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  1. #1
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    Default Update 39 Preview 2: Falconry Universal Enhancement Tree

    The Falconer universal tree is expected to be released with Update 39. This tree is not specific to any one class; like Harper Agent and Vistani Knife Fighter any character can spend points in this tree once they have unlocked access to it. It represents a character who is trained not only in Falconry, but is adept at using the hunting bird to make coordinated attacks on targets. The tree is mostly martial, but has a touch of Primal magic at the top end. The intense training required to bond with and fight with these birds of prey also hones the character's perception and ability to make pinpoint attacks.

    The tree revolves around having a bird of prey; generally the dire version of a normal bird, to make extra attacks on opponents. It is designed to provide fewer big hits; the hunting bird swoops to attack seconds after you have made your weapon attack to provide extra damage and certain status effects. The gameplay flow is meant to be methodical and precise.

    You can choose between five cosmetically distinct but mechanically identical birds of prey. You summon the hunting bird with a toggle. Once summoned, the hunting bird does not act like other pets currently available in DDO; it cannot be attacked, it cannot be killed while you live, it cannot generate hate, and, as a result, it does not benefit from effects that grant bonuses to "summoned creatures". Its attacks are coordinated with a melee or ranged attack you make, and it provides extra damage and some additional control effects. It follows you around until you command it to make a coordinated attack, at which time it flies off and then swoops down on its target.

    The exact distribution method of this Universal Enhancement Tree is not yet decided, however, it is currently intended to be unlocked for all characters on an account that has purchased the White Plume Mountain Bonus Items from the DDO store, which is how you can gain access to it on Lamannia to try it out. The White Plume Mountain Bonus Items offer can be found in the "Account --> Adventure Packs --> Low Level" section of the DDO store or by searching for "White Plume". Give it a try and let us know how it plays!

    1. Summon Avian Companion You have been trained to keep a hunting bird. Activate this ability to summon your companion. (Your pet cannot be attacked and cannot die. Damage it caused is attributed to you.) While your Hunting Bird is by your side, it grants you a +2 to Spot and Listen checks. Choose one:
      • Summon Falcon
      • Summon White Falcon
      • Summon Grey Owl
      • Summon Snow Owl
      • Summon Raven
    2. Ability Score Choose an ability to improve:
      • +1 Strength
      • +1 Dexterity
      • +1 Constitution
      • +1 Intelligence
      • +1 Wisdom
      • +1 Charisma
    3. Well Rounded I You gain +3 Melee Power, Ranged Power, Physical Resistance Rating, and Magical Resistance Rating. You gain +2 Spot and Listen.
    4. Ability Score Choose an ability to improve:
      • +1 Strength
      • +1 Dexterity
      • +1 Constitution
      • +1 Intelligence
      • +1 Wisdom
      • +1 Charisma
    5. Well Rounded II You gain +6 Melee Power, Ranged Power, Physical Resistance Rating, and Magical Resistance Rating. You gain +4 Spot and Listen.
    6. Master Falconer You gain +2 to all ability scores and benefit from the spell Freedom of Movement. Your active Falcon attacks have a chance to reset the cooldown on Death From Above.

    Tier 1
    • Rugged Gain +2/+4/+6 Physical Resistance Rating
    • Practiced Accuracy You gain +1/+2 to hit with weapons and +1/+2 to confirm critical attacks.
    • Hunter's Knowledge You gain a Animals as a Favored Enemy.
    • Out in Nature Gain +5/+10/+15 to Healing Amplification.
    • Wanderlust You gain +1/+2/+3 to Balance, Jump, and Swim. Rank 3: You gain +1 to Fortitude saving throws.

    Tier 2
    • Killer Instinct I You can use your Wisdom modifier to hit with Melee and Missile weapons.
    • Watch the Center Grants +1/+2/+3 to Assassinate DC's
    • Diving Attack You and your Hunting Bird attack as one against a single target. Activate this ability to attack for +1/2/3(W) against a single target. Your Hunting Bird will follow up for an additional 3d6/6d6/10d6 damage that scales with 200% of melee or ranged power, whichever is higher. Your Hunting Bird also trips the target, causing them to become Helpless. Your target is slowed by 30% for 10 seconds whether they make the saving throw or not. Trip DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses. Cooldown 20 seconds, with a 4.5 second shared cooldown with other hunting bird attacks. Choose One:
      • Diving Shot: Ranged Falconer Attack
      • Diving Strike: Melee Falconer Attack
    • Meticulous Weaponry Protect your items or increase your chance of recovering ammunition. Choose one:
      • Meticulous Weaponry: You have a [25/50/75]% chance to negate potential item wear.
      • Meticulous Fletching: You are skilled at enhancing, salvaging, and re-purposing your arrows, bolts, and throwing weapons. Your ammunition gains a 50/65/80% chance of returning.
    • Action Boost: Sprint +(30/35/40)% Action Boost bonus to movement speed for 20 seconds.

    Tier 3
    • Killer Instinct II You can use your Wisdom modifier for damage with Melee and Missile weapons.
    • Tear Flesh Your bird attacks now also cause a bleed effect. Bleed: Do 1d6 damage every 2 seconds for 60 seconds. This stacks up to 10 times and scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power.
    • Strike for the Eyes You and your Hunting Bird attack as one against a single target. Activate this ability to attack for +1/2/3(W) against a single target. Your Hunting Bird will follow up for an additional 3d6/6d6/10d6 damage that scales with 200% of melee or ranged power, whichever is higher. Your Hunting Bird also attempts to Blind the target, causing them to become Helpless. Your target is slowed by 30% for 10 seconds whether they make the saving throw or not. Blind DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses. Cooldown 10 seconds, with a 4.5 second shared cooldown with other hunting bird attacks. Choose One:
      • Shoot for the Eyes: Ranged Falconer Attack
      • Strike for the Eyes: Melee Falconer Attack
    • Conditioning You gain +5% to your hit points.
    • Eyes of the Eagle You gain True Seeing.

    Tier 4
    • Deadly Instinct Trance You gain an Insight bonus to damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Wisdom modifier for 30/60/120 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. 5 Charges per rest. Each attack from your avian companion has a chance to reset 1 charge. Antirequisite: This ability can not be trained if you have any other Trance ability.
    • No Mercy: You deal 10%/20%/30% additional damage to helpless opponents.
    • Coordinated Strikes Choose between a melee or ranged attack that will cause your bird to rain attacks over an area, damaging and blinding all foes in the area. Choose One:
      • Shoot and Destroy: Ranged Falconer Attack: You make a ranged attack for +2(W), as your Hunting Bird descends to frenzy in a large area around the first target struck for an additional 10d6 damage that scales with Melee or Ranged Power, whichever is higher. Your Hunting Bird also attempts to blind each opponent struck. Blind DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses. Cooldown 1 Minute, with a 4.5 second shared cooldown with other hunting bird attacks.
      • Coordinated Cleave: Melee Falconer Cleave Attack: You cleave all opponents near you for +2(W), as your Hunting Bird descends to frenzy in a large area for an additional 10d6 damage that scales with Melee or Ranged Power, whichever is higher. Your Hunting Bird also attempts to blind each opponent struck. Blind DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses. Cooldown 1 Minute, with a 4.5 second shared cooldown with other hunting bird attacks.
    • Expose Weakness Attacks from your hunting bird also reduce your target's fortification by 50%.
    • Shared Vision You are immune to Blindness effects.

    Tier 5
    • Dangerous You gain +10 Melee and Ranged Power.
    • Mark the Prey You have learned how to spot weaknesses in even the mightiest of foes. You make an attack for +5(W) on the target, marking it as prey. The marked target takes 10% extra damage from you and your allies for 10 seconds. Cooldown 3 minutes. Choose One:
      • Mark the Prey: Melee Attack
      • Mark the Prey Shot: Ranged Attack
    • Death from Above Your Hunting Bird swoops down and attempts to end someone's Life. You make an attack for +1/+3/+5(W), and your Hunting Bird also attacks for 50/100/200 points of damage that scales with 200% of Melee or Ranged Power, whichever is higher. The target struck makes a Fortitude saving throw, and on a failed save, dies. DC: 10 + Character level + Wisdom bonus + Assassinate bonuses. Cooldown 1 Minute, with a 4.5 second shared cooldown with other hunting bird attacks. Choose One:
      • Death from Above Shot: Ranged Falconer Attack
      • Death from Above: Melee Falconer Attack
    • Thrill of the Hunt Choose One:
      • Thrill of the Hunt: Melee Attack: You strike your target for +1/+3/+5(W). If you hit, you also heal for 5%/10%/20% of your total hit points in Positive Healing. Cooldown: 20 Seconds.
      • Thrill of the Hunt Shot: Ranged Attack: You strike your target for +1/+3/+5(W). If you hit, you also heal for 5%/10%/20% of your total hit points in Positive Healing. Cooldown: 30 Seconds.
    Last edited by Cocomajobo; 07-10-2018 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Correcting Thrill of the Hunt Ranged variant cooldown. Is meant to be 30 Seconds.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Considering there's already a Thrill of the Hunt ability in the Deepwood Stalker tree, maybe this one should have a different name?

    When it says "+ Assassinate bonuses," is that just gear bonuses to Assassinate and not, say, the bonus from rogue levels to the Assassinate DC?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    what are you smoking? i want some of that to medicate the pain this tree gives me

    how long does the 50% fort reduction last (T4), will party members benefit?
    For stacking purposes, what kind of bonus is the 5% HP?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  4. #4
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    Sprint Boost in a universal tree makes this must-have for quite a few characters. Is that why it only goes up to 40%, instead of the class-specific versions' 50%?

  5. #5
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    I'm guessing this is the new system?

    Looks interesting to say the least, ill be reworking at least 1 build to fit in a few abilities from this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  6. #6
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Hmm, seems like it can be fun builds. Argh so many tough choises.

    Lovely, +1

  7. #7
    Community Member SerPounce's Avatar
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    Guess we'll be seeing a lot of monks with birds.

    Besides WIS to damage and WIS KtA I don't know though. I'm no assassin expert, but aren't assassinate DC bonuses on the low side compared to proper tactical bonuses? Cooldowns seem long also. 1 minute is a long time in this game.

    10% more damage for 10 seconds every 3 minutes? Can that be right?


  8. #8
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Thank you for owls. I'll parse the rest on Lamma when I can actually see the layout and costs.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Wow! I personally think this makes a wonderful addition to the game! As with the other 'Universal Trees', it offers more character design options without introducing even a single drop of 'grind'! For those of us who still care more about role play and character development than crushing a video game, offerings like these really shine. Thank you!

    This entire Tree reminds me of Spirit Guides in various American Indian Mythologies. Please consider adding a 'Spirit' version of the birds in order to role play that option. Every single one of my characters will use this. I can sort of play a lore-mistress in DDO now!
    Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
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  10. #10
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I'm curious how the ammunition recovery stacks with ammunition that has innate returning. Is it two separate recovery checks, or do they directly stack? 80% for tier3 and durable House D ammo would be 145% chance to recover...
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  11. #11
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    I'm curious how the ammunition recovery stacks with ammunition that has innate returning. Is it two separate recovery checks, or do they directly stack? 80% for tier3 and durable House D ammo would be 145% chance to recover...
    It works the same as however the Rogue Mechanic enhancement that does the same thing (but is an antirequisite to this version) stacks with that. Honestly, I would not be shocked if it generated more ammunition than you started with. Will need to check if I get a chance.

  12. #12
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    This is definitely pretty juicy.

    How annoying are the bird sounds though?

  13. #13
    The Hatchery
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    Very nice and shiny.
    Perfect would have something for alacrity.
    Maybe something could be added to Meticulous Weaponry because Fletching adds +3/6/10 Ranged Power?

  14. #14
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    Coco, can you have a look at the text for T5, Death From Above and Thrill of the Hunt, seems to me you pasted the wrong text in one or other of them?

    Edit: loving the look of this tree, btw, thanks!
    Last edited by Thunder-Monkey; 07-10-2018 at 04:06 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    Re: Mark the Prey, for a T5 the 3 min cooldown seems a little long, considering it will exclude T5 from any other trees. Reducing the cooldown time or extending the duration would make it a little more attractive and worth considering - 5.5% uptime is negligible as it stands imo.

  16. #16
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Does Killer Instinct work with handwraps? See some fun applications for this tree to Shintao builds particularly after the Henshin nerfs.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  17. #17
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Favored Souls need divine intervention from a God to be able to use wisdom to hit/damage with only one weapon as long as you have at least 10 FvS levels. Or you can go get you a pet bird at the Stormreach or Eveningstar PetSmart and use whatever weapon you want and take whatever levels you want of whatever class you want.

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SerPounce View Post
    Guess we'll be seeing a lot of monks with birds.
    I think you'll be seeing a lot of DC-based Monks. But I suspect you'll also see Wisdom-based Arcane Archers and far more viable melee Cleric builds. Wolf builds will likely also be considerably modified.

    That being said, I think this tree is a generally poor idea precisely because you'll see those builds. It's a strongly thematic build that's likely to be repurposed solely due to the Wisdom-hit/damage aspects. I think it would have been far wiser to expand Harper to affect Wis/Int/Cha rather than just Int - and then build a separate Falconer-themed tree without those features.
    Last edited by Hjarki; 07-10-2018 at 05:15 PM.

  19. #19
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    Lower the tiers of killer instinct 1/2 and deadly instinct by one please so that it matches harper agent for the people who will only dip into this tree to snag the wisdom equivalent.

    Is it just me or are all of the DCs in here going to be too low to be relevant beyond heroic elite content?

  20. #20
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder-Monkey View Post
    Coco, can you have a look at the text for T5, Death From Above and Thrill of the Hunt, seems to me you pasted the wrong text in one or other of them?

    Edit: loving the look of this tree, btw, thanks!
    Yup! Absolutely.

    Also fixed the cooldown listed for Thrill of the Hunt as well. The Melee and Ranged variants were meant to be different from one another. Should now be correct. So much info, so many variables. =P

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