Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress
Feels like there should be some MP/RP in there somewhere. Nothing huge but perhaps 10 MP/RP at 18/Cap or
2 per core.
Smite should be 10s cooldown like Vistani actives.
Core 3: Remove Sanctuary, add in 2/3 PRR per core. Rams Might added to Spellbook.
Righteous Weapons 1 AP rather than 2. Very limited wpn selection and prereq for Wrathful should make it cheaper than other tree's general +1 enhances.
Last edited by Haphazarduk; 06-22-2018 at 05:18 PM.
Is Smite itself going to be tied to Favored Weapon types?
The more I look at the tree and plan things out, the more I think its just going to be too heavily hamstrung by the abysmally poor selection of favored weapon option for Eberron races (ie what 90% of people rolling Clerics will be using) - except for WF, but they're nerfed as clerics by their positive healing penalty...
The Warpriest attacks are nice but they're on par with options from many other classes (cf Bard, who also has decent heals and a better casting stat, CHA>WIS right now). Having them force you into a weak and limited weapon selection is really going to tip the scales away from WP/WS.
How about an option in the third core or fourth tier akin to what Monks get in Kensei to be centered with non-centered weapons:
Consecrate Weapon
The weapon in your main hand, if you are proficient with it, is now considered a Favored Weapon of your deity until you unequip it
Or at least have it be a multi-selector like Kensei where you can add a Favored weapon group.
Otherwise I can see a situation where WP just becomes a splash to get Smite/Ameliorating Strike as a self-healing complement for other builds (Warlocks and Barbs spring to mind)
Last edited by droid327; 06-22-2018 at 05:30 PM.
An attempt to equalize favored weapon types similar to Swashbuckling, to replace Wrathful Weapons' (t5) current functionality.
This will need to be a stance and exclusive with Swashbuckling (because of sickles).
Similar to the way THF Glancing Blows work, all attacks will deal a % of your physical damage as bonus light damage, dependant upon weapon type:
10% - maul, scimitar, quarterstaff
20% - dagger, greatsword, longsword, shortsword, bastard sword
25% - warhammer, longbow
40% - heavy mace
50% - sickle
%'s were decided based on having imp crit and War Domain (Holy Sword).
* Maul is at the top because of Blessing of Silvanus.
* Qstaff is up there too because all the qstaffs you'd realistically use have strong crit profiles.
* Heavy Maces are 40% instead of 50% because of Scourges (sorry non-scourges).
In case that's not clear, examples:
If you hit something with your maul for 150 physical damage, you'd deal 15 bonus light damage.
If you hit something with your sickle for 100 physical damage, you'd deal 50 bonus light damage.
Some tinkering may be required, but this is the basic concept.
Thanks for the input, but you can't know for certain. We need to hear from a dev on this. I was assuming that the orange outlines indicated things that had changed, and that the numbers indicated AP cost. And so for the Warpriest/Soul diagram that would mean that the Righteous Weapons line had changed, and the cost per tier was reduced to 1 AP. But then this:
As btolson says, we need a dev to provide a key in order to avoid making assumptions about things which may impact the feedback we provide. A Righteous Weapons line at 1 AP per tier seems like a very reasonable change to me, and I said so in my original feedback. But if there has been no change then I want to suggest that the Righteous Weapons line get some changes. That doesn't have to be making it 1 AP per tier, but that would be a reasonable change. Leaving it as is makes the entire pass a fail IMO.
And then this in the AoV thread:
Oh, ya think? ****, SSG... Paraphrasing: "The only value of the chart is to help people who cannot figure out that core means core and have a hard time counting from 1-5." The chart was a communication in a post communicating change. It figures you'd manage to communicate in the worst possible way by implying meaning with a bunch of meaningless colors and numbers that 10 minutes of work could have removed from the image.
And "for the moment"??? You guys can't even hedge consistently.
Back to the Enhancement Tree feedback:
Please fix Righteous Weapons. 2 AP per tier makes the Warpriest/Soul pass completely pointless.
Last edited by Niminae; 06-22-2018 at 06:42 PM.
Basing the numbers on War Domain is a bad plan. As previously stated; other domains exist as does War Soul for FVS.
Secondly; War Priests honestly aren't going to use every deity option. In fact it's fair to say that most War Priests (even with this proposed stance) would still exclusively remain Sylvanus, Vol, Lord of Blades, Undying Court, and or Silver Flame for those ranged players.
If you're going to be a War Priest you innately work with the assumption that your options are limited by support clauses. Maul's have the bonus threat range, Vol has Vistani, Greatswords have eSoS (and now Blackrazor), Undying Court has scimitar threat range, and Silver Flame is getting ranged attacks per this pass.
After that you need to take in account named weapons for each type: Sickles only have one endgame DPS option, that's level 24, meaning your DPS will be awful at Cap and frankly Olladra's level 6 ability isn't great for any DPS build. Amaunator has synergy with Scourge Aasimar but again that's extremely niche due to the lack of named DPS weaponry. I suppose Onatar and Warhammers are nice; but War Priest has no tactics based abilities so the level ability is a bit of a wash. I can go on and on about the bad options and why this scaling wouldn't work.
Ultimately the situation is that nothing save an extensive loot and scaling system designed around the unoptimal choices will fix the non-boosted religious weapons.
Adding a light damage imbue effect for all deity weapons would be fine. However; scaling should follow the original war domain proposal.
Give all one handed weapons the 1d10 base damage; or subsequently increase each of them by 2 base. In the case of Bastard Swords give them 2d10 base. Make each die increase a rank of the Righteous Weapons line. Then add 2-5MP at each rank there isn't a die increase. For instance, daggers will need 3 ranks to hit 1d10 and will only gain 2-5MP on the fourth rank, where-as scimitars will get there after 2 ranks and will instead gain 4-10MP, warhammers gain 6-15MP. For two handers make their base die go up to 3d10. Maul's will take 2 ranks then gain 4-10mp, Greatswords would need 3 and gain 2-5MP, same for staves.
This means all of the weapon options become viable and attractive, while some gain the raw damage advantage from more melee power. Additional desirability then comes from crit profiles or rather, the availability of named loot. While you still might not see an Olladra War Priest running about, you have the ability to do such without completely gimping yourself compared to running as is.
I like the look of this proposal. I would like to go more for "If you hit for 5[1d10+2]+80 physical damage; hit for (5[1d10+2]+80)*Weapon Stance Multiplier light damage." Where the physical scales with melee power and the light damage scales with spellpower. Depending on what's easier to implement.
I think it's totally reasonable balancing around war domain, favored weapon feats and available trees in "common" splits like you've done. Even if this doesn't bring the power level of sickles up to that of mauls (because it won't); but it will help close the gap; which is a good thing.
It would be even cooler if this suggestion was combined with the one above giving different elements based on deity. But that might be getting too optimistic.
Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress
I like the changes most of em anyways.
I would really really love to see divine might on clerics work the same as on FVS. I think that would be easy to put in the tree aswell.
Over all i think the core abilitys are too weak on the cleric. If you want clerics to be more defensive give em more healing amp, drop the light and and fire spell power. if you think adding +10HAMP or so is too much. More PRR in the core ability would also be great. then drop sanctuary buff. its to slow to cast, maybe ajust add a passive +10 prr or so in that core. If you then really feel like inflame and such is so important for the tree. put that into a core ability instead and put the SLA , blur and haste in the tier abilitys. You also said divine might is to power full to be a tier 1. i sadly agree. So that might be a good swap in for a core ability instead.
With a 90 sec cooldown on inflame and only a 30 sec buff. i dont see that usefull at all anymore. Specially when you removed it as a action boost wich was usefull for alot of activeing, specially for multiclass builds.
I think it very fair that FVS gets the crit range when cleric do have the option to go war domain.
Changeing the tree from what it is now to what you have planned.. will only benefit me with +10 double strike as you will still get more DPS if you go all in on harper tree.
In short. Change the bonuses on the core abilitys. sawp some of the cores with the tiers. and bring the same Divine might to clerics as FVS have,. and you will have a very nice and well balanced war priest tree.
Cheers Deltabravo
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!
Someone suggested something like this on page 2 or 3?, making the favored weapon a multi selector, and one of the devs already responded saying it was a good idea, but one that was basically impossible. That favored weapon is tied to race intrinsicly, (Because it came from a bygone era, deep deep DEEP in the deepest depths of DDO's code) and to undo that change now, would require rewritting a combination of weapons, divines, and races, all at once together.
To put that into perspective, it took them literal years to get the manpower together to pull handwraps out of that deep pool and rewrite them for today's game. One weapon. No races. No classes. Years. - Hence "Basically impossible"
Server: Thelanis - Characters Main: Rusttttt, Sepiaaaaa, Amethysttttt - Other Alts: Flameeeee, Siennaaaaa, Rougeeeee, Roseeeee, Wineeeee, Marigolddddd, Zaffreeeee, Wisteriaaaaa, Scarlettttt, Rufousssss, Lilaccccc, Puceeeee, Azureeeee, Orchiddddd, Sinopiaaaaa, Amaranthhhhh, Violettttt, Umberrrrr, Tawnyyyyy, And More! Literally too many for the Signature!
Personally, I'm going to +1 the ideas of:
an AA style "Fire / Light / Alignment" 1d4 or 1d6 or 1d8 element thing to work in with the Favored weapons
And / Or
A Swashbuckler style Favored Weapon "Pick me Up" to bring whatever weapon you get more in line with what the cool kids consider to be "Base line level"
Server: Thelanis - Characters Main: Rusttttt, Sepiaaaaa, Amethysttttt - Other Alts: Flameeeee, Siennaaaaa, Rougeeeee, Roseeeee, Wineeeee, Marigolddddd, Zaffreeeee, Wisteriaaaaa, Scarlettttt, Rufousssss, Lilaccccc, Puceeeee, Azureeeee, Orchiddddd, Sinopiaaaaa, Amaranthhhhh, Violettttt, Umberrrrr, Tawnyyyyy, And More! Literally too many for the Signature!
so where would a 20 WF/Bladeforged melee FVS stand in the DPS hierarchy? below a barbarian I would think, and even with ESOS I think the 12 cleric/6 fighter/2x silvanus would be more dps. thoughts on the revival of a 20 WF Bladeforged? there is a lot of stuff to like in this tree, but I can't see a FVS being in the front row in endgame content. maybe I just don't have enough imagination![]()
I suppose the best question to ask would be how does the
pure 20 cleric warpriest ( going tier 5 in warpriest )
pure 20 favored war soul ( going tier 5 in war soul )
compare to the more common cleric warrior
12- 14 level cleric / favored soul
6 - 8 level fighter ( going tier 5 in kensei )
Are they remotely competitive?
No, not with the favored weapon choices we have today. If the tree was not tied to favored weapons I could see a possibility (though the splash with fighter would likely still be better due to better defenses) but with it locked behind favored weapons the only one that comes close would be a silvanus cleric, but even then a splashed silvanus cleric would still be far superior.
The overall reason isn't the weapons particularly, though they certainly don't help as only Silvanus and Vol are competitive and that's simply due to them being propped up from crits and Vistani being built around daggers.
The reason pure isn't going to compete is due to how terrible the War Priest/Soul cores are for combat builds and the tree isn't very offensively oriented compared to others. The 18 and 20 completely lack any ability to make up for cores 1, 3, and 6 of Kensai, Vanguard, or even Stalwart. In general none of the cores come competitively close to any of the other DPS trees in the game. As War Priest/Soul is arguably defensive: Each core gives +2 AC and +5 spell lore. As of this proposal some of the active abilities in this tree are going to be using melee power now. However nothing in this proposal provides melee power for scaling those abilities. Let's break down why the 6-8 fighter split is arguably king.
This is of course merely the offensive portion of things. You can still pick up Stalwart Defense stance for all of the defensive goodies and 20% HP for cheap. Which all combines as to why the Fighter multiclass is going to beat out the pure. Since Haste as a spell and Implacable Foe aren't nearly as powerful combined or even separate.
- Core 1 is really just +1 hit/damage not a big deal.
- Core 3 however is important. Spritual Bond gives you +1 Insightful Enhancement Bonus to your weapon on a vorpal for 20s, and stacks up to 10 based on your cores. I'm not sure what the maximum stackage is for this build, but we can assume it'll be atleast 3 possibly more. This bonus stacks with Righteous Weapons from War Priest/Soul. So this is increasing DPS substantially more in the case of a War Soul due to Articles of Faith; meaning you get a smidge of spellpower out of this bonus.
- Core 6 is crit damage multiplier. Something currently no War Priest/Soul is innately gaining from their tree. It also adds 3% doublestrike/shot.
- Other benefits include: Fortification reduction, + hit/dam, active attacks, melee power boosts, execution attacks (useful for epics and reaper), +1 threat range, and centering which is useful for monk splits or running GMoF.
- Final major benefit is 4 bonus feats (5 if 8 levels of fighter)
Overall the tree needs a facelift for DPS purposes. The 1d10 favored weapon buff I suggested, or the more promising Light Damage AA style imbue others suggested would help a lot in bringing up the overall damage of the tree and making the favored weapons line useful. But I don't think most changes proposed will stop or encourage people to play pure over multiclass. And I wouldn't want to see anything like the AA stance get completely tied to class levels despite being a purist proponent.
Last edited by edrein; 06-25-2018 at 05:28 AM.
New Core 3 Stance to help round up the tree's DPS. Make it count as a defensive stance and non-stackable with Swashbuckling. Allow rage to work while active.
Warrior's Spirit: While active your positive energy spells and abilities receive a 50% spellpower penalty. However while wielding your Deity's weapon of course your base damage die is increased by one. This increases by one per core taken to a cap of 1d10 for one handed weapons, and 3d10 for two handed weapons. Bastard Swords increase to 2d10 and no further. Two handed weapons start at 1d10 if the base damage die is lower, otherwise it uses the weapon's innate stats.
This promotes staying relatively pure, while not punishing multiclass builds. This also increases the offensive nature of the tree without allowing an argument of self healing getting in the way of DPS potential.
Additionally, retrofit the Righteous Weapons line to work similar to an AA imbue.
Righteous Weapons: Select one of two options, options are based on deity, Light damage is available to everyone. Passive: +1 enchantment bonus to favored weapons.
- Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d8 light damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: None
- Vol Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 negative energy damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Blood of Vol
- Vulkoor Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 poison damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Vulkoor
- Silver Flame Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 holy damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Silver Flame
- Onatar Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 fire damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Onatar
- Silvanus Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 lightning damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Silvanus
- Lord of Blades Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 slashing damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Lord of Blades
- Aureon Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 1d4 light damage on hit and 1d4 force damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Follower of Aureon
Righteous Weapons: Increase the damage die of your weapon imbue by +1. Passive: +1 enchantment bonus to favored weapons.
- Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d8 light damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Vol Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 negative energy damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Vol Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Vulkoor Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 poison damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Vulkoor Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Silver Flame Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 holy damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Silver Flame Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Onatar Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 fire damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Onatar Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Silvanus Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 lightning damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Silvanus Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Lord of Blades Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 slashing damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Lord of Blades Righteous Weapons rank 1
- Aureon Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: While wielding your deity's favored weapon you deal 2d4 light damage on hit and 2d4 force damage on hit, scales with spellpower. Requires: Aureon Righteous Weapons rank 1
-Insert Rank 3 and 4, scaling by +1 die each time similar to AA.-
Wrathful Weapons: When you score a Vorpal with your Deity's weapon you deal a burst of 10d6 light damage, gain a bonus 1d8 light damage on hit buff for 10 seconds, and apply an additional buff or debuff based on your deity. This effect scales with spellpower. Passive: +1 enchantment bonus to favored weapons.
- Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You have a chance to blind the enemy with no save on criticals. Passive: You gain ghost touch. Requires: Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Vol Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You deliver 1 negative level to the enemy on criticals. Passive: You gain Vampirism (This also applies to undead.) Requires: Vol Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Vulkoor Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You deal 1d10 random ability damage to the enemy, as well as having a chance to paralyze the enemy on criticals. -Insert scaling or high DC- Requires: Vulkoor Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Silver Flame Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You deal an additional burst of 10d6 Holy Damage on vorpals. Requires: Silver Flame Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Onatar Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You apply a stack of Vulnerability on critical hits. Passive: Weapon attacks gain Destruction. Requires: Onatar Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Silvanus Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: On Vorpals you apply Cloudburst and apply Peals of Thunder for the next 10 seconds. Requires: Silvanus Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Lord of Blades Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: You summon an allied Whirling Blade for 10 seconds on a vorpal. Requires: Lord of Blades Righteous Weapons rank 4
- Aureon Favored Weapon Imbue Toggle: On critical hits you produce an Arcane Blast centered on your target with a chance to knockdown enemies hit. Requires: Aureon Righteous Weapons rank 4
Last edited by edrein; 07-04-2018 at 10:13 PM.
New Capstone: Divine Form.
Divine Form: Form Toggle: You have ascended to truly champion the cause of your deity, as such your form has taken on new traits. (Activation Cost: 100 Spell Points. Cooldown: 30 seconds)
- Divine Form You take on the form of a Celestial Outsider. While in this form, you gain full BAB and 10% competence bonus to HP. Additionally you gain a 10% divine bonus to attack speed.
You have +100% critical hit resistance, you are immune to petrification and fear, and gain permanent Freedom of Movement.
You are considered an outsider rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects. If you are a Warforged, you are no longer considered a Living Construct, and so are immune to Repair spells, but can be healed normally by Positive Energy spells.
Requires: None- Vol's Divine Form You shroud yourself with negative energy and assume many of the traits of a vampire. While in this form, you gain full BAB and generate 25% less threat from spells and attacks.
On melee hits you heal for 2d4 point of Negative Energy damage. This scales with spell power.
You have +100% critical hit resistance, are healed by negative energy, and are unaffected by positive energy or repair effects, but take triple damage from light effects.
You are considered undead rather than your original type for the purpose of most effects.
Requires: Follower of Blood of Vol- Lord of Blade's Divine Form You have been blessed by the Lord of Blades to take on titanic power. While in this form, you gain full BAB and DR 60/Adamantine, this can stack with adamantine body and enhancements.
When active your melee attacks have a 5% chance to deal 200 slashing damage. This damage scales with 100% Melee Power.
You gain an additional +100% fortification and a chance to have a Titan's Grip spell cast on you each time you are struck in combat.
Requires: Follower of Lord of Blades- Onatar's Divine Form You have been blessed and forged anew. While in this form, you gain full BAB and construct traits:
100% base healing from Repair spells and 100% damage from Rust.
Immunity to Sleep, Hold Person, Energy Drain, Nauseated, Exhausted, and Paralyzed effects except those which physically hold you in place
Immunity to ability score damage from natural poisons and natural diseases (but are vulnerable to those that specifically affect wood or metal)
+10 Racial bonus to saving throws against magical poisons, and do not fail saving throws against them on a roll of a natural 1 (this renders you immune to magical poisons with a DC of less than 11+your Fortitude save)
You may remain underwater indefinitely without the need to breathe.
You have +100% critical hit resistance, are healed however healed fully by positive energy spells as well as Repair Spells.
When struck in combat you have a chance to have a Reconstruct spell cast on you.
Requires: Follower of Onatar
Last edited by edrein; 06-25-2018 at 08:51 AM.
A new core 6 to replace Sanctuary.
Deity's Favored Implements: Your favored weapon is considered a spellcasting implement. You additionally add a group of weapons associated to your deity to your selection of favored weapons. Passive: Gain 5 melee power.
- Generalist: You add Heavy Maces, Light Maces, Morningstars, and Quarterstaves to your list of favored weapons. Requires: None
- Vol's Favorite: You add Short Swords, Bastard swords, Long Swords, and Morningstars to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Blood of Vol
- Aureon's Favorite: You add clubs, heavy crossbows, and light crossbows to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Aureon
- Lord of Blades' Favorite: You add Long Swords, Falchions, Great Axes, and Bastard Swords to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Lord of Blades
- Olladra's Favorite: You add Light Maces, Daggers, Throwing Daggers, and Clubs to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Olladra
- Onatar's Favorite: You add Bastard Swords, Dwarven Axes, Light Repeating Crossbows, and Heavy Repeating Crossbows to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Onatar
- Silver Flame's Favorite: You add Short Bows, Clubs, Heavy maces, and Long Swords to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Silver Flame
- Sovereign Host's Favorite: You add Bastard Swords, Great Swords, Hand Axes, and Morningstars to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Sovereign Host
- Undying Court's Favorite: You add Khopseshes, Falchions, and Bastard Swords to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Undying Court
- Vulkoor's Favorite: You add Scimitars, Throwing Stars, Kukris, and Kamas to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Vulkoor
- Amaunator's Favorite: You add Light Maces, Morningstars, Mauls, and Warhammers to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Amaunator
- Helm's Favorite: You add Greatswords, Dwarven Axes, Longswords, and Great Axes to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Helm
- Silvanus' Favorite: You add Clubs, Great Clubs, and Scimitars to your list of favored weapons. Requires: Follower of Silvanus
New T4 enhancement: Blessed Articles.
Blessed Articles: Any equipped offhand item that isn't a weapon (Shields, orbs, and runearms) are given the same effects as Righteous Weapons. IE: +1 enchantment bonuses and on-hit bonuses for shields and orbs. Passive: +10% chance to shield bash (also applies to orbs).
Last edited by edrein; 06-25-2018 at 08:52 AM.