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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default BlackRazor could be better.......

    Personally I was hoping you guys would make Blackrazor a Bastard sword or at least make it so it also came in bastard sword form.

    If any weapon would be able to have......

    *Soul Food (Special variant of Trap The Soul that turns enemies into sentient gem food worth up to 10 sentient experience per gem)
    *BlackRazor's Entropy: This weapon deals untyped damage and on criticals it deals constitution damage in addition.
    *Chance to cast Evard's Black Tentacles On Successful Critical (Hidden)
    *Gift Of Blackrazor: You are now immune to fear, blindness, and charm effects and you regenerate 2-4 Hit Points every 15 seconds.

    That weapon would be BlackRazor......... please make it happen!

    These quotes give us clues on what Black Razor should/could be

    "The sword Blackrazor was also part of the adventure White Plume Mountain. The sword was an intelligent and evil blade that encouraged its wielder to kill indiscriminately, eagerly devouring the souls of those it slew."

    "Blackrazor has a +3 enhancement bonus, and when wielded grants regeneration and immunity to Charm and Fear effects. It has a chance with each hit to drain the target's life force (levels) and convert it into healing energy and a temporary boost of speed and strength for the wielder."

    “Ye who hold the razor's blade
    Forged of darkest iron
    Quenched by blood and fear,
    Know that ye hold the key
    To the one who guards
    Bhaal's sacred murdered tear.”
    — The genie's riddle
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 06-20-2018 at 01:54 PM.

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