"Diving Attack: Trip DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses."
"Strike for the Eyes: Blind DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses."
"Coordinated Strikes: Blind DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom modifier + Assassinate bonuses."
First question: What is the saving throw or stat we are trying to overcome with the Blind DC attacks? Fortitude? Reflex?
Second question: Why does a Trip DC gain bonuses from Assassination?
It would be nice for some variety within these active abilities. Not many things benefit from Trip DC bonuses. One Vanguard ability, one monk, one cleric domain, and a couple of druid abilities do. It would be nice if Diving Attack gained DC from Trip bonuses. It would provide a bit more synergy with the Druid class which thematically fits with this Falconry tree. The abilities that currently benefit from Trip DC bonuses usually have a DC of 10 + class level + modifier + Trip DCs. So replacing Assassinate with Trip wouldn't unbalance anything.
Third question: Why do these 3 abilities gain bonuses from Assassinate at all? Only Death from Above is an instant kill ability. I can understand why that would benefit from assassination.
Currently the only abilities that benefits from Assassination are in the Assassin Tree. More so, item bonuses to assassination are much lower than those of Sundering/Vertigo/Combat Mastery. A level 34 Cannith crafted item can have +7/+3 Assassinate/Ins. Assassinate or +17/+8 Vertigo/Ins Vertigo. There is a 15 point difference between the two. That's a massive difference at level 30 when saves are still using a D20 system. Not to mention that items with Trip/Combat mastery are far more numerous than those with bonuses to assassination.