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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default BlackRazor Filigree Set Is A Must!

    I tested the blackrazor greatsword out on Lamannia and honestly enjoyed it, however it lacks the vampirism effect that the lore speaks of and I was greatly hoping it came in Bastard sword form similarly to what you guys did for Divinity (Morninglord's Goal and Morninglord's Keep) as well as for The Wave (Of Despair, and Of Sorrow).... as I would really prefer that you repeated that trend with this most iconic of weapons.

    Anyhow, here's my desired version of the BlackRazor Filigree set!

    BlackRazor's Ego
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +5 Melee power
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: Enemies that are slain occasionally have their soul encased into a soul gem
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: This weapon provides 1d3 hitpoints of positive energy-typed healing every time you damage an enemy. For Warforged, this weapon provides 1d3 repair energy for healing instead of positive energy. This item will uncenter you and break your druidic oath.
    Individual Filigree
    • Intelligence +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Charisma +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Wisdom +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Strength +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Constitution +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Critical confirmation rolls and damage+2 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Melee Power +3 -~- Rare Version: & +2 Melee Power
    • Deific Trickery:This weapon receives bonuses as if it were the favored weapon of your deity -~- Rare Version: & +10% healing amp
    • Negative Energy Absorption +5% -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR

  2. #2
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    That sounds really cool. Soul gem farming is a bore and it fits well with the theme without being a big power creep (like adding a high DC tts effect). Deification Trickery is insanely powerful though and seems more like a 5-piece (or 7-piece!) bonus than a filigree bonus. Why invented/break Druid oath though? If it’s just for balance reasons I guess the former makes sense but the latter seems a bit excessive.

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    That sounds really cool. Soul gem farming is a bore and it fits well with the theme without being a big power creep (like adding a high DC tts effect). Deification Trickery is insanely powerful though and seems more like a 5-piece (or 7-piece!) bonus than a filigree bonus. Why invented/break Druid oath though? If it’s just for balance reasons I guess the former makes sense but the latter seems a bit excessive.

    Removing potential for abuse is all, also Bloodrage Chrism has the same thing on it.... I did not invent the effect, SSG did :P

    Yeah some people would think that effect is the same as on greensteel vacuum weapons, but it's not..... The Trap The Soul weapon proc is an instant kill proc with a twist (You get a free item), but the is just a "You get a free item" SOMETIMES on slaying an enemy proc.... which means, slaying an enemy in general could drop a soulgem. I don't know why I did not think of it sooner.

    Yeah.... deific trickery is a bit too powerful for such....... but it makes a statement to SSG that refutes a statement they made earlier on a livestream claiming that "There's not much DPS loss going with a weapon other than your Deity's favored weapon" meaning if they really believe that then bring it on lol
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 07-01-2018 at 09:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    I tested the blackrazor greatsword out on Lamannia and honestly enjoyed it, however it lacks the vampirism effect that the lore speaks of and I was greatly hoping it came in Bastard sword form similarly to what you guys did for Divinity (Morninglord's Goal and Morninglord's Keep) as well as for The Wave (Of Despair, and Of Sorrow).... as I would really prefer that you repeated that trend with this most iconic of weapons.

    Anyhow, here's my desired version of the BlackRazor Filigree set!

    BlackRazor's Ego
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +5 Melee power
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: Enemies that are slain occasionally have their soul encased into a soul gem
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: This weapon provides 1d3 hitpoints of positive energy-typed healing every time you damage an enemy. For Warforged, this weapon provides 1d3 repair energy for healing instead of positive energy. This item will uncenter you and break your druidic oath.
    Individual Filigree
    • Intelligence +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Charisma +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Wisdom +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Strength +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Constitution +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Critical confirmation rolls and damage+2 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Melee Power +3 -~- Rare Version: & +2 Melee Power
    • Deific Trickery:This weapon receives bonuses as if it were the favored weapon of your deity -~- Rare Version: & +10% healing amp
    • Negative Energy Absorption +5% -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    It's a nice ide but this is competing with the prowess set that can be but on any weapon, like one with a better crit profile, wich is blackrazers big Achillies heel.
    Unless this set can be put on any weapon, then it is just meh, befause the devs will nerf it into the ground like the did with terror, their other crystal instakill greatsword.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  5. #5
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    Yeah.... deific trickery is a bit too powerful for such....... but it makes a statement to SSG that refutes a statement they made earlier on a livestream claiming that "There's not much DPS loss going with a weapon other than your Deity's favored weapon" meaning if they really believe that then bring it on lol
    For most Clerics (clerics who aren’t AA/WF don’t use their favored weapons anyway) that’s true but for FvS 10+ they can use Cha to hit and damage, and get automatic proficiency, so deity weapons actually matter. Having it on a single filigree would mean FvS would get Cha-based proficiency, to hit and damage on any weapon

  6. #6
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Black razor is a chaotic evil blade and to make it thematically correct to use it truly as a Diety preferred weapon you have to worship a demon. Or worship the undead being from another dimension that is trapped inside the blade but that's a whole different program above and beyond the current diety favorite weapon stuff we have today

  7. #7
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin_of_Power View Post
    Black razor is a chaotic evil blade and to make it thematically correct to use it truly as a Diety preferred weapon you have to worship a demon. Or worship the undead being from another dimension that is trapped inside the blade but that's a whole different program above and beyond the current diety favorite weapon stuff we have today
    Well you can currently choose a lawful evil Lich as your deity, so a demon doesn’t seem like much of stretch. The Lord of Blades and Vulkoor are evil too. The fact that iconic paladins are locked into Lawful Good while serving an evil deity shows that thematic correctness isn’t much of a priority, lol
    Last edited by xveganrox; 07-02-2018 at 07:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    I tested the blackrazor greatsword out on Lamannia and honestly enjoyed it, however it lacks the vampirism effect that the lore speaks of and I was greatly hoping it came in Bastard sword form similarly to what you guys did for Divinity (Morninglord's Goal and Morninglord's Keep) as well as for The Wave (Of Despair, and Of Sorrow).... as I would really prefer that you repeated that trend with this most iconic of weapons.

    Anyhow, here's my desired version of the BlackRazor Filigree set!

    BlackRazor's Ego
    • When 2 pieces are equipped: +5 Melee power
    • When 3 pieces are equipped: Enemies that are slain occasionally have their soul encased into a soul gem
    • When 4 pieces are equipped: This weapon provides 1d3 hitpoints of positive energy-typed healing every time you damage an enemy. For Warforged, this weapon provides 1d3 repair energy for healing instead of positive energy. This item will uncenter you and break your druidic oath.
    Individual Filigree
    • Intelligence +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Charisma +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Wisdom +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 PRR
    • Strength +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Constitution +1 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Critical confirmation rolls and damage+2 -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    • Melee Power +3 -~- Rare Version: & +2 Melee Power
    • Deific Trickery:This weapon receives bonuses as if it were the favored weapon of your deity -~- Rare Version: & +10% healing amp
    • Negative Energy Absorption +5% -~- Rare Version: & +2 MRR
    Blackrazor is made from an negative energy entity. Where is my vampirism for undead/PM shrouds? Where is my negative heal amp, negative spell power, negative crit chance, even negative crit damage. Blackrazor should have a very apparent and strong melee side; and a very strong negative energy side.

    If Blackguards were a thing in DDO; this would be their go to weapon. For now it should be the go to weapon for any undead melee; vampires, zombies, wraiths, etc.

  9. #9
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    Blackrazor is made from an negative energy entity. Where is my vampirism for undead/PM shrouds? Where is my negative heal amp, negative spell power, negative crit chance, even negative crit damage. Blackrazor should have a very apparent and strong melee side; and a very strong negative energy side.

    If Blackguards were a thing in DDO; this would be their go to weapon. For now it should be the go to weapon for any undead melee; vampires, zombies, wraiths, etc.
    Well, how would you get your BAB up and your armor class up while meleeing as a palemaster?

    That is the question and one that concerns my interests on the matter as well.....

    Anyhow, yeah, I agree it should include negative healing type for the vampirism effect....

  10. #10
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    Well, how would you get your BAB up and your armor class up while meleeing as a palemaster?

    That is the question and one that concerns my interests on the matter as well.....

    Anyhow, yeah, I agree it should include negative healing type for the vampirism effect....
    Use a feat for armor types, or enhancements. Scroll tensers or take T5 eldritch knight, or even run Divine Crusader if you're really concerned about BAB.

    At the moment no serious melee PM is going to run more than 12 wizard. Honestly 7 is the bare minimum you need for NEB.

    Until Wizards get a pass in general there's no real definitive answer. We can hope/assume that BAB and perhaps the tensers toggle will make their way into cores of EK rather than the T5. But as it stands no melee PM really has to go T5 PM. Unless you want the vampirism portion of vampire shroud, and I'm hoping the flip the vampirism to be the normal shroud and the negative levels on crit to be the master shroud.

  11. #11
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    Use a feat for armor types, or enhancements. Scroll tensers or take T5 eldritch knight, or even run Divine Crusader if you're really concerned about BAB.

    At the moment no serious melee PM is going to run more than 12 wizard. Honestly 7 is the bare minimum you need for NEB.

    Until Wizards get a pass in general there's no real definitive answer. We can hope/assume that BAB and perhaps the tensers toggle will make their way into cores of EK rather than the T5. But as it stands no melee PM really has to go T5 PM. Unless you want the vampirism portion of vampire shroud, and I'm hoping the flip the vampirism to be the normal shroud and the negative levels on crit to be the master shroud.
    Would make a lot of sense.......... I do expect a wizard pass to be coming soon however I would like to be able to get this build concept fleshed out before then so I can have a taste of the before and after!

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