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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Soloist Enchanter.
    I went one better with a soloist "enchanter" mainly focused on the Eldritch Knight tree.

    I think my idea was some kind of "mage-knight" who could hypnotise/hold/charm etc its enemies while hitting them with my eldritch-enhanced weapons etc.

    It didn't work. I just ended up as a pretend fighter with no hit points or armour class!

  2. #22
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Cleric/wizard focusing on necromancy and the dark disciple tree. It seems like a good idea and has wonderful synergy but fails when you realize your caster levels will be terrible, you'll have low spell penetration, you're next to useless vs undead, and you need both wisdom and intelligence to do things. Dark disciple is interesting, but hideously flawed in practice. A pure/near pure death domain cleric or a pale master wizard would be infinitely better.

    Also, any 'wizard vampire unarmed' build. I've never seen any sort of vampire build that was worth a party slot.
    Primary Home: Argonnessen
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  3. #23
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    We were having fun for a while coming up with terrible builds for each other when levelling got boring. Various incarnations of druid/arti are pretty good... stuff along those lines.

  4. #24
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpw_acc View Post
    It didn't work. I just ended up as a pretend fighter with no hit points or armour class!
    That is an amazing description I feel for you.
    Bettayne Brah'dukcc, Cleric of Lathander
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life

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  5. #25
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapco View Post
    We were having fun for a while coming up with terrible builds for each other when levelling got boring. Various incarnations of druid/arti are pretty good... stuff along those lines.
    I imagine you would need to introduce a limping animation for Wolves/Bears to account for the runearm transformed into part of one paw!
    Bettayne Brah'dukcc, Cleric of Lathander
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by glmfw1 View Post
    I imagine you would need to introduce a limping animation for Wolves/Bears to account for the runearm transformed into part of one paw!
    Druids can't use runearms.

  7. #27
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapco View Post
    Druids can't use runearms.
    Hmmmm... Not even Corruption of Nature Bad restrictive class design - I want limping bears!
    Bettayne Brah'dukcc, Cleric of Lathander
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapco View Post
    We were having fun for a while coming up with terrible builds for each other when levelling got boring. Various incarnations of druid/arti are pretty good... stuff along those lines.
    May the troll be with you.

  9. #29
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riddle_of_Steel View Post
    In most cases you need to think like a PnP player who moved over.

    So for example let's say you wanted a Melee battle cleric with strong buffing and occasional spell Damage ability. You might think a Half-Orc Cleric (9) Wizard (7) Fighter (4). Think about it you get Raise Dead, you get Stoneskin (and fireball for the LOL's of course) and weapon specialization so you are set.

    Oh no, it gets much worse than that. I played a CoDzilla ('Cleric or Druid Godzilla,' I didn't invent the term so don't blame me) in PnP, and had hoped to do the same in DDO when I started. I didn't know about the wiki when I started, and I didn't know that the full PnP spell list was not a part of DDO. There just isn't the spell support for a CoDzilla to exist in DDO. So I ended up with a L30 Cleric built entirely around melee damage, and it was really hard to kill but slow as molasses to get through a dungeon. And any mob that had some self-heals was just beyond the capability of the DPS I could output.

    When they gave out the 2 +5 hearts after some Update where they tweaked a lot of enhancement trees and more (was that Armor Down? I don't recall) I swapped in 2 Fighter and 3 Paladin for more Feats and better saves. That helped a lot, but it was still a low DPS build. I gave it up as a bad idea. That was before the changes to Kensai and the addition of Domains, and so the build could be better today. But it still seems sub-par to me. If I were to do it again, and I won't because I'm just completely turned off on the concept, I'd probably want 6 Fighter and War Domain.

  10. #30
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    i tried to build vast into a dual dwarven waraxe weilding monk
    5 fighter (for capstone)
    9 monk
    6 ranger
    dwarf race
    seemed an awsome idea
    however she sucked
    tred her back to monk almost straight away
    Main:- Clerivast - 3rd life - 30 Cleric, Alt:- Aobhiel - 3rd life - 30, 12 Monk , 6 Ranger, 2 Fighter
    Alt:- Vastano 3rd life 30 Monk
    Member of Imperial Assassins of Argo.

  11. #31
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niminae View Post
    Oh no, it gets much worse than that. I played a CoDzilla ('Cleric or Druid Godzilla,' I didn't invent the term so don't blame me) in PnP, and had hoped to do the same in DDO when I started. I didn't know about the wiki when I started, and I didn't know that the full PnP spell list was not a part of DDO. There just isn't the spell support for a CoDzilla to exist in DDO. So I ended up with a L30 Cleric built entirely around melee damage, and it was really hard to kill but slow as molasses to get through a dungeon. And any mob that had some self-heals was just beyond the capability of the DPS I could output.

    When they gave out the 2 +5 hearts after some Update where they tweaked a lot of enhancement trees and more (was that Armor Down? I don't recall) I swapped in 2 Fighter and 3 Paladin for more Feats and better saves. That helped a lot, but it was still a low DPS build. I gave it up as a bad idea. That was before the changes to Kensai and the addition of Domains, and so the build could be better today. But it still seems sub-par to me. If I were to do it again, and I won't because I'm just completely turned off on the concept, I'd probably want 6 Fighter and War Domain.
    The worst logical build I can think of is warpriest
    Sounds good, fighting cleric and all that,
    But they are so bad,
    That they don't even exist
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    The worst logical build I can think of is warpriest
    Sounds good, fighting cleric and all that,
    But they are so bad,
    That they don't even exist
    I was going to posit something similar. *nearly* every caster based melee I have ever seen has been terrible. I definitely think that for wiz/sorc. Was nearly going to say cleric but I have seen a *few* that weren't terribad (compared to other melee, in dps/usefulness, not counting the fact that in theory they could heal the whole party at the same time, except it seems like they never do. And they always seem to forsake things like BB. Not sure why? Just because you've decided to melee doesn't mean you shouldn't use amazing AOE/spells available to you).

    Man the formatting of this post sucked. Too bad.

  13. #33
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    Just because you've decided to melee doesn't mean you shouldn't use amazing AOE/spells available to you).
    That's what my FvS is trying at the moment. Warsoul, with decent investment into AoV... If there's a large number, pull them in to melee through a blade barrier, Stun them and blind them with Holy Smite and Soundburst, then slash and flamestrike them to death. Melee ability is decent enough to take down the ones or twos fast, leaving a decent number of SP for major blasting when there are big numbers. It probably isn't the most efficient way to do things (maybe it is, who knows) but it's fun
    Bettayne Brah'dukcc, Cleric of Lathander
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    I was going to posit something similar. *nearly* every caster based melee I have ever seen has been terrible.
    I whipped up some twf (dual dwaraxe) eldritch wraith dwarf monstrosity one time. It was great in my head, but you lose proficiency when you're undead, and it all went downhill from there. Needed about five more feats and two hundred enhancement points to be any good.

  15. #35
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    I was going to posit something similar. *nearly* every caster based melee I have ever seen has been terrible. I definitely think that for wiz/sorc. Was nearly going to say cleric but I have seen a *few* that weren't terribad (compared to other melee, in dps/usefulness, not counting the fact that in theory they could heal the whole party at the same time, except it seems like they never do. And they always seem to forsake things like BB. Not sure why? Just because you've decided to melee doesn't mean you shouldn't use amazing AOE/spells available to you).

    Man the formatting of this post sucked. Too bad.
    Well, last battlecleric I ran, I forsook BB for a simple reason.

    All my spellpower and spellcrit was Positive, Light, and Fire. With no Force spellpower to speak of, and no force spellcrit, a BB would have to be meta'd to the gills to be more than a complete joke. And that would mean I either had to be ConOpp/Torc'd and taking hits that were minor, or chugging a lake worth of SP pots.

    So instead, I used Holy Smite, Sunburst, Firestorm, and Flame Strike.

  16. #36
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Two worst builds I seen in game:

    Buff Sorcerer. Cap was 14 or 16. Back when haste, resists, displace, GH, and stoneskin were desired. The buffs were great to a party but it didn't do anything else.

    Max charisma FVS. Cap 20. No melee, no damage spells, no CC. Just buffs and heals. Meanwhile my Fvs was healing, doing cc, and getting a lot of kills with BB. They tried to convince me to change builds because "I skip most shrines I have so many spell points."

  17. #37
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    Harper as main tree + any class.
    Eldritch Knight as main + any class.
    Most build that attempt to spend most points in racial enhancements.
    Melee Ninja Spy builds
    Primary healers outside of raids

    bonus: any stealth build

  18. #38
    Community Member Trig_of_Cowtown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Primary healers outside of raids
    Tell me about it. I used the recent Veteran event to create a priest and went into the radiant servant tree to be a good healer and took air domain for the SLAs.

    Man, I end up in melee a lot.

    The healing is saving my butt but combat seems to be slow. Maybe that's just me and being new to the class. I'm going to try grouping with other players and see how it goes.

    But right now, I have to agree with you. Primary healers are not good soloing builds.

    I just wanted a character who could help out the guild.

  19. #39
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riddle_of_Steel View Post
    In most cases you need to think like a PnP player who moved over.

    So for example let's say you wanted a Melee battle cleric with strong buffing and occasional spell Damage ability. You might think a Half-Orc Cleric (9) Wizard (7) Fighter (4). Think about it you get Raise Dead, you get Stoneskin (and fireball for the LOL's of course) and weapon specialization so you are set.

    Sounds reasonable but my God in DDO's world sure it could "work" but almost anything would be better. Hell dropping a level of cleric and taking an extra level of fighter would be better so you could at least take a fighter tier 5 enhancements.

    But for sure that split sounds good, even workable but you'd be better off as a h-elf pure fighter with a pally dillante feat or even a pure Dragonmarked Halfling fighter (still bad choices but less bad).

    I bring this one up mainly because I bumped into that player back in the day, dropped them a couple of tomes to fix some stat issues they had (of course back when you found 1-3 +2 tomes a life before they heavily monetized tomes) and gave them some "it's DDO not Dungeons and Dragons" advice.
    A 3.5 PnP player who played a build like that would definitely be doing it for role-playing/flavor reasons (although level 20 isn't really a thing in PnP, I mean the big splits in general), unless they were expecting to be able to take some prestige class or use some obscure broken supplement feat/spell. Someone who min-maxed in PnP would probably go pure Wizard/Cleric/Druid, or maybe Sorcerer/Warlock if they had a specific build in mind... which would be a pretty solid choice for a first life 60-80% of the time, I'd say.

    That build might be in better shape than my first toon was.. Gotta keep Cleric below level 7 and Wizard below level 11 to prevent Divine Power/Tenser's Transformation, wouldn't want them to hit anything... But Fighter 5 enhancements are good enough to make it into a salvageable self-buffing/healing repeater build with a feat swap or two. Hmm... How about a powerful wizard who can self-heal while also investing his vast skill points into being able to charm, bluff, diplomacy, or fascinate his way out of any situation? After all, non-combat solutions are an option in PnP, and even at 20 your top ability score might be 24 or even 26 with a generous DM, so it makes sense to spread things out a bit. Wizard 8/Bard 6/Cleric 6 could have it all -- and between their respected position in their church, bardic college, or wizard-y organization (if applicable -- but what PnP game world *doesn't* have one) they'll have access to all sorts of things, not to mention Bardic Knowledge and skill Knowledge ranks. And for whatever talking can't get you out of, your fireballs, connections, and legion of Leadership followers cab. At 21 you'll ascend to Godhood: Epic Leadership (in addition to essentially making you the leader of one of the most powerful armies in the game world) will give you a loyal level 18 character of your choice. There's a lot you can do with that, but keeping it simple, your new Wizard advisor has two Wish spells permanently prepared for you each day. If you plan on dominating the entire world, though, a Lawful Evil Cleric would be a better choice, since his deity will be only too happy to grant miracles that help your army conquer and enslave the world (oh, yeah, you should probably turn evil around now -- after all, you're going to become a Lich at 21, or if you can wait long enough, a Demilich or Dragon and then Dracolich at 25/23). By 25 you're immortal. Even the staunchest Paladin will be corrupted by your dominant will -- and if some divine miracle prevents that, slaughtered by your vast army. If by some other miracle a well-equipped party of half a dozen adventurers sneak through your defenses, your minions, your vast collection of traps and plundered magical items, the moment they come within 300 feet of you you can absorb all six, instantaneously consuming their souls [RAW: doesn't even cost you a swift action] -- although you might take a moment to laugh at their pitiful Death Wards [RAW: demilich's supernatural Trap the Soul effects aren't blocked by Death Ward]. For their sake, hopefully they're attacking you at moment you take 25, because from then on you can summon Hezrous (if you went chaotic evil) or Bebiliths (if you went lawful evil) at will, as often as you want (but no more than once per round) -- and hopefully they haven't waited a week, because by then you'll have (at no cost, through a daily supernatural ability) accumulated an army of 14 Hezrou or Marilith bodyguards. Although if you want a bit more variety you might prefer grabbing some Ancient Wyrm Dragons as allies or bodyguards through your 2+ Gate spells per day. Those bard levels and all the skill points you poured into bluff and diplomacy are definitely going to help in negotiations -- pick some of the dumber types and they'll end up working for a quarter of the loot of any foolish would-be assassin who tries to stop you. After a few days, your forces are probably strong enough to go have a face to face with your deity. You're pretty evil -- and immortal, and commanding an army that no prince of the nine hells could hope to stop -- so the negotiation will end in either deicide or enslaving a God.

    ... and this is why epic levels are usually a bad idea. That's all SRD20, by the way.. if you throw in even the most conservative supplements things get a lot crazier.

    OTOH that build in DDO is probably either given up and TR'd or piking in Unyielding Sentinel while a hireling drags them through Epic Casual.

  20. #40
    Community Member glmfw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    ...piking in Unyielding Sentinel while a hireling drags them through Epic Casual.
    I need to turn off my Bravery Bonus some time and try that to see how successfully the hirelings can do it
    Bettayne Brah'dukcc, Cleric of Lathander
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