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  1. #101
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuxedoman96 View Post
    Personally, I'm not in favor of another grind, even one that can be seen as harmless.
    I agree with you.
    That is why these Past Lives should be negligible in nature.

    Perhaps a cosmetic experience such as the reaper vendors would be appropriate?

    Perhaps +1 intimidate is too good?

    It could be scaled down to be:

    NPC Classes
    Adept = +3 spell points
    Aristocrat = +1 haggle
    Commoner = +1 jump
    Expert = +1 repair
    Warrior = +3 hit points

    Perhaps by providing some Past Lives that are negligible at level cap or even in Paragon levels, there is less need for Past Lives elsewhere?

    But there will be more class past lives someday soon with possible Psionic system and future races regardless.

  2. #102
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Would it be possible to make an "unseen" bird option when the bird toggle is on -- as I do not like to see a visual pet clutter my field of vision when adventuring or fighting? I want to use the bird attacks but couldn't there be a bird that strikes out of the sky so quickly it is basically invisible to the eye? Could you add this as a bird option when selecting your bird? I am sure there are others too who don't want the visual presence of a pet but still want to use the toggle to access the enhancement ability strikes.

  3. #103
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Seriously though: Please make Thrill of the Hunt racial healing; it's an universal tree. There's no reason Warforged and PMs shouldn't be able to self heal with the ability.

    Bonus points if you renamed Out in Nature to something like Rugged Survival and made it into a multiselector for Positive, Repair, or Negative Heal Amp. Again it's an universal tree; why not give everyone something if they spend the points.

  4. #104
    Community Member Teeaaa's Avatar
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    The one pet peeve and op-looking thing I find is the fact that the Killer Instinct has 5 charges, and replenishes from falcon attacks.. and has a recharge lower than that of the duration

    This feels really too much, my 2 cents is to either make it a T5 ability, increase the recharge, or make it a significantly less chance to regenerate so its not abused and used all the time

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper_Math View Post
    The one pet peeve and op-looking thing I find is the fact that the Killer Instinct has 5 charges, and replenishes from falcon attacks.. and has a recharge lower than that of the duration

    This feels really too much, my 2 cents is to either make it a T5 ability, increase the recharge, or make it a significantly less chance to regenerate so its not abused and used all the time
    Umm, no, it needs lowered in the tree to match harper not raised. It works just like kta you know that right? Again if handwrap monks are op nerf them stop screwing everyone else.

  6. #106
    Community Member Paisheng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creeper_Math View Post
    The one pet peeve and op-looking thing I find is the fact that the Killer Instinct has 5 charges, and replenishes from falcon attacks.. and has a recharge lower than that of the duration

    This feels really too much, my 2 cents is to either make it a T5 ability, increase the recharge, or make it a significantly less chance to regenerate so its not abused and used all the time
    It doesn't recharge with every attack -- just a small percentage -- how small no one knows. I'd rather have it bound to spell points like kta because you can do something more concrete about that.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    I agree with you.
    That is why these Past Lives should be negligible in nature.

    Perhaps a cosmetic experience such as the reaper vendors would be appropriate?

    Perhaps +1 intimidate is too good?

    It could be scaled down to be:

    NPC Classes
    Adept = +3 spell points
    Aristocrat = +1 haggle
    Commoner = +1 jump
    Expert = +1 repair
    Warrior = +3 hit points

    Perhaps by providing some Past Lives that are negligible at level cap or even in Paragon levels, there is less need for Past Lives elsewhere?

    But there will be more class past lives someday soon with possible Psionic system and future races regardless.
    It does seem like a foregone conclusion :/

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    My first inclination would be 41 Shintao ...
    So what will QP be at now?
    Last edited by Tilomere; 07-13-2018 at 02:38 PM.

  9. #109
    Community Member Gemini-Dragon357's Avatar
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    Default True Seeing/Blindness

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Eyes of the Eagle and Shared Vision should swap spots, it makes no sense to have True Seeing as a T3 and Blindness Immunity as a T4.
    I agree with this. Blindness Immunity is a nice thing to have, but it's not strong enough to be a tier 4 enhancement. True seeing would make more sense at T4. I'm not sure Shared Vision, Blindness Immunity, is even strong enough for a Tier 3 enhancement. Maybe if it gave Blindness Immunity and a bonus to accuracy/to-hit?

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gemini-Dragon357 View Post
    I agree with this. Blindness Immunity is a nice thing to have, but it's not strong enough to be a tier 4 enhancement. True seeing would make more sense at T4. I'm not sure Shared Vision, Blindness Immunity, is even strong enough for a Tier 3 enhancement. Maybe if it gave Blindness Immunity and a bonus to accuracy/to-hit?
    Can't you still be blinded when you have true sight? I'd probably roll it up into one as a T4. You gain truesight, blindness immunity, and +2 attack.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuxedoman96 View Post
    It does seem like a foregone conclusion :/
    On the other hand, independent trees such as this one increase build diversity & sales without increasing past lives.

    I would like to see more independent trees in the future.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 07-13-2018 at 05:27 PM.

  12. #112
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    What is the bonus to hp?

    Also, will we be getting assassinate added to quivering palm?
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  13. #113
    Community Member Fenix93's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Insert the new tree as a reward favor by "gate keepers" tire 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    The exact distribution method of this Universal Enhancement Tree is not yet decided, however, it is currently intended to be unlocked for all characters on an account that has purchased the White Plume Mountain Bonus Items from the DDO store, which is how you can gain access to it on Lamannia to try it out. The White Plume Mountain Bonus Items offer can be found in the "Account --> Adventure Packs --> Low Level" section of the DDO store or by searching for "White Plume". Give it a try and let us know how it plays!
    I did not have the chance to try the beta for various problems with the client, but I followed the lammania forums.

    First of all, I would like to thank SSG for creating a very interesting universal tree, almost reminiscent of a beast master ranger, I really like the idea of ??the bird companion and I hope this will be the beginning of an experiment on a possible update of Hearlings and pets, but I would like to talk about it in another tread.

    What I would like to talk about and how we could distribute the new universal tree at stake, up to now the universal tree of the harpist agent and that of the Vistani have been distributed through Favor reputations, because not doing the same thing for this new universal tree? it seems to me the most logical choice and I do not understand where the problem lies.

    To put it as redward in the T3 of the "Gate Keepers" Favor would be the best choice since at times that reputation does not give anything interesting, I do not know what you think but for me I think it's a good idea in such a way that you can give players the choice whether to buy the tree directly from the shop or tramie Favor reputation in game.
    "It's time for epic adventures!"

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenix93 View Post
    I did not have the chance to try the beta for various problems with the client, but I followed the lammania forums.

    First of all, I would like to thank SSG for creating a very interesting universal tree, almost reminiscent of a beast master ranger, I really like the idea of ??the bird companion and I hope this will be the beginning of an experiment on a possible update of Hearlings and pets, but I would like to talk about it in another tread.

    What I would like to talk about and how we could distribute the new universal tree at stake, up to now the universal tree of the harpist agent and that of the Vistani have been distributed through Favor reputations, because not doing the same thing for this new universal tree? it seems to me the most logical choice and I do not understand where the problem lies.

    To put it as redward in the T3 of the "Gate Keepers" Favor would be the best choice since at times that reputation does not give anything interesting, I do not know what you think but for me I think it's a good idea in such a way that you can give players the choice whether to buy the tree directly from the shop or tramie Favor reputation in game.
    I agree that the universal trees should all be attainable with favor.

  15. #115
    Community Member Warcane's Avatar
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    Last edited by Warcane; 07-17-2018 at 04:54 PM.

  16. #116
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    Default Boo

    Add a hamster option so I can yell out "Boo! Go for the eyes!" when using the tier 3 Strike eyes

  17. #117
    Community Member Fenix93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuxedoman96 View Post
    I agree that the universal trees should all be attainable with favor.
    But indeed! and what I think, I do not understand why SSG has problems with this, there ... there are so many of those favor reputation as the "Gatekeepers" that do not give anything interesting.

    Insert it as redward of the "Gatekeepers" I thought it was the best choice because now as a result found a favor reputation that does not give anything useful or interesting, even a passive buff or a pet, not at all, that makes sense to put a reputation in a game if it does not give you anything useful to invest in?
    "It's time for epic adventures!"

  18. #118
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    interesting tree. Not quite sure which class it works best with. Probably ranger.

    The biggest downside I see is the high cooldowns are many of the high Tier abilties. ( High cooldowns on abilities are one of my pet peeves. )

    Death from above: 1 Minute ( compared to assassin 12 second ) though the capstone might make a difference depending on what the chance works out as. We're a bunch of insatiable number crunchers. Give us a percentage.

    Coordinated Strikes: 1 Minute. Ehhh. It's more powerful than your standard cleave so maybe justified.

    Mark the Prey: 3 minute cooldown for a +5 W attack and a 10% vulnerability for 10 seconds on a single target. This one is ridiculous.

  19. #119
    Hero apocaladle's Avatar
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    I think the teir 5 could use some love seeing as it would make it so you cant use any other teir 5s.

    10 melee/ranged power and 3 attacks that are okay with high cooldowns and low uptime.

    compared to vistani "+5(W) damage, plus one stack of Blood of Vengeance. Your equipped daggers gain a +10 Enhancement bonus for 10 seconds. They also gain Silver, Good, and Ghost Touch. 10 second cooldown." that one vistani ability is worth more than all the falcon teir 5s put together.

    The tree looks like it has some really great splash options like wisdom to hit/damage and dcs but zero reason to take it to capstone/teir 5, still better than harper teir 5/capstone though.

  20. #120
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    This tree should be definitely for ranger and druid. Keeping that in mind I have an idea for more enhancement trees.

    New trees should incorporate 2-3 classes, instead of creating universal trees much like epic destinies, but it would be somehow class restricted

    Barbarian/Druid/Ranger- Primal defender
    Cleric/FVS - Enlightened
    Figher/Monk/Pally - Warlord
    Sorcerer/Wiz/Warlock - Ancient
    Rogue/Bard/Arti - Tinker

    Those trees should be accessed by spending at least 20 AP in any tree, for example spending 20AP in stalwart defender would give you access to warlord tree.

    To advance in the tree, each class lvl would give you 2AP ,exclusively for the new trees, and heroic and racial completionist feat would give +1AP each.

    Falconer would become Primal Defender tree.

    Keep in mind this is just a draft, I posted this idea here for further discussion:

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