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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Why can i not reset my password!

    Ok so i have had this account since 2009, i took a break from playing after 2 family deaths and have not had any help from your support staff in resolving this matter for OVER A YEAR NOW!

    I am able to try to reset my password all day long but it never lets me log in. Can someone please help me this is insane!

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Is my account locked?

    Did someone hack and delete it

    I attached a screen shot of me in my email requesting another password reset to show you it is my account?

    Please please help
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  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    If your ticket is actually a year old, submit a new ticket to Technical Support here:

    If your ticket is newer than that, get me your ticket number and we can pass it along to CS.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    If your ticket is actually a year old, submit a new ticket to Technical Support here:

    If your ticket is newer than that, get me your ticket number and we can pass it along to CS.
    I have tried tickets for a year, they say the last 4 of my cc on file is wrong even though i gave them all 5 credit/debit cards and took screen shots of my paypal account showing the account name and cc used. The latest ticket is #55864

    I just need to know what is going on did my account get locked, hacked, deleted bc i should be able to reset password as i can get the request in my email? The only thing they respond on the tickets is closed last 4 wrong and offer no futher help at all.

    Thanks i just need this to get to someone who can really help me?

    I know you guys are smaller staffed but if i need to i can talk to coravan on twitch tom
    Last edited by beyondstylz; 06-28-2018 at 12:48 PM.

  4. #4
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    Hmm, this is a complicated one in that we need identifying information to verify the account owner, but it appears as if you have not yet been able to provide information that we can match to the account. This is not something I would be able to help you with during a livestream, either. I will have to let customer service work through this one for now. I apologize I have not been able to assist.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Hmm, this is a complicated one in that we need identifying information to verify the account owner, but it appears as if you have not yet been able to provide information that we can match to the account. This is not something I would be able to help you with during a livestream, either. I will have to let customer service work through this one for now. I apologize I have not been able to assist.
    Thank you for the help, i have all the info except the last 4 of the cc used as it was my mothers and she passed away last year and no one kept a copy of her # around so i do not know how to get that last bit of info i have all the rest? Is there another way i can verify i have address, account names, paypal receipts, toon names and classes, etc?

    or atleast let me know why my password reset via email does not work?
    Last edited by beyondstylz; 06-28-2018 at 03:13 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by beyondstylz View Post
    Thank you for the help, i have all the info except the last 4 of the cc used as it was my mothers and she passed away last year and no one kept a copy of her # around so i do not know how to get that last bit of info i have all the rest? Is there another way i can verify i have address, account names, paypal receipts, toon names and classes, etc?

    or atleast let me know why my password reset via email does not work?
    Regarding the password reset issue, I had very similar issues a few months ago: I tried numerous times to reset my password after getting locked out, and it never worked. The password reset process worked, but the login screen would not accept the new password. I ended up being locked out of the game for about 3 weeks (account support is very slow in responses, and it required 3 e-mail round-trips... about 1 week each). But I finally figured out the issue ON MY OWN. On a hunch, I removed the & from my password and reset my password once more.... and low and behold it worked the first time! Apparently & is not a valid character in the password, at least as of a few months ago. I reported this bug to the account support team to resolve my ticket, but I'm not sure that was ever passed onto the development team to fix. So if password reset doesn't work, try removing any special characters (or at least &), and try again. Worked great for me. But they really need to fix that if it isn't fixed already, because there is no indication that & should not work on the password reset page.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    Regarding the password reset issue, I had very similar issues a few months ago: I tried numerous times to reset my password after getting locked out, and it never worked. The password reset process worked, but the login screen would not accept the new password. I ended up being locked out of the game for about 3 weeks (account support is very slow in responses, and it required 3 e-mail round-trips... about 1 week each). But I finally figured out the issue ON MY OWN. On a hunch, I removed the & from my password and reset my password once more.... and low and behold it worked the first time! Apparently & is not a valid character in the password, at least as of a few months ago. I reported this bug to the account support team to resolve my ticket, but I'm not sure that was ever passed onto the development team to fix. So if password reset doesn't work, try removing any special characters (or at least &), and try again. Worked great for me. But they really need to fix that if it isn't fixed already, because there is no indication that & should not work on the password reset page.
    I can log as tyrodgers, this is the current DDO account I am using, but I do not understand why I can log into as solacerodgers and see my active account from 2010, with my current active credit card and subscription but I can not log into it in the turbine launcher, just to recap I now have 2 accounts, tyrodgers and solacerodgers, but I can only log into the tyrodgers with the turbine launcher and I need to get into my main account solacerodgers? I am just very confused. I have reset passwords, I can pull a name list and see its the correct account, I can access it via the turbine website etc, I have removed and reinstalled launcher, I have even wiped my laptop incase something was cached. I work in IT as a devops admin and searched through old reg keys, SQL datafiles, anything that could be possibly causing this break on my end and there just is nothing. Any advice?

  8. #8
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beyondstylz View Post
    I can log as tyrodgers, this is the current DDO account I am using, but I do not understand why I can log into as solacerodgers and see my active account from 2010, with my current active credit card and subscription but I can not log into it in the turbine launcher, just to recap I now have 2 accounts, tyrodgers and solacerodgers, but I can only log into the tyrodgers with the turbine launcher and I need to get into my main account solacerodgers? I am just very confused. I have reset passwords, I can pull a name list and see its the correct account, I can access it via the turbine website etc, I have removed and reinstalled launcher, I have even wiped my laptop incase something was cached. I work in IT as a devops admin and searched through old reg keys, SQL datafiles, anything that could be possibly causing this break on my end and there just is nothing. Any advice?
    Lets get this straight: You click on the USERNAME field, NOT the drop down caret. You hit backspace to delete the default name listed, and you type out the other name, solacerodgers, you then click on the password field, type your password, click enter, and it does what exactly? Account not found?

  9. #9
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    Default Account PW reset not working

    I am having a similar issue. For whatever reason my password wasn't being accepted either in the launcher so I reset it. I get the usual email and in green text it tell's me that it was successful yet on the same screen it won't accept the combination. I tried at least 15 or 20 times to reset this, all of which are shown as to have gone through, yet no joy on the launcher, even on different machines, nor the website. This is my wife's account BTW.

    Please note that I recently bought all the expansions, consistently buy the VIP and I kid you not literally bought this laptop specifically for my wife to play with me. Most might think this is hyperbole but I am sincere so please if anyone can help me I'd be immensely thankful.

    I am the cardholder if that makes a difference.

    Not sure if this is related but after purchasing the MOTU & SF packs that were recently on sale I received an email about a refund for said products even though I never asked for one. Credit Note and Refund (Order # will provide via PM if requested.) I thought nothing of this because the email said 0 dollars refunded and I had access to the content.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    Regarding the password reset issue, I had very similar issues a few months ago: I tried numerous times to reset my password after getting locked out, and it never worked. The password reset process worked, but the login screen would not accept the new password. I ended up being locked out of the game for about 3 weeks (account support is very slow in responses, and it required 3 e-mail round-trips... about 1 week each). But I finally figured out the issue ON MY OWN. On a hunch, I removed the & from my password and reset my password once more.... and low and behold it worked the first time! Apparently & is not a valid character in the password, at least as of a few months ago. I reported this bug to the account support team to resolve my ticket, but I'm not sure that was ever passed onto the development team to fix. So if password reset doesn't work, try removing any special characters (or at least &), and try again. Worked great for me. But they really need to fix that if it isn't fixed already, because there is no indication that & should not work on the password reset page.
    Thanks so much for this. I had the same issue and my old password had an '&' along with other random punctuation. Finally found this post, created a password without the & but otherwise with a similar mix of punctuation, and it worked. I hadn't logged on since the Turbine days, so I guess the password algo must have been changed somewhere along the way but the instructions not updated. Could have figured it out perhaps, but I have a VPN and other security stuff running so it might have taken a while to eliminate other causes, especially as *the f$%^ing &-containing password was apparently accepted by the reset page*. Would be very helpful if those responsible could update the instructions/character trapping code accordingly. Thanks again, Dread_Luskan!

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