That seems fair. Griefers tend to be self limiting as they will run out of marks to run with. And how many people will deny themselves a named chest just to deny 5 others the same? I guess some, but again it seems like a self-limiting behavior.
EDIT: That said, limiting ways in which it is possible to grief others is a good design goal. Having 5 people shat upon by someone with the will to be a jerk regardless of the costs to themselves is never good game design.
Last edited by Niminae; 07-13-2018 at 02:07 PM.
I know I at least chatted with Dorris and Talbron. Dorris was not incredibly forthcoming, quite reluctant actually. Helped to build the place but then had regrets. That sure isn't much. If I recall correctly her dialogue in the quest suffered from one of those issues where if I wanted to ask her a different question I had to back away from her and restart the conversation. Talbron gave some information but wouldn't even tell me more about how he ended up there except a jocular statement about trusting, presumably Jeets and not fitting, I assume an escape route requiring a measuring tape in the future.
Was Sakhaa the kobold? I don't see how I could trust anything he(?) had to say. Crazy kobolds.
No no, I meant lore notes like something the captors leave about which give us tidbits of information from their point of view. Like the notes in the quest Strike Back that give you clues to what the different baddies were doing.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
It's worth a big chunk of xp, almost 1/3 as much as the ENTIRE QUEST. Anyone who has the stuff from the quest already (and there are TONS of people who have ALL the items the first week) will be motivated to throw away that chest to get the xp, especially since it spares you a potentially obnoxious fight.
Join Magefire Cannon on Thelanis!
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Might be a good way to support alts. Even if you can't do it this time around having a stone of sentiment XP for each of my characters would be valuable for me! Just a thought!
Anyone have an idea of how many points the bundle is going to cost on live?
A little snark, no vitriol.
(with credit to HungarianRhapsody)
Graceana (currently a caster bard)
My alts are put out to pasture
The Casual Obsession
Harper costs 495. Bird Man will cost around that much, but probably more.
No clue what cosmetics cost. I looked at them awhile back and decided to buy mirrors instead.
Not sure how much sentient xp should be worth.
So no, I don't have a very good idea. If you look up or know the cost of cosmetics then maybe you can form a better idea.