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  1. #1
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Default AA Archer Gear for Mid-Heroics?

    My 15-year-old daughter started playing DDO. She likes elves, and ranged attacks sounded like fun to her. She started at level 10 during the bonus weekend, and went with the Strimtom build:

    I was able to get her the Silver Longbow. The starter gear for Veteran 3 is really bad, so what would be good for her to grab now at level 10, and have on hand for the next few levels? She's purely free-to-play at this point, which limits her options.

    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  2. #2
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    My 15-year-old daughter started playing DDO. She likes elves, and ranged attacks sounded like fun to her. She started at level 10 during the bonus weekend, and went with the Strimtom build:

    I was able to get her the Silver Longbow. The starter gear for Veteran 3 is really bad, so what would be good for her to grab now at level 10, and have on hand for the next few levels? She's purely free-to-play at this point, which limits her options.

    Is cannith crafting part of free to play? If so, do that for the non-weapons. As far as longbows, there are pretty much no named bows worth while outside of silver longbow that are obtainable via free to play.

    I would suggest Ravenloft content as far as gear. You can get away with level 10 sets (Adherent of the Mists and Silent Avenger) all the way through level 20. For a weapon, you can get away with bow of sinew, but need that pack.... which is not great outside of getting that item, but is I think it fairly cheap.
    Last edited by barecm; 07-05-2018 at 10:28 AM.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    As an Elf using AA tree

    Some non-specific named items but general gear that will be useful

    • Constitution Item
    • Doubleshot Item
    • Wisdom Item - AA DC use wisdom in the calculation
    • False Life Item
    • Dexterity Item - Bows use this for Too Hit. With Elf if you go with Grace you can use this to add damage, but only if you are either not getting the Bow Strength feat or if your Dexterity is going to be a fair bit higher then your strength.
    • Strength Item - For use with Bow Strength Feat

    Cannieth Crafted items can go a long way in gearing her character if you have high enough crafting levels.

    The Barovia Series has several level 10 items that this character can benefit from - Including access to a Morninglord Long Bow - and Later Nightmother Long Bow.

    While not as popular as it once was the Temple of Elemental Evil does have ML7 Bows that range in different elements both adding elemental damage or improving elemental damage since AA elemental arrows now uses spell power. The Sapphire long bow is also a nice item.

    Slave Lords series crafting for Level 8 items can also be useful. However, this may take a few runs to collect enough materials - However, if they have some people running with them that are willing to pass ingredients it could reduce the number of runs needed.

  4. #4
    2016 DDO Players Council
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    I recommend running some Red Fens quests to get Raven's Sight and Raven's Talons for the Wisdom and Dexterity, and the set bonus is nice as well. However if you have Ravenloft, then the gear from those quests is a lot nicer.

    For example, Mist-laden Vestment, Shadowhail Cloak, and Braided Cutcord (all are part of a set bonus) are ones I would get for my Ranger, although she is mostly a Deepwood Stalker. It's worth mentioning that even though all of the named loot from Heroic Ravenloft is minimum level 10, some of the quests you get them from are level 11 or 12. Barovian's Longbow has some nice effects and it's one you can choose from a list at the beginning of the Barovia wilderness. You only have to complete Into the Mists to get there.

  5. #5
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    My 15-year-old daughter started playing DDO. She likes elves, and ranged attacks sounded like fun to her. She started at level 10 during the bonus weekend, and went with the Strimtom build:

    I was able to get her the Silver Longbow. The starter gear for Veteran 3 is really bad, so what would be good for her to grab now at level 10, and have on hand for the next few levels? She's purely free-to-play at this point, which limits her options.

    Well if you are taking your time over a few days you can get the free daily token from house c challenges and farm out a pair of Rock Boots for corrosion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

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