The bird man cometh
17/3 cleric fighter
N aasimar
War domain
Swf with khopesh, flame sphere
Divine crusader
43 bird man wis to hit damage hoot owl
15 stalwart d +25 prr/mrr +20%hp
9 aasimar regen loh, heal amp
13 radiant burst us destroy undead
Str 11 3
Dex 9 1
Con 14 6
Int 12 4
Wis 20 +7 16
Cha 14 6
+6 tomes
+2 complete
1 cleric empower healing
2 cleric domain war
3 fighter power attack
Feat swf
4-6 cleric exotic prof, khopesh
Feat cleave
7-9 cleric quicken
10-12 cleric ic slash
13-15 cleric Iswf
16-18 cleric maximize implosion
19 fighter gswf
20 fighter stalwart d
21 oc
24 bogw
26 PSwf
27 arcane insight
28 mass frog
29 dire charge
30 Celestia
Thinking of tr Kil into this for u39