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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Would Like To See And Test An Orb Made For Single Weapon Fighting Cleric Builds!

    Currently, there is no such orb....

    Flanking is something you tend to often even be forced into doing a lot of, and you get a penalty for such...... the penalty only seems to be removed through the "Spring attack" feat so if such an orb were to exist it would best offer this feat. If you are a Cleric, your Melee DPS is already not that great.

    I know what you are likely to say "Well use a two handed weapon" but the truth is, I prefer the feel of single weapon fighting, two handed fighting just feels a bit clunky to me and I love the attack speed boost that comes with training single handed fighting, it just feels right and makes it easier to get into the gameplay.

    Also, no matter how small, bonuses to weapon damage do add up so I don't like the idea of using a weapon other than the one that is favored by my deity.... and that is usually Helm (Bastard Sword) in which brings up another sore topic all together..... I can not start a cleric of Helm at level 1.... really makes me sad but if there was an effect that allowed me to use any weapon I am proficient with and use that to "Trick" my deity into granting any weapon I have equipped the bonuses that would normally only go to the correct weapon, that would be remedied by extension to an extent.

    An Orb is not known for being a defensive aid..... but currently no orbs are offering healer's bounty either.......

    The way I see it, the balance to such a build can come from a few things bundled together on such an orb....

    1-Spring Attack Feat granted when Orb is equipped, and a Melee power boost when flanking

    2-Healer's bounty with a slightly better proc chance (Improved Healer's Bounty?)

    3-A weapon imbue that grants the classic version of vampirism to your main hand weapon (Melee only) (You can nerf this by simply adding the attribute "Unnatural", or making this effect only appear and function when equipped by a cleric, bard, favored soul, or paladin of equal level to the weapon).

    4-An effect that allows you to use other weapons you are proficient with and have them count as your favored weapon and gain the benefits of your deity's feat line and any tree enhancement referring to your favored weapons.

    5-An AOE clicky to help get out of situations where you are surrounded by enemies...... this should likely go onto a different item all together

    If all five of these attributes are placed on an orb and someone who has the single weapon fighting feat lines trained, the attack speed bonus should offer enough to the vampirism effect to make playing as a a single weapon fighting Cleric a more survivable option at least outside of Reaper.

    Hell, you could even simply place all of these effects onto a ring or something or even divide these effects up to multiple items.

    This effect specifically feels very ring appropriate....

    "An effect that allows you to use other weapons you are proficient with and have them count as your favored weapon and gain the benefits of your deity's feat line and any tree enhancement referring to your favored weapons."

    As does this one

    "Spring Attack Feat granted and a Melee power boost when flanking"

    Anyhow, a single weapon fighting cleric/favored soul/bard build item would best be an orb for the simple fact that all can equip such and orbs are in short supply..... also it takes up a slot where a weapon could normally go thus nerfing build potential to a control friendly level.
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 07-01-2018 at 03:57 PM. Reason: edited in details

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