I reincarnated as a Bladeforged Paladin, then took all levels as a fighter, then changed my other Paladin level for another fighter level, then changed my alignment to chaotic neutral, then I used another lesser heart of wood and turned barbarian.
Quite bummed that Blackrazor does not come in Bastard Sword Form as it would be quite appropriate to come in both forms.....
I took to level 30 and setup my new Blackrazor with One Against Many and City's Beacon Filigree sets.
I checked out the Falconry tree...... Funny thing is I imagined a Squirrel with wings as an option for the first enhancement and it was hilarious...... but that is simply too far away from the norm for DDO to pull off, so just enjoy the humor of imagining such...... le sighs.... still no cosmetic squirrel creature companions
After gearing up and setting up my epic destiny and twists I found out where the quests were and so I traveled to the twelve and entered the quest "Another Man's Treasure", so far I have one thing to say....... please do add voice acting for the Kobolds in this quest...... Maybe even the narrator can be a Kobold?
I got into the room with the invisible walls, True seeing does not make them visible
I found these sigil thingies on the floor, I ended up summoning three hirelings to stand on them, I made my way to the level in the middle of the room and pulled it. I then went through the dimension door that popped up.
I eventually gained some party members, anyhow another labyrinth, some puzzles and an endfight where the guy i thought would be the boss turns into platinum.....
Okay, so far the second quest "Price Of freedom" is rather confusing....
Okay, figured it out, nice mechanic by the ways..... that wand is rather fun to use once you understand how all it works!
Ran into one of the strangest looking step-to-activate puzzles I've ever seen in DDO.......... have yet to figure it out.
Price Of Freedom appears to be a quest that requires a full party for the puzzles.... could be wrong though!
Group fell apart, gave up on quest, rebuilt character as a fighter, returning to the twelve to try some of the other quests!
In quest kind of a Big deal now, loving the giant variations of monsters (Kobold, spider, and rat so far). Hoping I don't run into a giant squirrel considering I have no way to charm it and then heal it if it gets hurt....... What? Squirrels are people too!
Ooooh a giant woofy monster, nice.... anyhow the feel of this quest is interesting as it reminds me of various other quests here and there. The starting point of the quest reminded me of Tower Of Frost, the village portion reminded me of the village portion from Desire in the Dark. Part of the cave I am exploring reminds me of Gianthold Tor, part of it reminds me of the Storehouse's Secret quest in Korthos.... very flavorful and well executed means of encouraging gameplay as oddly enough, this quest makes me want to revisit the quests it reminds me of.
Every chest I come by I will reroll as many times as possible just so you know ahead of time.... Okay this quest drops a belt called Legendary Sapphire Studded Buckles!
For a while, I was a giant there too....
This Dorris NPC is kind of the ugliest warforged I've ever seen......
Anyhow now onto the quest memory lapse!
Ooooh, nice a freaking Manticore, I shall name him Bob and we shall.... HE'S NOT MY FRIEND, HE'S ATTACKING ME.............. it burns, it burns....... owy.... okay he's dead now, so much for making new friends....
OoooooOooo another Manticore, Hi!....... okay it's hostile as well, I'm just going to assume now that all Manticores are unstable and violent jerks....
Bookwyrm, love the pun.... thank you so much for including such a glorious pun! More puns or you shall be PUN-ished!
I rerolled bookwyrm chest multiple times, no named items from it it would seem.
A lot of hidden passages in this library, reminds me of Final Fantasy V when you had to get through the ancient's library.... Anyhow, another room with a chest dropping red name and there does not seem to be any named loot dropping here either!
More Dretches, the Justin Biebers of DDO!
Whoever designed those bookcases that summon monsters deserves a cookie, those are super fun.
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic Book ride
Hehe, another pun.... multiplication tables.....
The end fight has some decent humor in it, you are given the choice to force this guy to read from his private journal as his audience exchange embarrassed glances.
Anyhow, what I learned from this quest is that your will saves are very important for running this! Also by extension, BlackRazor's Psychic Ward effect does not seem to work!
I rerolled the chest as many times as it would let me but did not see any named items aside for some filigrees!
Anyhow, I reincarnated again this time as a Drow Melee Artificer build....... I must say I prefer using this build. Anyhow I ran Kind Of A Big Deal and it was so much easier with this build..... Also, Polycurse Dagger Drops Here!
Well, with this artificer build I just completed The Price Of Freedom and am now curious about that puzzle on top of the prison........ I did not even need to mess with it....
I completed all of the quests in the twelve solo surprisingly.....
Okay now starting the White Plume Mountain quest...... BEST LOADING SCREEN EVER!!!! Please keep it on live!
I started falling asleep in the quest so I am wrapping it up for now, will get some rest then return for more!
What I have planned is to test out all of the quests and test the progress standing stones is making in the Cleric and favored Soul trees! But first, sleep!