave, Wrathful Weapons, Divine Champion, Divine Intervention
    Falconry (27 AP)
    • Falcon, Wisdom, Well Rounded, Wisdom
      1. Hunter's Knowledge, Out in Nature III
      2. Watch the Center III, Diving Strike III, Sprint Boost I
      3. Strike for the Eyes: Strike III, Conditioning
      4. No Mercy III, Coordinated Strike, Expose Weakness
    Warforged (12 AP)
    • Improved Fortification, Warforged Constitution, Improved Fortification II
      1. Healer's Friend III
      2. Warforged Tactics III
      3. Improved Power Attack I, +15 Melee and Range Power
    Destiny (24 AP) Legendary Dreadnought
    1. Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III
    2. Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack, Damage Boost III
    3. Lay Waste, Critical Damage II
    4. (none)
    5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
    6. Master's Blitz
    Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
    1. Sense Weakness OR Wild Weapons (Tier 4 Fury)
    2. Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
    3. Hail of Blows (Tier 2 Flowers)
    4. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    5. Stealthy (Tier 1 Shadowdancer)
    This might be the only WF build I've ever posted which starts with Adamantine Body (for extra AC & PRR) then "upgrades" to Mithral Body for Divine Champion bonuses ("+5% Doublestrike . . . +5 to confirm Critical Hits and Critical Hit Damage"). You can stick with Adamantine Body for extra survivability and drop Divine Champion instead.

    .....Stares in amazement.....

    Why haven't I thought of this? I think it's time to dust off my original WF FvS that has TR's so many times, he's lost his identity! Time to give this a go!

    Thanks for this, both of you. My Warforged Favored Soul (Soul Survivor) was once one of my favorite toons! This, I've got to try. Good work guys!

    **I'm guessing this is Theory Crafted and not tested..? Unless, Bacab, you've run this yet..?
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
    Calamas: Racial Completionist in progress, Millitis: Bladforged Pally
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  9. #9
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    Default Still Usable?

    Is this still a feasible build to get to 20?

  10. #10
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stryker7 View Post
    Is this still a feasible build to get to 20?
    This build predates the Strikethrough revamp, so I would definitely swap the PA/CL/GC chain to grab the THF feats sooner. Also outside of barbarians, I prefer to use Precision over Power Attack.

    But the gist of the build remains the same IMO:
    WF Warsoul
    Favored Soul 20
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        14       +3       4: WIS
    Dexterity       10       +3       8: WIS
    Constitution    18               12: WIS
    Intelligence    10       +4      16: WIS
    Wisdom          16               20: WIS
    Charisma         6               24: WIS
                                     28: WIS
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Concent   2  2  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Heal               1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2     2     2     2     2  23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Balance                                       1     1     1     1      4
    Tumble    1                                                            1
              8  3  3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
     1        : Adamantine Body
     3        : Two Handed Fighting
     6        : Precision
     9        : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    12 Swap   : Mithral Body replaces Adamantine Body
    15        : Quicken Spell
    18        : Spell Focus: Evocation
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting OR Guardian Angel
    27 Epic   : Spell Penetration OR Empower Healing Spell
    28 Destiny: Mass Frog OR Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Greater Two Handed Fighting OR Epic Damage Reduction
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Celestia
     2 FavSoul: Knowledge of Battle
     7 FavSoul: Stout of Heart
     5 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Electricity
    10 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Fire
    15 FavSoul: Energy Absorption: Cold
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Lord of Blades
     6 Deity  : Bladesworn Transformation
    20 Deity  : Damage Reduction: Adamantine
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    War Soul (41 AP)
    • Smite Foe: Melee, Resilience of Battle, Sanctuary, Blur, Haste, Implacable Foe: Wisdom
      1. Divine Will III, Righteous Weapons
      2. Smite Weakness, Wall of Steel III, Righteous Weapons, Haste Boost III
      3. Righteous Weapons, Wisdom
      4. Ameliorating Strike, Righteous Weapons, Holy Striker: Doublestrike III
      5. Divine Power, Divine Vessel: Cleave, Wrathful Weapons, Divine Champion, Divine Intervention
    Falconry (28 AP)
    • Summon Avian Companion: Falcon, Ability Score: Wisdom, Well Rounded, Ability Score II: Wisdom
      1. Hunter's Knowledge, Out in Nature III
      2. Watch the Center III, Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike III, Action Boost: Sprint II
      3. Strike for the Eyes: Strike III, Conditioning
      4. No Mercy III, Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike, Expose Weakness
    Warforged (11 AP)
    • Improved Fortification, Warforged Constitution, Improved Fortification II
      1. Healer's Friend III
      2. Great Weapon Aptitude III
      3. +15 Melee and Range Power
    Leveling Guide
    1. WS0 Smite Foe: Melee; WS1 Divine Will I, II, III
    2. WF0 Improved Fortification; WF1 Healer's Friend I, II, III
    3. Fal0 Summon Avian Companion: Falcon; Fal1 Out in Nature I, II, III
    4. WS1 Righteous Weapons; WS2 Smite Weakness
    5. WS0 Resilience of Battle; WS2 Haste Boost I, II, III
    6. WS0 Sanctuary; WS2 Wall of Steel I, II, III
    7. WS2 Righteous Weapons; WS3 Righteous Weapons
    8. WS4 Ameliorating Strike; WF0 Warforged Constitution
    9. WS4 Righteous Weapons; WS4 Holy Striker: Doublestrike I, II
    10. WS4 Holy Striker: Doublestrike III; WF2 Great Weapon Aptitude I, II, III
    11. WF0 Improved Fortification II; WF3 +15 Melee and Range Power; WS3 Wisdom
    12. Reset Falconry
      • War Soul: Blur
        1. (none)
        2. (none)
        3. (none)
        4. (none)
        5. Divine Power, Divine Vessel: Cleave, Wrathful Weapons, Divine Champion
    13. WS5 Divine Intervention; Fal0 Summon Avian Companion: Falcon; Fal1 Hunter's Knowledge
    14. Fal1 Out in Nature I, II, III; Fal2 Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike I
    15. Fal2 Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike II, III; Fal2 Action Boost: Sprint I, II
    16. Fal3 Conditioning; Fal3 Strike for the Eyes: Strike I, II
    17. Fal3 Strike for the Eyes: Strike III; Fal2 Watch the Center I, II, III
    18. WS0 Haste; Fal0 Ability Score: Wisdom; Fal0 Well Rounded
    19. Fal4 No Mercy I, II, III; Fal4 Expose Weakness
    20. WS0 Implacable Foe: Wisdom; Fal4 Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike; Fal0 Ability Score II: Wisdom

    • Someone who wanted a more heal-specced build - or who doesn't have Falconry - could shift APs from Falconry to Beacon of Hope. In which case you should move up Empower Healing to whichever level you grab Beacon of Grace.
    • IME Concentration is good enough for heroic leveling but eventually you'll want Quicken spell, if only to speed up slower-casting spells like Heal / Mass Heal.
    • Spell Focus Evocation and Spell Penetration feats are to open the Twists from Magister. But if this is a heroic-only life, you can skip SF:Evo and grab GTHF instead.
    • I didn't list an ED but I prefer Divine Crusader for this sort of melee/caster hybrid.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #11
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    WF 15 FvS 5 paladin or 5 barbarian (occult slayer) or 14/6 Kensei is nice. Occult slayer needs a certain amount of racial PLS to take everything needed from WF tree. Messed around on Lammania with it. Probably going to take it live when i have the opportunity.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Back after an extended break.

    I think I may run this next life.

    Thinking I can just swipe at whatever the party attacks and toss out some healing doing the pure FVS one.

    And I can probably do Low reaper solo on this if I need to?

    I had a question, when I ran this in past I did CHR build and it worked pretty well.

    Running Falconer is for damage huh?

    I see in the explanation that if I need more healing focused, I can use Beacon of Hope.
    Last edited by Bacab; 08-12-2020 at 03:24 AM.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  13. #13
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    Running Falconer is for damage huh?
    It's a grab-bag: No Mercy for the bonus damage vs helpless mobs, bird DCs are based on WIS (so are caster DCs and melee DPS w/Knowledge of Battle), +5% HPs from Conditioning, Sprint Boost.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #14
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    It's a grab-bag: No Mercy for the bonus damage vs helpless mobs, bird DCs are based on WIS (so are caster DCs and melee DPS w/Knowledge of Battle), +5% HPs from Conditioning, Sprint Boost.
    Makes total sense.
    When Falconer came out, I sort of looked at it as a wisdom based monk tree.
    I haven't messed with it at all, so I am excited to give it a whirl.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  15. #15
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    OK, after a ton of thinking, I am skipping my Alchemist life and I will be TRing into this build next life and I hope to farm a ton of Reaper XP, Tokens of Twelve for future TRs and Gear and Heart Seeds for future ETRs.

    Will give updates about how it goes.

    Will also ask questions etc as I go.

    Also @Ungbongwah, you said you prefer Precision over Power Attack except for Barbarians.

    Why is that?

    Is to-hit a big problem? Or the fortification bypass that big of a deal. I do see where you can't rage and have precision.

    I was thinking the Warforged bonus Power attack, plus the 3.0 from 2HF would be good (at least for Heroic leveling)
    Last edited by Bacab; 08-16-2020 at 10:54 AM.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  16. #16
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Note that Power Attack's damage bonus is not increased by the THF feats. So with 2H weapons, you get +10 damage -5 to-hit (after BAB 5); which a Warforged can increase to +16 damage -8 to-hit with Power Attack enhancements; add in another +0.5[W] from Improved Power Attack in epics. Which sounds like a lot but it's a static bonus. In a game where you get 3x STR (or WIS) mod bonus to damage, endgame stats in the 100+ range, Deadly gear bonuses, Battle Trance (or Insightful Deadly gear) bonus, etc. it becomes a smaller % of your DPS over time.

    And a long time ago, someone argued that if Precision's to-hit bonus resulted in one more hit (per 20 swings) vs PA's to-hit penalty, that was better DPS despite PA's higher damage bonus, even if Fortification bypass was unnecessary. And when you most want added to-hit and Fortification bypass is against the toughest enemies: i.e., bosses and Champions. Obviously, if you also want the Cleave feats, you need Power Attack anyway. But this build is feat-constrained so tradeoffs are necessary.

    Finally I'm lazy so if I can get away with only using one combat stance which is the best choice 80% of the time, I'm not gonna worry about having second-best DPS the other 20% of the time.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  17. #17
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Note that Power Attack's damage bonus is not increased by the THF feats. So with 2H weapons, you get +10 damage -5 to-hit (after BAB 5); which a Warforged can increase to +16 damage -8 to-hit with Power Attack enhancements; add in another +0.5[W] from Improved Power Attack in epics. Which sounds like a lot but it's a static bonus. In a game where you get 3x STR (or WIS) mod bonus to damage, endgame stats in the 100+ range, Deadly gear bonuses, Battle Trance (or Insightful Deadly gear) bonus, etc. it becomes a smaller % of your DPS over time.

    And a long time ago, someone argued that if Precision's to-hit bonus resulted in one more hit (per 20 swings) vs PA's to-hit penalty, that was better DPS despite PA's higher damage bonus, even if Fortification bypass was unnecessary. And when you most want added to-hit and Fortification bypass is against the toughest enemies: i.e., bosses and Champions. Obviously, if you also want the Cleave feats, you need Power Attack anyway. But this build is feat-constrained so tradeoffs are necessary.

    Finally I'm lazy so if I can get away with only using one combat stance which is the best choice 80% of the time, I'm not gonna worry about having second-best DPS the other 20% of the time.
    Thanks for the breakdown, and that makes perfect sense!
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  18. #18
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    OK, going to start this build either tonight or tomorrow...ETR>TR into this.

    Working on a gear set up.

    Made a thread here...

    Feel free to chime in on what to do as far as gear goes.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  19. #19
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Default Update

    I TRed today. There will not be really any useful information in this update, because basically every build rules level 1-2 quests...AKA Korthos.

    I made level 4.

    My XP plan is to skip every single quest that has an Epic Counterpart, so I can get first time bonus on XP and Reaper XP in Epic Levels.

    I plan on trying to get 3 or 4 ETRs out of this life, but of course, if it doesn't work very well; I will just get to 30 once.

    My thoughts so far:

    All Korthos was easy (not a surprise).

    I wish I had Sprint Boost from Falconry to speed up the leveling process, but War Soul makes the actual fighting part trivial.

    Using a Greatsword and THF line seems pretty good, and I started being more reckless, by rounding up more than one pack of monsters.

    When I just kill one set of monsters at a time, I am safe. When I train half the dungeon; if a reaper spawns, especially a Famine or Carnage Reaper, things can get dangerous.

    In the Cerulean Hills quests with the Farmer and the Captives, there were champions. Champion Barbarians and Reapers are dangerous when combined.

    I think at level 6, I will be able self-heal better, because that is when I will take my first healing spell and I will probably move up Empower Healing, and move back Precision.

    Some advice, a Keen Greatsword or an Old Sword of the Thirty min level 4 edition outpace the damage of a +additional effects weapons.

    Also, go to the Slayer Area in th Borderlands and farm an Ethereal Ingot and have the Weaponsmith make you a Ghost Touch Greatsword to deal with Reapers.

    Will do more updates as I go.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  20. #20
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    My XP plan is to skip every single quest that has an Epic Counterpart, so I can get first time bonus on XP and Reaper XP in Epic Levels.
    I thought this was changed? Does the game still count the epics and heriocs as the same?

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