Tree Enhancement Opinions

1-Divine Power In Cleric Warpriest tree should have an additional effect where all weapons you are granted proficiency with through your chosen Domain are also considered your favored weapon when equipped, this would effectively give War Domain users an appropriate extra bit of Oomph.

2-Will update this when the server does not shut down as I am finishing up testing for the Favored Soul...........

Equipment Opinions

1-Due to differences in what Blackrazor is from campaign to campaign, BlackRazor should come in three variants; Longsword, Bastard Sword, and Greatsword (Whisper, Word, and Echo)

2-DDO should consider creating some legendary orbs for cleric and favored soul build usage, below is one I designed for this purpose.

Orb Of Vol

*+15 Orb Bonus
*Healer's Bounty
*Devotion +208 passive
*Weapon Imbue (Melee only): Legendary Vampirism (Comparable to but does not stack with Scion Of Shadowfell nor Vampirism effects already on a weapon)
*Damage Reduction Bypass: Evil Outsider (This effect allows you to bypass the DR of any Non-boss Evil Outsider)
*Orange Augment Slot

3-There should be some named Heavy Picks in the new loot as there have been a lack of such for far too many updates, if DDO made a good number of these I could suggest a Named Heavy Pick that significantly enhances the Breath Attacks of Dragonborn while letting Dragon Breath be used with a sneak attack..... but catering to the Dragonborn race like that would waste other needed potential for the heavy picks and thus be unfair to people who have been waiting for some new named heavy picks.

4-Create three additional versions of Precision Lenses along side the current one for the strength stat. One for Intelligence Stat, one for Charisma Stat, and one for Wisdom Stat, doing this will adequately cater to the various builds valued by the player base.