Hello everyone.
Last time I played this game we were all amazed by Cannith crafting. Now it's a whole other dimension.
I decided to let my old character in his eternal slumber and make a new one from zero.
I never played an Artificer before, and I really like the Completionist feat, so I'll try to get that eventually, starting with Artificer.
If you would so kindly help me in developing a build (in extreme detail, like, what skill points, feats, enchancements, spells, action points I get at every level) I'd be deeply grateful!
Things I do have: Drow, Warforged and the Artificer class (duh). I do not have most races, but nonetheless, I like "backstory" a lot, so I'm either going Human or Warforged (unless you guys tell me that's UTTERLY TERRIBLE. I like min/max, but I'm not all that crazy about it). I also start with a 32-point build... so yeah... I have that going on for me... which is nice. Also trying to bring in my girlfriends and my IRL friends to the game.
Things I don't mind: I don't mind being ranged or melee or "full-support" if that's a thing in this class. I have no idea what reaper is or about Epic stuff, because back in my day we were amazed the game added raining. Rain wasn't a thing when I started. I do play tabletop D&D and I know the Eberron setting, and I have a ton more questions (I'm in Orien, cause old habits die hard). I'd truly appreciate your insights in build-making. Thank you.