I missed the last sale...
Will we have any double/triple/quad bonus anytime soon? Is there any schedule or routine for that?
I missed the last sale...
Will we have any double/triple/quad bonus anytime soon? Is there any schedule or routine for that?
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
You can usually count on Bonus Point sales at the beginning of the biannual seasonal sales: i.e., the summer sale (which you just missed) and the winter sale (between Thanksgiving and New Years). There's also usually one for DDO's anniversary (late Feb - early Mar).
Beyond that, all you can do is wait and watch the sales forum every week. Like C-Dog said, they go on sale several times per year - I'd guesstimate every 4-8 weeks - but there's no set schedule beyond the aforementioned major events.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.